Tempus and Stemline Therapeutics, Inc., A Subsidiary of the Menarini Group, Announce Collaboration to Implement Tempus Next, an AI-Enabled Care Pathway Intelligence Platform to Support Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer (GlobeNewswire)
"Tempus AI, Inc...and the Menarini Group...today announced a new collaboration. The two companies will leverage Next – Tempus’ AI-enabled care pathway intelligence platform – to help clinicians determine when an ESR1 test may be appropriate....Tempus’ Next platform will analyze clinical data from mBC patients treated in certain centers and notify clinicians when ESR1 testing is missing at disease progression. By providing these timely notifications directly into the physicians’ workflow, Next helps support the appropriate integration of this critical step into the patient’s treatment journey in an effort to optimize care and potential outcomes."
Licensing / partnership • Commercial
Tempus completes acquisition of Ambry Genetics (Businesswire)
"Tempus AI...today announced it has completed its acquisition of Ambry Genetics, a recognized leader in genetic testing that aims to improve health by understanding the relationship between genetics and disease."
Tempus Announces the National Launch of FDA-Approved xT CDx Test (Businesswire)
"Tempus AI, Inc...today announced the national launch of the company’s FDA-approved, NGS-based in vitro diagnostic device, xT CDx. Beginning today, xT CDx is now available for all ordering clinicians nationwide. xT CDx is a FDA-approved test that delivers comprehensive insights with one of the largest reported gene panels available....xT CDx is a 648-gene next-generation sequencing test for solid tumor profiling, which includes microsatellite instability status and companion diagnostic claims for colorectal cancer patients."
Tempus xT Assay
Tempus Announces Its First-Ever, Whole-Genome Sequencing Assay, xH (Businesswire)
"Tempus AI...announced the company is developing its first whole-genome sequencing test, xH. This test marks Tempus’ first foray into adopting whole-genome sequencing (WGS) as a platform, supporting clinicians with detection of all clinically-relevant variants and advancing the landscape of personalized therapy, specifically in hematological oncology."
Tempus xH assay
Tempus Announces Four Abstracts Accepted for Presentation at the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (Businesswire)
"Highlights of this year’s Tempus presentations include...Compared to tissue testing alone, concurrent solid tissue and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) testing identified an additional 20% of patients with actionable findings, reducing the need for repeat biopsies and associated adverse events. In a simulated cohort, concurrent testing detected 92 more patients with actionable variants compared to tissue testing alone and prevented 24 additional biopsies at an incremental cost of $2,715 per patient—less than the cost of an extra liquid biopsy....A retrospective analysis from the Tempus database revealed that patients with Metaplastic breast cancer (MpBC), a rare, aggressive subtype with a dismal prognosis, had a distinct molecular phenotype compared to non-MpBC. In patients with MpBC, there was a higher prevalence of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), and a distinct somatic alteration profile."
Clinical data • HEOR
Tempus molecular profiling integration now available through Flatiron’s OncoEMR® (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...today announced the collaboration with Flatiron Health, a leading healthtech company dedicated to expanding the possibilities of point of care solutions in oncology, to integrate its comprehensive genomic testing directly into Flatiron’s cloud-based Electronic Medical Record (EMR) platform, OncoEMR® through the Molecular Profiling Integration (MPI)."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus Announces Nine Abstracts Accepted for Presentation at the 2024 Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting (Businesswire)
"This study aimed to predict patient outcomes to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) by developing an integrated DNA/RNA ICI biomarker. A de-identified pan-cancer cohort from the Tempus multimodal real-world database was utilized to develop and validate the Immune Profile Score (IPS) algorithm that leverages Tempus xT (DNA sequencing) and xR (RNA sequencing). The researchers found that IPS status can be used to stratify patient cohorts and prognosticate ICI-treatment response....The team analyzed real-world imaging patterns from a cohort of 4,147 advanced cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) across five solid tumor types....Incorporating these patterns into a microsimulation model, the team demonstrated that using the molecular biomarker in conjunction with CT imaging provided substantial cost savings and reduced inappropriate therapy compared to imaging alone, with the most benefit observed in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) treated with ICI-chemotherapy."
Real-world evidence • Clinical data
Tempus xT Assay • Tempus xR
Letter from Tom Schoenherr, CEO: Definitive Agreement for Acquisition of Ambry Genetics by Tempus AI (Ambry Genetics Press Release)
"We have entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Tempus AI, a company advancing precision medicine through the practical application of artificial intelligence in healthcare. We anticipate the acquisition to officially close in the first quarter of 2025 and look forward to empowering our shared goal of improving patient outcomes."
Tempus Announces the Clinical Launch of its Immune Profile Score Algorithmic Test (Businesswire)
"Tempus AI...announced the clinical launch of its Immune Profile Score (IPS) algorithmic test. IPS, which is now available for clinicians to order, is a multimodal biomarker that can be used as a prognostic indicator for adult patients with stage IV and metastatic pan-solid tumors who are already considered candidates for immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-based therapy. Tempus is presenting the results of its validation study at the 2024 Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Annual Meeting, which demonstrated that IPS-High patients in the study were more likely to have an overall survival benefit while receiving ICI-based therapy than IPS-Low patients in the study (HR 0.45). Tempus validated IPS in a retrospective study involving 1,600 metastatic and/or stage IV adult patients with 19 different solid tumor types from the company’s real-world de-identified database."
Clinical data • Launch
Immune Profile Score Algorithmic Test
Tempus announces collaboration with JW Pharmaceutical to apply real-world data and biological modeling to enhance early research and development (Tempus Press Release)
Tempus...today announced a collaboration with JW Pharmaceutical...to leverage both real-world data (RWD) and biological modeling to support efficient hypothesis generation and rapid validation in early therapeutic research in oncology. JW Pharma is an early adopter of integrating RWD into drug research and development programs, and it is now tapping into Tempus’ rich multimodal dataset and extensive repository of organoid models to accelerate its efforts in multiple indications."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus and Northwestern Medicine announce collaboration to bring practical application of AI to healthcare (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...and Northwestern Medicine...today announced a collaboration that aims to explore the application of artificial intelligence in clinical care and research. The collaboration, which is expected to span across several disease conditions over time, will start with the Northwestern Medicine Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute, a nationally recognized destination for specialized cardiovascular care and advancing discovery."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus Announces Real World Data Collaboration with BioNTech (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus AI...today announced a multi-year collaboration with BioNTech SE... This collaboration leverages Tempus’ robust multimodal datasets in support of BioNTech’s next-generation oncolo- gy pipeline."
Real-world evidence • Licensing / partnership
BerGenBio Collaborates with Tempus to Potentially Accelerate Development in STK11m Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (PRNewswire)
"BerGenBio ASA...announced today a collaboration with Tempus...to advance the clinical development of BerGenBio's selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib in first line (1L) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) patients with STK11 mutations (STK11m). BerGenBio's on-going BGBC016 Phase 1b/2a trial is designed to assess the benefit of adding bemcentinib to the current standard of care treatment (immunotherapy + doublet chemotherapy) in 1L STK11m patients, a population with poor outcomes and no specific therapies today.....Upon conclusion of the BGBC016 study, the parties intend to present insights derived from the resulting data to appropriate regulatory agencies as a next step in the further development of bemcentinib."
Licensing / partnership
bemcentinib (BGB324)
Tempus AI, personalis expand commercialization partnership for MRD test with $36m investment (Genomeweb)
"Personalis and Tempus AI...they are expanding their commercial relationship, with Tempus investing approximately $36 million into Personalis and accelerating its commercialization efforts for Personalis' minimal residual disease test."
Licensing / partnership
NPJ Precision Oncology Publishes Tempus Study on Validation of its HLA-LOH Investigational Assay (Businesswire)
P=Obs | N=200 | BASECAMP-1 (NCT04981119) | Sponsor: A2 Biotherapeutics Inc. | "Tempus AI...announced that the validation study of its human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loss of heterozygosity (LOH) investigational assay has been published in npj Precision Oncology...the study included analytical validation of an investigational test that detects HLA-LOH based on analysis of data generated from Tempus’ FDA-approved, next generation sequencing-based xT CDx assay...The study evaluated the test’s ability to accurately detect HLA-LOH in clinical samples with >=40% tumor cells. In collaboration with A2 Biotherapeutics, Tempus analyzed data from an observational clinical trial (NCT04981119), and demonstrated the feasibility of identifying HLA-LOH patients and accruing them into prospective studies by leveraging analysis of routinely obtained clinical diagnostic data. Results support the assay's use as an investigational device for precision oncology clinical trial use."
Observational data
Tempus HLA-LOH assay
Tempus Next Launches New Algorithm to Close Care Gaps in Guideline-Directed IHC Testing, Starting with HER2 (Businesswire)
"Tempus AI, Inc...today announced the launch of a new program specifically geared towards using algorithms to surface patients who are more likely to test positive for actionable biomarkers, and who should receive confirmatory testing in accordance with clinical guidelines. This program is part of the larger Tempus Next platform, which is designed to identify care gaps and equip clinicians with actionable insights at the point of care. The new Next program is now available and initially focused on the identification of care gaps associated with the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) testing recommended under clinical guidelines for patients with select metastatic cancers....As part of the initial launch, Tempus has built an algorithm that runs as part of xR, the company’s RNA sequencing assay, to help surface patients who are particularly likely to benefit from on-guideline immunohistochemistry (IHC) testing."
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2)
Tempus xR
Tempus Announces Expanded Data and Sequencing Collaboration with Remix Therapeutics (Businesswire)
"Tempus AI, Inc...announced an expanded collaboration with Remix Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing small molecule therapies to modulate RNA processing and address underlying drivers of disease. The collaboration between Remix and Tempus began with the licensing of specific, de-identified data cohorts and has since expanded into a broader, strategic alliance. Remix is leveraging Tempus’ multimodal data to interrogate specific cohorts, including Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) with Tempus’ data analytics platform, Lens. The newly expanded scope of work also includes next-generation sequencing support for Remix’s Phase I trial for REM-422, the company’s potent, selective, oral small molecule messenger RNA (mRNA) degrader."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus surpasses 500 research publications (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus AI...has reached a research milestone of over 500 research publications. In the last eight years, Tempus has invested in rigorous scientific research to validate its diagnostic offerings, while also working with biopharma and academic collaborators to publish research supported by the company’s multimodal data library."
Clinical data
American Medical Association Grants PLA Code to Tempus Algorithmic Test, PurISTSM (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus AI...announced that the company’s PurISTSM algorithmic test has received a proprietary laboratory analysis (PLA) code from the American Medical Association (AMA)."
PurIST℠ Test
CMS Awards Tempus With Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Test (ADLT) Status for its xT CDx Test (Businesswire)
"Tempus AI, Inc...today announced that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has granted Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Test (ADLT) status for Tempus’ next-generation sequencing assay, xT CDx. xT....This CMS determination affirms that Tempus’ xT CDx meets the rigorous criteria for new ADLT status, which is reserved for novel products that provide new clinical diagnostic information that cannot be obtained any other way, or products cleared or approved by the FDA. The initial ADLT rate established by CMS is $4,500. During the nine-month period beginning July 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2025, Tempus shall be reimbursed the established ADLT rate while it collects and submits to CMS the private payor payment amounts for xT CDx. Beginning April 1, 2025, CMS will establish a new Medicare rate based on the weighted median of private payer amounts."
Medicare • Reimbursement • Medicaid
Tempus xT Assay
Guardant Health sues Tempus for patent infringement (Genomeweb)
"Guardant Health filed a lawsuit...against rival cancer genomics firm Tempus AI, alleging that Tempus has infringed a handful of its patents relating to liquid biopsy sequencing methods...Guardant specifically cited Tempus' Tempus xF, Tempus xF+, and Tempus xM Monitor assays as examples, as well as the firm's recently developed minimal residual disease offering, Tempus xM MRD."
Patent • Corporate lawsuit
Tempus xF Assay • Tempus xF+ Panel • Tempus xM
Tempus Introduces New HER2 & FOLR1 Testing Solutions to Support Personalized Patient Care (Businesswire)
"Tempus...announced new testing solutions to help physicians identify patients with HER2 or FOLR1 expressing tumors, which may make such patients eligible for targeted therapies such as antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs). HER2 and FOLR1 testing by immunohistochemistry (IHC) is now available for all solid tumor cancers as an add-on to the company’s xT or xR next-generation sequencing assays....Tempus is now offering these two IHC tests, which are recommended in clinical guidelines for several cancer types and may be ordered for other cancer types at the clinician's discretion. The new offerings further expand Tempus’ comprehensive portfolio of testing solutions that is designed to help physicians maximize and optimize treatment options for each of their patients."
Clinical data
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • FOLR1 ( Folate receptor alpha )
Tempus exhibits 16 abstracts at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced the company is scheduled to exhibit 16 abstracts at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO®) Annual Meeting, which convenes from May 31-June 4 in Chicago, Illinois. This year, Tempus is presenting its latest research, including new data from its minimal residual disease (MRD) assay, xM."
Clinical data
Tempus xM
Tempus Announces Expansion of Collaboration with AstraZeneca to Leverage Tempus Next to Support Guideline-directed Biomarker Testing in NSCLC (Businesswire)
"Tempus...today announces an expansion of its collaboration with AstraZeneca, which leverages Tempus Next to arm physicians with technology that supports the delivery of guideline-directed biomarker testing for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The magnitude and frequency of updates to oncology guidelines each year make it difficult for the updates to be rapidly incorporated into patient treatment plans. As part of a larger, strategic collaboration, the two companies are now expanding upon a pilot program that utilizes Next, Tempus’ care pathway intelligence platform, to help physicians determine if their patients with NSCLC may benefit from guideline-directed molecular testing, including testing for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations."
Licensing / partnership
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor)
Tempus Introduces its AI-enabled Care Pathway Intelligence Platform, Tempus Next (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...is introducing Tempus Next, a care pathway intelligence platform. By harnessing the power of AI, Tempus Next identifies care gaps and equips clinicians with actionable insights at the point of care, supporting access to the most up-to-date, guideline-directed treatments."
Clinical data
Tempus announces the clinical launch of p-MSI, its MSI-high predictive algorithm for patients with prostate cancer (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announces the clinical launch of p-MSI, a digital pathology algorithm using H&E whole slide images that is available with the company’s xT assay for patients with prostate cancer. This offering aims to identify patients who may be more likely than the average patient with prostate cancer to have a tumor that is microsatellite instability high (MSI-H), and therefore potentially eligible for immunotherapy."
Tempus xT Assay
Tempus contributes de-identified cancer data to planned data enclave (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced a generous data contribution of de-identified tumor profiles with limited associated clinical information from more than 3,000 cancer diagnoses to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This is a first of its kind contribution to NCI’s planned Data Enclave and will support the NCI’s mission of advancing cancer research by learning from each individual with cancer."
Ambry Genetics announces a collaboration with Tempus to advance paired germline and somatic testing services for medical oncologists (Ambry Genetics Press Release)
"Ambry Genetics...and Tempus...announced today that they have entered into a strategic collaboration to offer best-in-class, comprehensive, germline and somatic testing services...As part of the agreement, Ambry is performing germline sequencing assays for Tempus, powered by Ambry’s CancerNext®️ and CancerNext-Expanded®️ assays...Tempus’ xG and xG+ germline assays are a part of Tempus' extensive portfolio of oncology-focused testing solutions that maximize biomarker detection and identify actionable variants linked to targeted therapy and clinical trial options."
Licensing / partnership
CancerNext ® • CancerNext-Expanded® • Tempus xG • Tempus xG+
Tempus expanding access to its next-generation sequencing tests as an in-network provider for Cigna (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced that the company has signed an agreement for in-network provider status with Cigna Healthcare. The collaboration signifies an important stride in enhancing accessibility to Tempus’ array of molecular profiling tests for Cigna’s extensive network, which comprises approximately 16 million members."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus is now an In-Network provider for Humana, expanding access to its next-generation sequencing tests (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced that the company has signed agreements for in-network provider status with Humana Inc. Under the agreement, Humana’s over 13 million members will have improved access to Tempus’ portfolio of molecular profiling tests in accordance with their medical policies, expanding precision oncology care throughout the country."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus Introduces xM to Assess Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) in Patients with Colorectal Cancer (CRC) for Research Use Only (Businesswire)
"Tempus...today announced the addition of a novel MRD assay, xM, to its comprehensive testing solutions. The tumor-naïve plasma based test is available for research use only to detect circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the blood of patients with early stage CRC after surgery...xM is a liquid biopsy approach to MRD assessment, where no baseline tumor tissue is required...At the 2024 ASCO® Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, Tempus is presenting research that demonstrates xM’s ability to detect clinical recurrence of early stage CRC with high clinical specificity (94%) and sensitivity (53%) at a landmark single time point 4 weeks after curative surgery. In addition to the data being presented, Tempus is still running further clinical validation studies, through which it expects these numbers could improve over time."
Clinical data • Circulating tumor DNA
Tempus announces participation in National Cancer Institute’s ComboMATCH trials (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced its participation in the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) ComboMATCH group of precision medicine trials. The ComboMATCH trials aim to pair patients with a therapy that has the potential to manage their tumor and help assist physicians in devising more effective treatment strategies for individuals with locally advanced or advanced solid tumors. Tempus is one of the NCI-designated commercial laboratories for the initiative...Oncologists at participating ComboMATCH clinical sites can leverage their patients’ results from Tempus’ signature xT assay to determine their potential suitability for the program’s treatment trials."
Tempus xT Assay
SkylineDx Announces Commercial Collaboration with Tempus to Advance Patient Care with its Merlin Test (PRNewswire)
"SkylineDx...is announcing a strategic commercial collaboration with Tempus, a leader in precision medicine. This collaboration aims to advance patient care by expanding the accessibility to the SkylineDx Merlin™ Test, further solidifying both companies' commitment to improving patient outcomes...The Merlin™ Test is a molecular diagnostic tool developed by SkylineDx, designed to provide personalized insights into early-stage melanoma cancer patients' treatment options....This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the journey to advance precision medicine and personalized healthcare. By combining the strengths of SkylineDx and Tempus, the collaboration is poised to further improve accessibility for patients to the latest medical innovations."
Licensing / partnership
Merlin Assay
Personalis and Tempus enter into a strategic collaboration to advance cancer testing (Personalis Press Release)
"Personalis, Inc...and Tempus Labs, Inc...announced a strategic collaboration to co-commercialize NeXT Personal® Dx, Personalis’ whole genome-based liquid biopsy laboratory developed test (LDT) for detection of molecular residual disease (MRD) and recurrence in cancer. NeXT Personal Dx is a leap forward in tumor-informed approaches, setting the new standard in performance of MRD tests with unprecedented sensitivity and high specificity. The test was launched by Personalis in October of this year."
Licensing / partnership
NeXT Personal™
Tempus welcomes City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center to Tempus+ community (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced that City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center has joined Tempus+, a proprietary program that powers collaborative precision oncology research through the use of real-world data. The Tempus+ community of researchers represents over 30 medical centers that are leveraging the program to advance its research."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus announces Medicare coverage for Tempus|xT across solid tumor and hematologic malignancies (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced that Palmetto GBA, a Medicare Administrative Contractor, and the Molecular Diagnostics Services Program (MolDx) has approved coverage for Tempus|xT, Tempus’ 648-gene DNA sequencing panel, for use in solid tumor and hematologic malignancies, performed in Tempus’ CAP/CLIA laboratory located in Research Triangle Park in North Carolina."
Medicare • Reimbursement
Tempus xT Assay
Tempus announces new strategic collaboration with Recursion to advance therapeutic development (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced a multi-year, strategic collaboration with Recursion...The two companies are working together to advance biomarker-driven therapeutic development with a data-first approach...Through this collaboration, Recursion has access to Tempus’ library of de-identified, multimodal data to derive insights that have the potential to further Recursion’s therapeutic development."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus announces research collaboration with Bristol Myers Squibb to apply multimodal AI approaches (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced a multi-year, strategic research collaboration with Bristol Myers Squibb...The two companies will work together to identify new targets and validate them faster and with higher confidence using multimodal datasets, computational approaches, and patient-derived disease models in specific cancer disease areas."
Licensing / partnership
Tempus announces new ctDNA Assay, xF Monitor (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced xF Monitor – a new circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) assay for research use only, which detects and monitors changes in circulating tumor fraction to determine early response to immunotherapy for patients with advanced cancers."
Tempus xF Monitor assay
Tempus announces eight abstracts accepted for presentation at the 2023 Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced eight abstracts were accepted for presentation at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer’s (SITC) 38th Annual Meeting, which convenes in San Diego, California, from November 1-5, 2023."
Clinical data
Tempus xF Assay
Tempus announces five abstracts accepted for presentation at the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2023 (Tempus Press Release)
"Tempus...announced five abstracts were accepted for presentation at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress 2023, which convenes in Madrid, Spain, from October 20-24, 2023."
Clinical data