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The Role of Gene Expression Profiling in the Management of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Cancer: A Review. (PubMed, Cancers (Basel))
Finally, we discuss the implications for future cSCC management and highlight areas for further research. As molecular profiling techniques continue to evolve, GEP represents a promising approach to optimizing care for cSCC patients, aligning with the growing emphasis on personalized medicine in oncology.
Review • Journal
Primary Cutaneous Rhabdoid Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Molecular Features. (PubMed, Cureus)
We discuss potential molecular events underlying this transformation. This case highlights the importance of recognizing this rare variant and its implications for patient management and prognosis.
Journal • Review
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • VIM (Vimentin) • KRT5 (Keratin 5)
VIM expression
New Data at ASTRO 2024 Shows Castle Biosciences’ DecisionDx-SCC Test Provides More Precise Risk Stratification Than BWH Staging Alone to Guide Intensified Treatment for Immune Suppressed Patients with High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Businesswire)
P=NA | N=954 | "The data will be shared in an oral presentation at the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2024 Annual Meeting....Patients with T1 tumors had similar metastasis-free survival (MFS) rates regardless of immune status yet were further stratified by their DecisionDx-SCC test result (3-year MFS: Class 1 test result: 96.9% vs. Class 2A/2B test result: 88.6%, p<0.001). Immune suppressed patients with T2a tumors had significantly worse MFS than immune competent patients with T2a tumors (71.4% vs. 91.2%, p<0.001). DecisionDx-SCC further stratified immune suppressed patients with T2a tumors into those with more favorable (Class 1 test result; 3-yr MFS of 83%) and less favorable survival (Class 2A/2B test result; 3-yr MFS of 57%)."
Clinical data
40-Gene expression profile test predicting metastatic risk in localized, high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma for peer review. (PubMed, SAGE Open Med Case Rep)
The patient successfully underwent Mohs surgery, and pathology was notable for positive perineural invasion of large caliber nerves. This case highlights the potential of the 40-gene expression profile as an independent predictor in assessing metastatic risk compared to traditional staging methods.
Journal • Review • Gene Expression Profile • Metastases
Study Confirms the Ability of Castle Biosciences’ DecisionDx-SCC Test to Predict Likelihood of Benefit from Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in Patients with High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Businesswire)
P=NA | N=399 | "Castle Biosciences, Inc...today announced the publication of a new study in Future Oncology further substantiating use of its DecisionDx-SCC test in guiding patient selection and decision-making related to the use of ART in patients with high-risk SCC based on the ability of the test to identify patients likely to benefit from treatment...'In this study, we were successful in validating, in an independent SCC patient cohort, that DecisionDx-SCC can objectively inform these challenging decisions by identifying patients for whom ART would be beneficial, as well as those who may be best served by avoiding it. In the study, a novel, independent cohort of patients with high-risk SCC tumors (399 patients; 423 tumors) from two academic centers were tested using DecisionDx-SCC and analyzed for five-year metastasis-free survival and projected time to metastasis."
Clinical data
Predicting adjuvant radiation therapy benefit in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma with the 40-gene expression profile. (PubMed, Future Oncol)
Aim: To independently confirm that the 40-gene expression profile (40-GEP) test can identify patients with high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma who are more or less likely to benefit from adjuvant radiation therapy (ART).Materials & Primary cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma tumors from two academic centers received retrospective 40-GEP testing and were analyzed for 5-year metastasis-free survival and projected time to event. Random sampling of matched patient pairs (n = 52 ART-treated; 371 no ART) showed a median 50% decrease in 5-year progression rate for ART-treated patients (vs no ART) with 40-GEP Class 2B. Class 2A was associated with a modest ART benefit, but not Class 1. The 40-GEP identified patients most likely to benefit from ART (Class 2B) and those that can consider deferring treatment (Class 1).
Journal • Gene Expression Profile
Utility of the 40 gene expression profile (40-GEP) test in refining risk of metastasis in high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (HR-cSCC) patients stratified through a clinicopathological prognostic nomogram. (EADV 2024)
The nomogram classified 9 out of 10 tumors that metastasized as lower risk. However, the 40-GEP classified 70% of tumors missed by the nomogram as high-risk Class 2. These data demonstrate that 40-GEP improves risk stratification of NCCN high or very high-risk patients who were categorized as low-risk by this nomogram.
Clinical • Gene expression profiling • Gene Expression Profile
Association of a 40-Gene Expression Profile With Risk of Metastatic Disease Progression of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC) and Specification of Benefit of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy. (PubMed, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys)
40-GEP identifies patients at highest risk of nodal/distant metastasis who may derive greatest benefit from ART, as well as patients who may have clinical indications for ART but are at low risk of metastasis. Compared to current guidelines, 40-GEP could provide greater specificity concerning the benefit of ART in individual patients.
Journal • Gene Expression Profile • Metastases
New Publication Shows DecisionDx-SCC Identifies High-Risk Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Who Are Likely to Benefit from Adjuvant Radiation Therapy and Those Who Can Consider Deferring Treatment Based on Biological Risk of Metastasis (Businesswire)
P=NA | N=920 | "Castle Biosciences...announced the publication of a study in the International Journal...demonstrating the ability of the DecisionDx-SCC test to identify high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) patients at the highest risk of metastasis who will benefit the most from ART to reduce metastatic disease progression, as well as high-risk patients who the test identified as having a lower risk of metastasis who may consider deferring treatment....Key findings of the study (n=920 patients) include: The DecisionDx-SCC test identified patients projected to receive the greatest benefit from ART to reduce metastatic disease progression. Patients with a Class 2B (highest metastatic risk) test result who were treated with ART had 50% higher MFS rates, on average, than Class 2B patients who did not receive ART at five years post-diagnosis."
Clinical data
Smoking history correlates with higher molecular risk profile in cSCC. Gene expression profiling of cSCC appears to have prognostic value beyond current risk stratification paradigms, specifically regarding nodal metastasis risk. Further research into the role of 40-GEP in the management of cSCC is warranted to deliver improved patient-centric care.
Gene expression profiling
Limitations of the Commercially Available Gene Expression Test in Predicting Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Metastasis and Clinical Outcomes. (PubMed, J Am Acad Dermatol)
Analysis of DecisionDx®-SCC indicates potential biases and ambiguities, exacerbated by differences between FDA and CLIA standards. This highlights the need for systematic validation and a unified regulatory approach, stressing the necessity for precise and dependable genetic testing in patient care.
Journal • Clinical data
DecisionDx-SCC Significantly Improves Prediction Accuracy of Metastatic Events after Mohs Surgery in New Study of Patients with High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tumors of the Head and Neck (Businesswire)
P=NA | N=417 | "Castle Biosciences, Inc...announced that new data supporting the utility of its DecisionDx-SCC test in patients with high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) tumors located on the head and neck (H&N) will be shared at the 56th American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS) Annual Meeting, being held May 2-5 in Phoenix....DecisionDx-SCC testing of the tumor tissue before removal significantly increased the prediction accuracy of metastatic events, when used alone and when combined with National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines, Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) staging or American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual, 8th Edition (AJCC8) staging, to better guide risk-aligned patient care decisions regarding metastatic surveillance or the use of adjuvant treatments like radiation."
Clinical data
Presentations at EADO Highlight Potential Impact of Castle Biosciences’ DecisionDx-Melanoma and DecisionDx-SCC Tests on the Management of Patients with Skin Cancer (Businesswire)
P=NA | N=760 | "Castle Biosciences...will share new data at the 20th European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) Congress, being held April 4-6, 2024....Abstract: A-128:...This study evaluated the performance of a risk-stratification nomogram developed in Europe (Rentroia-Pacheco, et al, 2023) in a U.S. cohort of high-risk SCC patients (n=760) and the additional prognostic value provided by the DecisionDx-SCC test. In the study, the nomogram misclassified nine out of 10 tumors that metastasized as low risk. When the same tumors were tested using DecisionDx-SCC, 42% of those that the nomogram classified as low risk of metastasis were classified as high risk by the test, as well as 70% of all tumors that metastasized. These data demonstrate that DecisionDx-SCC improves the accuracy of risk assessment based solely on clinicopathological risk factors, leading to more appropriate risk-aligned management plans for patients with high-risk SCC."
Clinical data
DecisionDx®-Melanoma • DecisionDx®-SCC
Inconsistent Associations Between Risk Factor Profiles and Adjuvant Radiation Therapy (ART) Treatment in Patients with Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Utility of the 40-Gene Expression Profile to Refine ART Guidance. (PubMed, Dermatol Ther (Heidelb))
ART guidance is not determined by the presence of specific clinicopathologic factors, with treated and untreated patients sharing the same risk factor profiles. cSCC risk determination based on NCCN recommendations for clinical factor assessment results in inconsistent use of ART. Including tumor biology-based prognostic information from the 40-GEP refines risk and identifies patients who are most appropriate and likely to benefit from ART, and those that can consider deferring ART.
Journal • Clinical • Gene Expression Profile
Evaluating the performance of a clinicopathological prognostic nomogram and utility of the 40-gene expression profile (40-GEP) test in refining risk of metastasis in high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (HR-cSCC) patients (EADO 2024)
However, the 40-GEP classified 70% of tumors missed by the nomogram as high-risk Class 2. These data demonstrate that 40-GEP improves risk stratification of NCCN high or very high-risk patients who were categorized as low-risk by this nomogram.
Clinical • Gene expression profiling • Gene Expression Profile
Leading Squamous Cell Carcinoma Practitioners Publish Consensus Guidelines Integrating DecisionDx-SCC into a Clinical Workflow to Improve Decision-Making Regarding the Use of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy (Businesswire)
"Castle Biosciences, Inc...announced the publication of an expert consensus article in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology (JCAD) related to the utility of its DecisionDx-SCC test in clinical decision-making regarding the use of ART. The consensus guidelines outline a recommended risk-based workflow that integrates DecisionDx-SCC and AJCC8 staging into current National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines to improve precision in ART recommendations based on which patients are at the highest risk for metastasis and most likely to benefit from treatment....A DecisionDx-SCC Class 2A or 2B result, indicating a higher or highest risk of metastasis, in each AJCC8 tumor stage serves as a high- or very high-risk feature for consideration in recommending ART."
Clinical guideline
Integrating 40-GEP Testing to Improve Clinical Recommendations for Adjuvant Radiation for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Multidisciplinary Consensus Guidelines. (PubMed, J Clin Aesthet Dermatol)
The panel identified gaps in clinical practice in which 40-GEP testing has particular utility: in escalation of care for lower-stage patients with high-risk tumors; in de-escalation of care for patients for whom the risks of ART may outweigh the benefits; and in decision-making regarding elective radiation to the nodal basin. The expert panel developed a risk-based clinical workflow for ART in patients with cSCC, utilizing 40-GEP testing within NCCN management guidelines and AJCC-8 staging.
Review • Journal • IO biomarker
Castle Biosciences to present new data highlighting the clinical value of its dermatologic tests for patients with skin cancer at the 2024 American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) annual meeting (Castle Biosciences Press Release)
"Castle Biosciences...announced that it will share data across its dermatologic portfolio of gene expression profile (GEP) tests via oral and electronic poster presentations at the 2024 AAD Annual Meeting, taking place March 8-12 in San Diego."
Clinical data
DecisionDx®-Melanoma • DecisionDx®-SCC • myPath Melanoma
In novel cohort, new data confirms DecisionDx®-SCC provides significant, independent and clinically actionable risk-stratification of patients, including in various high-risk subgroups (Castle Biosciences Press Release)
"Castle Biosciences...announced the publication of a new multi-center performance study of its DecisionDx-SCC risk stratification test. The study, published in Dermatology and Therapy and available here , analyzed the independent performance of DecisionDx-SCC from risk factors and traditional staging systems (i.e., Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual 8th Edition (AJCC8) staging), and demonstrated significantly improved predictive accuracy when the test’s results were integrated with the staging systems and National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN) guidelines to guide risk-appropriate treatment pathway decisions that can improve patient outcomes."
Clinical data
Integrating the 40-Gene Expression Profile (40-GEP) Test Improves Metastatic Risk-Stratification Within Clinically Relevant Subgroups of High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC) Patients. (PubMed, Dermatol Ther (Heidelb))
The 40-GEP test demonstrates accurate, independent, clinically actionable stratification of metastatic risk and improves predictive accuracy when integrated into risk classification systems. The improved accuracy of risk assessment when including tumor biology via the 40-GEP test ensures more risk-aligned, personalized patient management decisions.
Journal • Gene Expression Profile • Metastases
Consistent utilization of the 40-gene expression profile (40-GEP) test in high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) by clinicians according to intended use indications (AAD 2024)
Notably, 20% of all T1 cases had a 40-GEP Class 2A or 2B result, indicating the ability of the test to identify cases with a high biologic risk of developing metastasis that are considered low-risk cases by AJCC8/BWH staging. This analysis demonstrates clinicians' understanding of the test's appropriate application, allowing for improvement in the selection of risk-appropriate treatment options.
Clinical • Gene expression profiling • Gene Expression Profile
Incorporating a Prognostic Gene Expression Profile Test into the Management of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An Expert Consensus Panel Report. (PubMed, J Drugs Dermatol)
 The 40-GEP test provides accurate and independent prognostic information beyond standard staging systems that only incorporate pathologic data. Incorporation of GEP testing into national guidelines can help further stratify patients based on risk of metastasis and thus may improve morbidity and mortality. J Drugs Dermatol. 2023;22(12):54-60.   doi:10.36849/JDD.7691.
Journal • Gene Expression Profile
Use of the 40-gene Expression Profile (40-GEP) Test in Medicare-eligible Patients Diagnosed with Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC) to Guide Adjuvant Radiation Therapy (ART) Decisions Leads to a Significant Reduction in Healthcare Costs. (PubMed)
Potential limitations include a need for more comprehensive patient information and the cost of ART-related complications. Utilizing the 40-GEP test results to guide ART decision-making would result in material savings to Medicare.
Medicare • HEOR • Journal • US reimbursement • Reimbursement • Gene Expression Profile
Prognostic Performance of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for the Clinically Negative Neck in High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (MHNCS 2024)
High level evidence for appropriate risk prediction of occult regional nodal disease in cSCC is lacking. This prospective study of SLNB in high-risk cSCC is designed to quantify the risk of and clinicopathologic predictors of occult regional metastasis.
Clinical • Biopsy
New study highlights significant potential Medicare savings through use of Castle Biosciences’ DecisionDx®-SCC test to guide adjuvant radiation therapy decisions in patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (Castle Biosciences Press Release)
"Castle Biosciences...announced the publication of a new study1 in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology (JCAD) which found that using its DecisionDx-SCC test to guide ART decisions for patients with SCC could result in substantial Medicare healthcare savings of up to approximately $972 million annually."
Castle Biosciences Presents Data Supporting the Utility of Its Tests in the Clinical Care of Patients with Skin Cancers at the 2024 Winter Clinical Dermatology Conference - Hawaii (Businesswire)
P=NA | N=NA | "The study confirmed the independent and significant risk-stratification provided by DecisionDx-Melanoma and its integrated i31-GEP ROR algorithm, identifying patients at high risk of melanoma recurrence to guide important, risk-appropriate interventions, such as imaging surveillance and immunotherapy, that can potentially improve patient outcomes....Within a cohort of SCC patients considered lower risk by current staging alone, DecisionDx-SCC identified those at a substantially higher risk of metastasis. These results represent a clinically significant improvement in risk assessment for SCC patients with observed rates of metastasis over 10% and 20%, respectively, which are clinically actionable for nodal staging or post-operative adjuvant radiation."
Clinical data
DecisionDx®-Melanoma • DecisionDx®-SCC • myPath Melanoma
Incorporating a Prognostic Gene Expression Profile Test into the Management of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An Expert Consensus Panel Report. (PubMed, J Drugs Dermatol)
The 40-GEP test provides accurate and independent prognostic information beyond standard staging systems that only incorporate pathologic data. Incorporation of GEP testing into national guidelines can help further stratify patients based on risk of metastasis and thus may improve morbidity and mortality. J Drugs Dermatol. 2023;22(12): doi:10.36849/JDD.7691e.
Journal • Gene Expression Profile
Castle Biosciences announces multiple data presentations at the 2023 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery annual meeting (Castle Biosciences Press Release)
"Castle Biosciences, Inc...announced that data spanning its dermatologic portfolio of gene expression profile (GEP) tests was recently presented at the 2023 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) Annual Meeting in Chicago."
Clinical data
DecisionDx®-Melanoma • DecisionDx®-SCC • myPath Melanoma
New data highlights clinical utility and performance of Castle Biosciences’ dermatologic test portfolio at the 2023 fall clinical dermatology conference (Castle Biosciences Press Release)
"Castle Biosciences, Inc...announced that it will share new data across its dermatologic portfolio of gene expression profile (GEP) tests at the 2023 Fall Clinical Dermatology Conference® (FC23), taking place Oct. 19-22, 2023, in Las Vegas."
Clinical data
DecisionDx®-Melanoma • DecisionDx®-SCC • myPath Melanoma
Risk-Stratification using the 40-Gene Expression Profile (40-GEP) Test Identifies Patients with Node Negative Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC) at Higher Risk of Metastasis Who May Benefit from Adjuvant Radiation Therapy (ART). (PubMed, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys)
Within this eligible for ART population, patients with Class 2A or 2B 40-GEP results have inferior rates of MFS, while Class 1 patients have 10% risk of metastasis) could be considered for adjuvant therapy.
Journal • Gene Expression Profile
Castle Biosciences Presents New Data at ASTRO 2023 Highlighting Risk-Stratification Performance of DecisionDx-SCC in Patients with Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Eligible for Adjuvant Radiation Therapy (Businesswire)
P=NA | N=489 | "Castle Biosciences, Inc...will share new data demonstrating the ability of its DecisionDx®-SCC test to identify node-negative cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) patients at a higher risk of metastasis who may benefit from adjuvant radiation therapy (ART). The data will be shared in an oral presentation during the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2023 Annual Meeting, being held Oct. 1-4 in San Diego....DecisionDx-SCC significantly stratified the cohort according to risk of metastasis, with metastasis-free survival (MFS) rates of 92.4%, 76.1% and 59.4% for patients with Class 1 (low biological risk of metastasis), Class 2A (moderate risk) and Class 2B (high risk) test results, respectively (p<0.0001). Cox regression analysis demonstrated a significant difference in Class 2A and 2B MFS compared to Class 1, with a 3.2-fold and 6.4-fold increase in metastasis, respectively (p<0.0001)."
Clinical data
The 40-gene expression profile (40-GEP) test stratifies metastatic risk in high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) cases where uncertainty in differentiation status would impact risk assessment (ASDP 2023)
In this expanded cohort, the 40-GEP provides objective information in situations where the distinction between poorly and moderately differentiated grading impact staging and, therefore, could enhance current risk-aligned patient management decisions.  Poster type: Poster Defense
Clinical • Gene expression profiling • Gene Expression Profile • Metastases
Trial primary completion date • Biopsy
New trial
Castle Biosciences Presents New Data Demonstrating the Ability of DecisionDx-SCC to Identify Tumors Likely to Metastasize in Patients with Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Deemed Low Risk by Traditional Staging (Businesswire)
P=NA | N=NA | "Castle Biosciences, Inc...announced new data demonstrating the ability of the DecisionDx®-SCC test to identify cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) tumors at a biologically high risk of metastasis in a subset of patients considered to be at a low risk of metastasis by traditional staging (i.e., patients with T1 tumors under the American Joint Committee on Cancer Eighth Edition (AJCC8) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) staging systems)....In the study, the DecisionDx-SCC test was able to significantly stratify three-year metastasis free survival rates within the AJCC8 and BWH T1 populations of the cSCC cohort. Approximately 70% of the AJCC8- and BWH-staged T1 tumors that metastasized were identified as being biologically high-risk by the DecisionDx-SCC test."
Clinical data
Framework Incorporating DecisionDx-SCC Test Results into Clinical Decision-Making for Patients with High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Published in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology (Businesswire)
"Castle Biosciences, Inc...announced the publication of a paper in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology highlighting a clinician-derived, real-world algorithm that provides a framework to incorporate DecisionDx®-SCC test results into clinical practice within National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guideline recommendations....In all three cases presented in the study, use of the algorithm incorporating DecisionDx-SCC test results led to no evidence of disease recurrence or metastasis post-treatment, based on the timing described in the study. The study findings support the use of DecisionDx-SCC test results within established guidelines to enable personalized, risk-aligned management of high-risk cSCC patients and the allocation of healthcare resources to patients at the highest risk of a poor outcome."
Real-world evidence
The 40-gene expression profile (40-GEP) continues to demonstrate independent metastatic risk stratification and improved accuracy in risk assessment in a novel cohort of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) patients with one or more risk factors (EADV-Sp 2023)
Discussion- In a novel cohort, the 40-GEP demonstrates consistent significant risk stratification in high-risk cSCC patients. The test provides independent value in predicting regional/distant metastasis and significantly enhances risk assessment accuracy over clinicopathologic staging alone.
Clinical • Gene Expression Profile • Metastases
The Prognostic Value and Clinical Utility of the 40-Gene Expression Profile (40-GEP) Test in Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (PubMed, Cancers (Basel))
The integration of 40-GEP with staging systems can improve the identification of cSCC patients at high risk of metastasis, potentially leading to improved care and outcomes, especially in the high-risk class 2B group.
Journal • Retrospective data • Review • Gene Expression Profile
In a multicenter study, the 40-gene expression profile (40-GEP) test accurately stratifies metastatic risk in an immunosuppressed patient population with high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (WCD 2023)
The 40-GEP has demonstrated significant risk stratification in a high-risk cSCC immunosuppressed population. Use of the test provides improvement and greater clarity to risk-aligned treatment decisions by offering personalized metastatic risk assessment
Clinical • Gene Expression Profile • Metastases
Enhanced outcome prediction in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma using deep-learning and computational histopathology (cSCCnet) (BAD 2023)
The morphological features and patterns identified by cSCCnet are different from established histopathological high-risk criteria, indicating that this technology can enhance current practice. Although further validation in a prospective cohort is pending, this is an important step toward creating a risk stratification tool that can be incorporated into routine pathology workflows, significantly improving patient outcomes for this common cancer.
The 40-gene expression profile (40-GEP) continues to demonstrate independent metastatic risk stratification and improved accuracy in risk assessment in a novel cohort of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) patients with one or more risk factors (EADO 2023)
In a novel cohort, the 40-GEP demonstrates consistent significant risk stratification in high-risk cSCC patients. The test provides independent value in predicting regional/distant metastasis and significantly enhances risk assessment accuracy over clinicopathologic staging alone.
Clinical • Gene Expression Profile • Metastases