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Other names: MI-2
University of Michigan
Drug class:
Menin-MLL inhibitor
The histone methyltransferase mixed-lineage-leukemia-1 drives T cell phenotype via notch signaling in diabetic tissue repair. (PubMed, JCI Insight)
Treatment of diabetic wound CD4T cells with a small molecule inhibitor of MLL1 (MI-2) yielded a significant reduction in CD4+TH17 cells and IL17A. This is the first study to identify the MLL1-mediated mechanisms responsible for regulating the TH17/Treg balance in normal and diabetic wounds and define the complex role of Notch signaling in CD4+T cells in wounds, where increased or decreased Notch signaling both result in pathologic wound repair. Therapeutic targeting of MLL1 in diabetic CD4+TH cells may decrease pathologic inflammation through regulation of CD4+T cell differentiation.
Journal • Epigenetic controller
CD4 (CD4 Molecule) • IL17A (Interleukin 17A)