Association of a ctDNA biomarker of treatment response with clinical outcomes in a real-world pan-cancer cohort treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (AACR 2024)
xF monitor can be used as a strategy to identify patients at a high risk of progression who could benefit from early switch or intensifying therapy. Results need to be prospectively validated in a larger cohort.
Real-world evidence • Clinical data • Clinical • IO biomarker • Pan tumor • Circulating tumor DNA • Real-world
Tempus xF Assay • Tempus xF Monitor assay
A circulating tumor fraction DNA biomarker response stratified by ESR1 mutation status correlates with overall survival in patients with HR+ HER2- metastatic breast cancer (AACR 2024)
Patients with ESR1m acquired on AI may retain treatment response if switched to selective estrogen receptor degraders (SERDs) like fulvestrant... xF Monitor is a ctDNA assay that tracks changes in quantitative ctDNA TF and simultaneously monitors for the emergence of ESR1m, providing a diagnostic that identifies resistance to AI therapy and enables early switch to therapies that could improve outcomes in a patient population with poor prognosis. A larger prospective clinical study is needed to validate these findings.
Clinical • Metastases
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • ER (Estrogen receptor)
HER-2 negative • ER mutation • ESR1 mutation
Tempus xF Assay • Tempus xF Monitor assay
Tempus announces new ctDNA Assay, xF Monitor (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced xF Monitor – a new circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) assay for research use only, which detects and monitors changes in circulating tumor fraction to determine early response to immunotherapy for patients with advanced cancers."
Tempus xF Monitor assay