RAF1 mediates the FSH signaling pathway as a downstream molecule to stimulate estradiol synthesis and secretion in mouse ovarian granulosa cells. (PubMed, Ann Transl Med)
The process is blocked by treating granulosa cells (GCs) with the RAF1 inhibitor, RAF709...Our in vitro and in vivo studies clearly illustrate RAF1 plays an important medium adjusting role in the FSH signaling pathway, and RAF1 acting as a downstream molecule to trigger ERK phosphorylation to stimulate GC E2 synthesis and secretion. RAF1 plays a pivotal mediating role in the FSH signaling pathway by inducing the phosphorylation of ERK and promoting E2 synthesis.
Preclinical • Journal
RAF1 (Raf-1 Proto-Oncogene Serine/Threonine Kinase)