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Archer™ VARIANTPlex™ HRD Module

Laboratory Developed Test
Related tests:


HRD Classification by ASCN Diversity and Indel Repair Signatures with Anchored Multiplex PCR and Next-Generation Sequencing (AMP 2024)
Our AMP chemistry-based targeted panel and analysis method enable highly concordant HRD classifications with fewer reads than WGS and other NGS methods, and without requiring paired tumor-normal data or a panel of normals. The HRD module can be combined with any other VariantPlex panel content for simultaneous measurement of HRD, other genomic signatures, and variant calling.
Next-generation sequencing
HRD (Homologous Recombination Deficiency)
Archer™ VARIANTPlex™ HRD Module
Integrated DNA Technologies bolsters comprehensive genomic profiling solutions with launch of new Archer™ HRD technology for cancer research (Integrated DNA Technologies Press Release)
"With a history of driving innovation and collaboration in next generation sequencing (NGS), Integrated DNA Technologies is expanding its Archer portfolio of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) solutions to include homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) assessment."
Archer™ VARIANTPlex™ Complete Solid Tumor panel • Archer™ VARIANTPlex™ HRD Module • Archer™ VARIANTPlex™ Pan Solid Tumor panel