Increases in natural killer (NK) cells were found in lymph node tissue in the combination treatment group. These findings suggest that IT LSAM-PTX may provide benefit in the local treatment of melanomas and may synergize with systemic anti-PD-1 therapy, leading to additional tumoricidal outcomes without added systemic toxicity.
miRNA delivery to a specific target site, the development of paclitaxel and miRNA formulations, and nanotechnological strategies for the delivery of nanopaclitaxel in the management of breast cancer are discussed...An in silico analysis revealed that ANG1005 and Abraxane nanoformulations have superior and significantly enhanced interactions with the proteins α-tubulin and Bcl-2...miRNAs can revert abnormal gene expression to normalcy; since miRNAs serve as tumor suppressors. Therefore, restoration of particular miRNAs levels as a replacement therapy may be an effective endocrine potential strategy for treating ER positive/ negative breast cancers.