A case of breast cancer metastasis to the tibia that was difficult to diagnose (JBCS 2024)
A partial mastectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy were performed, and the diagnosis was T2 (23 mm), N0 (sn: 0/2), M0: Stage IIA, ER positive, PgR negative, HER2 score 0, Ki-67 index: 25%, Curebest95: H. Leuprorelin was used intermittently for uterine fibroids, but menopause had not occurred, and postoperative drug therapy was continued with tamoxifen (combined with UFT2 for 2 years after surgery) to avoid hair loss...As menopausal status was confirmed, palbociclib was administered in combination with letrozole and the patient is currently under observation. Conclusion During hormone therapy for breast cancer, knee pain is often experienced as an adverse event due to the decrease in estrogen due to aging and joint deformation. In cases such as this case where conservative treatment does not improve the condition and the condition continues for a long time, a detailed examination should be considered with the exclusion of bone metastasis in mind, although this is rare