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PTEN expression

Other names: PTEN, Phosphatase and tensin homolog, Mutated In Multiple Advanced Cancers 1, Phosphatase And Tensin Homolog, Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-Trisphosphate 3-Phosphatase And Dual-Specificity Protein Phosphatase PTEN, MMAC1, TEP1, MMAC1 Phosphatase And Tensin Homolog Deleted On Chromosome 10, Mitochondrial Phosphatase And Tensin Protein Alpha, Phosphatase And Tensin-Like Protein, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Mitochondrial PTENalpha, PTENbeta, PTEN1, CWS1, GLM2, MHAM
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Related biomarkers:
Disruption of lipid raft reverses drug resistance in colorectal cancer cells through the phosphatase and tensin homolog/phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B pathway and P-glycoprotein. (PubMed, Neoplasma)
In addition, we also found that P-gp activity inhibition resulted in increased adriamycin accumulation and reversal of resistance, and flotillin knockdown was accompanied by a downregulation of P-gp expression in CRC cells. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that flotillin knockdown could reverse drug resistance in CRC cells by downregulating the PTEN/PI3K/AKT pathway and P-gp.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
PTEN expression
doxorubicin hydrochloride
Apigenin enhancing oxidative resistance and proteostasis to extend lifespan via PTEN-mediated AKT signalling pathway. (PubMed, Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis)
In a high-sucrose diet (HSD) model, Apigenin treatment extended lifespan, reduced hemolymph glucose levels, enhanced Pten expression, suppressed AKT phosphorylation, and modulated the phosphorylation status of S6K and expression of DmFoxo. These results demonstrate that apigenin could serve as a longevity research object and potential therapeutic drug for promoting health and longevity through its antioxidant and proteostatic properties.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • AKT1 (V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1)
PTEN expression
The Suppression of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription-3 in A549 human Lung Carcinoma Cells Induced by Marine Sponge Callyspongia aerizusa. (PubMed, J Exp Pharmacol)
In conclusion, the ergosteroids present in marine sponge C. aerizusa extract signified a remarkable reduction in malignancy, migration, and invasion capabilities in A549 lung carcinoma cells. These results suggested their promising candidacy for future anti-angiogenesis in anticancer therapy.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • IL6 (Interleukin 6) • HIF1A (Hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit) • STAT3 (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3)
PTEN expression • HIF1A expression • IL6 expression
Complex immunohistochemical and molecular study on 5 cases of ovarian juvenile granulosa cell tumors reveals a consistent alteration in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. (PubMed, Diagn Pathol)
The results of our study further support the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of JGCT may be driven by activation of the PIK3/AKT/mTOR pathway. These findings could potentially have future therapeutic implications, as treatment strategies targeting the PTEN/mTOR pathways are currently under investigation.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • AR (Androgen receptor) • ARID1A (AT-rich interaction domain 1A) • TERT (Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase) • SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • WT1 (WT1 Transcription Factor) • NKX2-1 (NK2 Homeobox 1) • CA9 (Carbonic anhydrase 9) • MUC4 (Mucin 4, Cell Surface Associated) • SALL4 (Spalt Like Transcription Factor 4) • CD99 (CD99 Molecule) • EP400 (E1A Binding Protein P400) • GATA3 (GATA binding protein 3) • NAPSA (Napsin A Aspartic Peptidase) • FOXL2 (Forkhead Box L2)
PD-L1 expression • HER-2 negative • HER-2 expression • PTEN expression • AKT1 mutation • TERT mutation • TP53 expression • MUC4 expression • CA9 expression
Comparison of cytogenetic and molecular features observed in endometrial cancers: known clinic and difficulties in treatment. (PubMed, Cir Cir)
The up-regulation of tumor suppressor genes in our study shows that not only these genes are involved but also different pathways and factors play a role in tumorigenesis. Furthermore, an increased number of NCCAs shows an essential role in the development of ECs.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • ARID1A (AT-rich interaction domain 1A) • POLE (DNA Polymerase Epsilon)
PTEN expression • TP53 expression
Trial completion date
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1)
PTEN expression • TSC1 mutation • TSC2 mutation
samotolisib (LY3023414)
Potential Contribution of Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor to PI3K/AKT Pathway Dysregulation in Canine Soft Tissue Sarcoma. (PubMed, In Vivo)
EGFR over-expression, rather than PTEN loss or PIK3CA mutations, may contribute to PI3K/AKT pathway dysregulation in canine STS. Further studies with larger sample sizes and additional validation techniques are necessary to confirm these findings.
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
EGFR mutation • PIK3CA mutation • EGFR expression • PTEN expression • EGFR positive • EGFR mutation + PIK3CA mutation • PIK3CA expression • PIK3CA overexpression
MiR-363-3p induces tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cells through PTEN modulation. (PubMed, Sci Rep)
Ultimately, miR-363-3p decreased the responsiveness of breast cancer cells to TAM by targeting and suppressing PTEN through a mechanism associated with the PI3K-Akt pathway. Therefore, these results suggest that miR-363-3p-dependent PTEN expression contributes to the mechanisms underlying breast cancer endocrine resistance.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • MIR363 (MicroRNA 363)
PTEN expression
Tumor hypoxia evidences the differential regulation of Mdm2-p53 axis by PTEN in tumor derived vs. normal endothelial cells. (PubMed, Sci Rep)
In conclusion, the PTEN-mediated control of pathological angiogenesis occurs by modulation of Mdm2/p53 interaction in the context of breast tumor microenvironment. PTEN emerges as a potential therapeutic target for normalizing tumor vessels in breast cancer treatment strategies.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • MDM2 (E3 ubiquitin protein ligase)
PTEN expression
Role of KIF20A Depletion in Inhibiting Ovarian Cancer Progression: Insights From PTEN and M2 Macrophage Polarization. (PubMed, Discov Med)
KIF20A was found to induce M2 macrophage polarization in ovarian cancer, and KIF20A depletion regulated PTEN to increase radiosensitivity and inhibit ovarian cancer development.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • KIF20A (Kinesin Family Member 20A)
PTEN expression
miR-105-5p/PTEN Axis Modulates the Immune Response and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Colon Cancer via NF-κB Activation. (PubMed, J Biochem Mol Toxicol)
It also distinctly deactivated the NF-κB pathway. To sum up, these data indicated that miR-105-5p depletion might impede EMT, yet enhance the immune response in CC by elevating PTEN expressions via deactivation of the NF-κB pathway.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • IL6 (Interleukin 6) • TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) • IL1B (Interleukin 1, beta) • NFKBIA (NFKB Inhibitor Alpha 2) • MIR105 (MicroRNA 105) • RELA (RELA Proto-Oncogene)
PTEN expression • RELA expression
Metformin protects prepubertal mice ovarian reserve against cyclophosphamide via regulation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway and Yap-1. (PubMed, J Ovarian Res)
Our results advocate for the potential of metformin as a viable therapeutic option for preserving ovarian function in cyclophosphamide-treated adolescent girls, given its favorable side effect profile and ability to improve cyclophosphamide-induced ovarian damage.
Preclinical • Journal • IO biomarker
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • RAD51 (RAD51 Homolog A) • YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • BAX (BCL2-associated X protein)
PTEN expression • TP53 expression • BAX expression
cyclophosphamide • metformin
Rose roxburghii polysaccharide-induced apoptosis of prostate cancer DU145 cells by inhibiting PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and antioxidant effects (PubMed, Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi)
R. roxburghii polysaccharides may inhibit the proliferation of DU145 cells and induce its apoptosis by inhibiting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and clearing intracellular ROS.
Journal • IO biomarker
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • BAX (BCL2-associated X protein)
BCL2 expression • PTEN expression • BAX expression
Overexpression of ELF3 in the PTEN-deficient lung epithelium promotes lung cancer development by inhibiting ferroptosis. (PubMed, Cell Death Dis)
Erastin-mediated inhibition of SCL7A11 induced ferroptosis in cells with ELF3 overexpression and PTEN deficiency and thus inhibited cell colony formation and tumor development...ELF3 and SCL7A11 expression levels were negatively associated with lung cancer patients' survival rates. In summary, ferroptosis induction can effectively attenuate lung tumor development induced by ELF3 overexpression and PTEN downregulation or loss-of-function mutations.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • ELF3 (E74 Like ETS Transcription Factor 3)
PTEN expression • PTEN-L
microRNA-875-5p-conjugated gold nanoparticles suppress breast cancer progression through the MTDH/PTEN/AKT signaling pathway. (PubMed, Discov Oncol)
AuNPs can deliver miR-875-5p to BC cells, and AuNP-miR-875-5p has clinical potential for treating unresectable BC.
MTDH (Metadherin)
PTEN expression
PTEN inhibits epithelial mesenchymal transition of thyroid cancer cells by regulating the Wnt/β-Catenin signaling pathway. (PubMed, Discov Oncol)
PTEN functions to inhibit EMT and the invasive and migratory characteristics of THCA cells by blocking the activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • CDH1 (Cadherin 1) • VIM (Vimentin) • CDH2 (Cadherin 2)
PTEN expression • CDH1 expression • VIM expression
The PRL2 Phosphatase Upregulates miR-21 through Activation of the JAK2/STAT3 Pathway to Downregulate the PTEN Tumor Suppressor. (PubMed, Biochem J)
Our study defines a new functional role of PRL2 in PTEN regulation through a miR-21-dependent post-transcriptional mechanism, in addition to our previously reported NEDD4-dependent post-translational PTEN regulation. Together, these studies further establish the PRLs as negative regulators of PTEN.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • MIR21 (MicroRNA 21) • PRL (Prolactin) • NEDD4 (NEDD4 E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase)
PTEN expression • miR-21 expression
Pleiotropic tumor suppressive functions of PTEN missense mutations during gliomagenesis. (PubMed, iScience)
Moreover, expression of these PTEN mutations heightened EGFR activity by sequestering EGFR within endomembranes longer and affected its signaling behavior. Through comprehensive studies on global protein phosphorylation and kinase library analyses in cells with the G36E and L42R PTEN mutations, we identified distinct cancer-promoting pathways activated by EGFR, offering targets for treating GBM with these PTEN alterations.
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
EGFR mutation • PTEN mutation • PTEN expression
ERG and PTEN Role on Active Surveillance for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer in the Multiparametric MRI Era. (PubMed, Prostate)
Neither ERG-positive nor PTEN loss were associated with upgrading during AS. ERG and PTEN biomarkers, despite commonly studied in advanced PCa, have yet no defined role in very low-risk PCa under AS. PI-RADS score was an independent predictor of GS upgrading and extreme upgrading during AS.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
ER positive • PTEN expression • PTEN positive
High interobserver variability of PTEN immunohistochemistry defining PTEN status in low- to intermediate-risk prostate cancer: results of the first German ring trial. (PubMed, Virchows Arch)
Finally, we identify S473-pAKT immunohistochemistry as a useful marker in equivocal cases. In summary, this multi-institutional ring trial illustrates surprisingly heterogeneous outcomes in defining PTEN status by immunohistochemistry.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
PTEN expression
The toxicity of lead on human neuroblastoma cells was alleviated by HUC-MSC-derived exosomes through miR-26a-5p/PTEN pathway. (PubMed, Food Chem Toxicol)
While HUC-MSC-exo could significantly alleviate the cytotoxicity, apoptosis and inflammatory effects induced by lead on SH-SY5Y cells via partially restoring miR-26a-5p/PTEN pathway. Herein, we conclude that HUC-MSC-exo can alleviate lead-induced toxic effects on SH-SY5Y cells partially through miR-26a-5p/PTEN pathway.
IL6 (Interleukin 6) • TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) • CD9 (CD9 Molecule) • IL1B (Interleukin 1, beta) • CD81 (CD81 Molecule) • MIR26A1 (MicroRNA 26a-1)
PTEN expression
Newcastle disease virus harboring the PTEN gene inhibits pancreatic cancer growth by inhibiting PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling and activating apoptosis. (PubMed, Mol Ther Oncol)
These findings support the potential of rNDV-PTEN as a safe and effective therapy for PDAC with highly activated PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling caused by KRAS and PTEN gene mutations. Thus, PTEN gene-containing rNDV may be a promising candidate for pancreatic cancer treatment.
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
KRAS mutation • PTEN mutation • PTEN expression
Comprehensive gene set enrichment and variation analyses identify SUV39H1 as a potential prognostic biomarker for glioblastoma immunorelevance. (PubMed, Comput Struct Biotechnol J)
Inhibition of SUV39H1 restrains GBM growth and reduces the stem cell properties of GSC. Thus, SUV39H1 might be a prognostic predictor and immunotherapeutic target in patients with GBM.
Journal • IO biomarker
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • SOX2 • IL18 (Interleukin 18) • NES (Nestin) • CRYAB (Crystallin Alpha B) • PTPRZ1 (Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type Z1) • SUV39H1 (SUV39H1 Histone Lysine Methyltransferase)
TP53 mutation • PTEN mutation • PTEN expression
PFKP Lactylation Promotes the Ovarian Cancer Progression Through Targeting PTEN. (PubMed, Biochem Genet)
Animal study results demonstrated that PFKP inhibition curtailed OC tumor growth by modulating PTEN expression. Collectively, these results suggested that lactylation of PFKP at the K392 residue promoted glycolysis in OC cells by regulating PTEN, thereby facilitating the disease's progression.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • PFKP (Phosphofructokinase, Platelet)
PTEN expression
ATM-deficient murine thymic T-cell lymphoblastic lymphomas are PTEN-deficient and require AKT signaling for survival. (PubMed, PLoS One)
In addition, all T-LBLs demonstrate constitutive expression of pAKT, indicating the presence of activated AKT signaling, and are sensitive to treatment with the pan-AKT inhibitor MK-2206, suggesting that these lymphomas are dependent on pAKT signaling for their survival. Lastly, ATM-deficiency itself does not cause loss of PTEN or dysregulated AKT signaling, as ATM-deficient non-malignant thymocytes express wild-type levels of PTEN and lack detectable pAKT. This study demonstrates for the first time that the majority of ATM-deficient thymic T-LBLs lose PTEN expression and all depend on AKT signaling for survival, suggesting their potential use as an animal model for PI3K/AKT/MTOR pathway dysfunction in human T-ALL.
Preclinical • Journal
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • ATM (ATM serine/threonine kinase)
PTEN expression • ATM expression • PTEN negative
Combination of Gene Therapy and Chemotherapy in a New Targeted Hybrid Nanosystem to Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (PubMed, Int J Nanomedicine)
The combination of targeted therapy drugs, such as selumetinib and perifosine that inhibit cell signaling pathways involved in cell survival and proliferation, with the expression of tumor suppressor transgenes, such as PTEN, may result in an efficient therapeutic approach against HCC. Moreover, the achieved data revealed that this innovative nanosystem presents a high antitumor effect, demonstrated not only by the enhancement on the programmed cell death, but also by the reduction in cell proliferation capacity. The generated formulation shows a high anticancer effect, demonstrating a high translational potential for future clinical application in HCC treatment.
Journal • Gene therapy
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
PTEN expression
Koselugo (selumetinib) • perifosine (D21266)
A molecular and immunohistochemical study of 37 cases of ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor. (PubMed, Virchows Arch)
DICER1MUT and DICER1WT tumors showed different mRNA expression profiles. The FOXL2 mutation is less common in these tumors and is mutually exclusive with the DICER1 mutation.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • FGFR2 (Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • AR (Androgen receptor) • TERT (Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase) • CTLA4 (Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Protein 4) • NOTCH2 (Notch 2) • CDK6 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 6) • CA9 (Carbonic anhydrase 9) • MUC4 (Mucin 4, Cell Surface Associated) • DICER1 (Dicer 1 Ribonuclease III) • CD99 (CD99 Molecule) • PRKCA (Protein Kinase C Alpha) • FOXL2 (Forkhead Box L2) • HNF1A (HNF1 Homeobox A)
PD-L1 negative • PTEN expression • TERT mutation • TERT promoter mutation • CTLA4 expression • MUC4 expression • CA9 expression • CDK6 expression
Effect of 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine on T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell biological behaviors and PTEN expression. (PubMed, Cytojournal)
Demethylation treatment with 5-Aza-dC can inhibit T-ALL cell malignant biological behaviors and enhance the sensitivity to chemotherapy agents possibly, which may be related to the inhibited expressions of DNMT1, DNMT3a, MBD2, and MeCP2, and restored expression activity of PTEN to negatively regulate the PI3K/AKT signal transduction. Our silencing and restoration of PTEN expressions further support our findings, highlighting that demethylation with 5-Aza-dC to restore the anti-tumor activity of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN may be a promising therapeutic option for treating T-ALL.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • DNMT3A (DNA methyltransferase 1) • mTOR (Mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase) • DNMT1 (DNA methyltransferase 1)
PTEN expression • PTEN negative
MIR1269A (MicroRNA 1269a) • MAGI2-AS3 (MAGI2 Antisense RNA 3)
PTEN expression
Enhancing antitumor activity of herceptin in HER2-positive breast cancer cells: a novel DNMT-1 inhibitor approach. (PubMed, Discov Oncol)
This upregulation, in turn, enhanced the cells' sensitivity to HER2 antagonists, indicating that DI-1's mechanism involves inhibiting DNMT-1's recruitment to PTEN's promoter region. Consequently, by increasing PTEN expression, DI-1 amplifies the sensitivity of HER2-positive breast cancer cells to treatment, suggesting its potential as a promising therapeutic strategy in this context.
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • DNMT1 (DNA methyltransferase 1)
HER-2 positive • HER-2 amplification • PTEN expression • DNMT1 expression
Herceptin (trastuzumab)
Downregulation of aquaporins and PI3K/AKT and upregulation of PTEN expression induced by the flavone scutellarein in human colon cancer cell lines. (PubMed, Heliyon)
The data indicate that scutellarein is a promising therapeutic agent that inhibits growth, migration, and invasion of CRC cells by down-regulating the expression of AQP 1, 3, and 5 and by PTEN up-regulation, thus inhibiting PI3K/AKT. These molecular alterations represent potential prognostic biomarkers for the metastasis of colon cancer, where the down-regulation of AQPs enhances patient survival.
Preclinical • Journal
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • AQP1 (Aquaporin 1) • ANXA5 (Annexin A5) • PI3K (Phosphoinositide 3-kinases)
PTEN expression
Anticancer effect of the oncolytic Newcastle disease virus harboring the PTEN gene on glioblastoma. (PubMed, Oncol Lett)
Magnetic resonance imaging and in vivo imaging analyses confirmed the targeted delivery and efficacy of rNDV-PTEN. These findings highlight the usefulness of rNDV-PTEN as a promising therapeutic agent for GBM, representing a potential advancement in treatment, especially for patients with PTEN deficiency.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
PTEN expression
Transcriptional factor KLF9 overcomes 5-fluorouracil resistance in breast cancer via PTEN-dependent regulation of aerobic glycolysis. (PubMed, J Chemother)
In conclusion, the TF KLF9 inhibits the aerobic glycolysis level of breast cancer cells by up-regulating PTEN expression, thereby reducing their resistance to 5-FU. The discovery of this mechanism provides a new theoretical basis for the treatment of breast cancer.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
PTEN expression • PTEN overexpression
EAY131-N: Testing GSK2636771 as a Potential Targeted Treatment in Cancers With PTEN Genetic Changes (MATCH-Subprotocol N) (clinicaltrials.gov)
P2, N=35, Active, not recruiting, National Cancer Institute (NCI) | Trial completion date: Nov 2024 --> Nov 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2024 --> Nov 2025
Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
PTEN expression
The oncogenic axis YAP/MYC/EZH2 impairs PTEN tumor suppression activity enhancing lung tumorigenicity. (PubMed, Cell Death Discov)
Datasets analysis of NSCLC patients revealed that PTEN expression is negatively correlated to YAP/TAZ, EZH2 and MYC and that low expression of PTEN is predictive of poor prognosis, especially at earlier stages of the disease. These findings highlight the repressive role of the YAP/TAZ-EZH2-MYC axis on tumor-suppressor genes and offer a potential therapeutic strategy for lung cancer patients with low PTEN levels.
MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • EZH2 (Enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit)
MYC expression • PTEN expression • PTEN-L
Decoding PTEN: from biological functions to signaling pathways in tumors. (PubMed, Mol Biol Rep)
Furthermore, this review explores the expression and regulation of PTEN in different tumor types, as well as its interactions with environmental factors in tumorigenesis. This comprehensive analysis aims to deepen our understanding of the signaling pathways between PTEN and cancer.
Review • Journal
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
PTEN mutation • PTEN expression
CORO1C Regulates the Malignant Biological Behavior of Ovarian Cancer Cells and Modulates the mRNA Expression Profile through the PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway. (PubMed, Cell Biochem Biophys)
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that high CORO1C levels in OC are associated with greater metastasis and worse prognosis. CORO1C negatively regulates PTEN expression, activates the PI3K/AKT pathway, and promotes OC cell malignancy In patients with OC, CORO1C may function as an effective therapeutic and predictive biomarker.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • CORO1C (Coronin 1C)
PTEN expression
The usefulness of evaluating PTEN expression for accurate grading of phyllodes tumors. (PubMed, Ann Diagn Pathol)
Low PTEN expression (s-score of 6 or less) was used as a diagnostic criterion for high-grade PTs, it showed 100 % sensitivity and 95.2 % specificity in 42 cases of PTs. Currently, PT grading based solely on subjective histologic findings is challenging, but semiquantitative PTEN expression analysis could provide a more accurate and objective way to grade PTs.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • MIR155 (MicroRNA 155) • MIR200C (MicroRNA 200c)
PTEN expression • PTEN-L • miR-155 expression
PTEN Deficiency Induced by Extracellular Vesicle miRNAs from Clonorchis sinensis Potentiates Cholangiocarcinoma Development by Inhibiting Ferroptosis. (PubMed, Int J Mol Sci)
Erastin was used to construct ferroptosis induction models...Mechanistically, csi-miR-96-5p and PTEN knockout significantly inhibited ferroptosis through a decrease in ferrous ion (Fe2+) and malondialdehyde (MDA), and an increase in glutathione reductase (GSH), Solute carrier family 7 member 11 (SLC7A11) and glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4). In conclusion, loss of PTEN promoted the progression of cholangiocarcinoma via the ferroptosis pathway and csi-miR-96-5p delivered by CS-EVs may mediate this process.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • GPX4 (Glutathione Peroxidase 4) • MIR96 (MicroRNA 96) • SLC7A11 (Solute Carrier Family 7 Member 11)
PTEN expression • PTEN overexpression
Tumor Suppressors RBL1 and PTEN are Epigenetically Silenced in IPF5 Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells by a CD44/Brg1/PRMT5 Regulatory Complex. (PubMed, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol)
Our studies indicate that the CD44/Brg1/PRMT5 regulatory module not only functions to activate positive regulators of pluripotency and self-renewal, but also functions to repress tumor suppressor genes rbl1 and pten. This confers IPF MPCs with the cancer-like property of cell-autonomous self-renewal providing a molecular mechanism for relentless fibrosis progression in IPF.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • RBL1 (RB Transcriptional Corepressor Like 1)
PTEN expression
ERBB2 is a potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in renal clear cell carcinoma. (PubMed, Sci Rep)
ROC curve analysis showed that the expression level of ERBB2 could accurately distinguish between ccRCC tissue and adjacent normal renal tissue. Our study showed that ERBB2 expression in ccRCC tissues can be of clinical importance as a potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker.
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • TYK2 (Tyrosine Kinase 2) • BMP2 (Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2)
HER-2 expression • PTEN expression
Loss of phosphatase and tensin homolog expression castration-sensitive prostate cancer predicts outcomes in men after prostatectomy. (PubMed, Int J Urol)
Low PTEN expression is a significant predictor of biochemical recurrence in patients with castration-sensitive PCa who have already undergone prostatectomy.
PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog)
PTEN expression • PTEN-L