NA1-115-7, from Zygogynum pancheri, is a new selective MCL-1 inhibitor inducing the apoptosis of hematological cancer cells but non-toxic to normal blood cells or cardiomyocytes. (PubMed, Biomed Pharmacother)
Synthetic inhibitors targeting these proteins have been developed, and some hematological malignancies are now widely treated with a BCL-2 inhibitor (venetoclax)...Six MCL-1 inhibitors (S64315, AZD-5991, AMG-176, AMG-397, ABBV-467 and PRT1419) have been evaluated in clinical trials since 2016, but some were affected by safety issues and none are currently used clinically...Importantly, a similar treatment with NA1-115-7 was not toxic to erythrocytes, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, platelets, or cardiomyocytes. These results highlight the potential of natural products for use as specific BH3 mimetics non-toxic to normal cells, and they suggest that NA1-115-7 may be a promising tool for use in cancer treatment.