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HER-2 negative + HR positive + BRCA mutation

Other names: ERBB2, CD340, HER-2, HER2, NEU, NGL, V-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2
Entrez ID:
Trial completion • Metastases
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • BRCA1 (Breast cancer 1, early onset) • BRCA2 (Breast cancer 2, early onset) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • BAP1 (BRCA1 Associated Protein 1) • CDK12 (Cyclin dependent kinase 12) • CHEK2 (Checkpoint kinase 2) • FANCA (FA Complementation Group A) • BRIP1 (BRCA1 Interacting Protein C-terminal Helicase 1) • RAD51C (RAD51 paralog C) • RAD50 (RAD50 Double Strand Break Repair Protein) • RAD51D (RAD51 paralog D) • CHEK1 (Checkpoint kinase 1) • BARD1 (BRCA1 Associated RING Domain 1) • NBN (Nibrin Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome 1 (Nibrin)) • FANCF (FA complementation group F) • WRN (WRN RecQ Like Helicase) • FANCM (FA Complementation Group M) • FANCD2 (FA Complementation Group D2) • FANCE (FA Complementation Group E) • FANCC (FA Complementation Group C)
HER-2 positive • BRCA2 mutation • BRCA1 mutation • HR positive • HER-2 negative • ATM mutation • PALB2 mutation • CDK12 mutation • BAP1 mutation • CHEK2 mutation • BRIP1 mutation • RAD51C mutation • FANCA mutation • HR positive + HER-2 negative • RAD50 mutation • BARD1 mutation • BLM mutation • CHEK1 mutation • FANCF mutation • MRE11A mutation • NBN mutation • FANCM mutation • PTEN mutation + HR positive • CHEK1 expression • HER-2 negative + HR positive + BRCA mutation
Herceptin (trastuzumab) • Zejula (niraparib) • Puyouheng (pucotenlimab)