Thyroid GuidePx reliably identifies a low-risk subgroup (early type 1 and early type 2 papillary thyroid cancers) for which conservative procedures would be appropriate. Tall cell variants in this subgroup are uncommon (1.2%), and none of the tall cell variants in this subgroup recurred. Type 3 papillary thyroid cancers have greater recurrence rates in both early and advanced papillary thyroid cancers. Tall cell variant appears to further increase recurrence in this subgroup.
While recurrence data were not available for this series of radiation-induced PTCs, Type 3 and advanced Type 1/2 cancers defined by Thyroid GuidePx® had more aggressive clinical features, including a higher rate of RET fusions, a surrogate marker for recurrence risk in radiation-induced PTC.
3 months ago
Late-breaking abstract
RET (Ret Proto-Oncogene) • RAS (Rat Sarcoma Virus)
"Dr. Oliver Bathe presented results from a study of 742 patients at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association. The study demonstrated that Thyroid GuidePx® has a 97% specificity in identifying patients with low-risk papillary thyroid cancer. This is much more accurate than the 80% specificity the conventional ATA risk stratification system identifies."
The 5‐year recurrence rate for early Type 1 PTC (enriched with Ras‐like follicular variants) was significantly lower in early PTC in comparison to advanced PTC (3.7% vs. 12%). Similarly, early Type 2 PTC had a much lower recurrence rate in comparison to advanced cancers (1.2% vs.
Thyroid GuidePx was capable of yielding repeatable gene expression measures. A classification algorithm customized for FFPE enabled reliable and repeatable classification of molecular subtypes.
"Protean BioDiagnostics and Qualisure Diagnostics Inc. announced...that both companies have entered into a strategic partnership to launch a novel diagnostic test for thyroid cancer. Thyroid GuidePx® is the first genomic classifier for papillary thyroid cancer, designed to assist clinicians treating thyroid cancer in making treatment decisions."