Clinical • Epigenetic controller
UriFind® Methylation Test
IVD丨China’s first urothelial cancer auxiliary diagnostic kit (UriFind®) has been approved for marketing (AnchorDx Press Release)
" ...the 'Human ONECUT2/VIM Gene Methylation Detection Kit (Fluorescent PCR Method)' (hereinafter referred to as UriFind®) independently developed and produced by Guangzhou Benchmark Medical Co., Ltd. has obtained the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) III Medical device registration certificate (National Medical Device Approval No. 20243400221)."
Non-US regulatory
UriFind® Methylation Test
AnchorDx, DiaCarta partner to advance cancer screening tests (Genomeweb)
"AnchorDx said Monday that it has entered into a long-term collaboration with DiaCarta aimed at product development and global commercialization in the cancer screening space...Under the agreement, AnchorDx and DiaCarta will leverage proprietary technologies for DNA methylation and mutation detection that each company has developed...The firm is currently conducting a registrational and prospective clinical trial for the urine-based assay, dubbed UriFind, and Pleasanton, California-based DiaCarta will serve as one of the clinical testing laboratories."
Licensing / partnership
UriFind® Methylation Test
UriFind® Assay Facilitates the Management of Urothelial Carcinoma in a Large-scale Multicenter Prospective Cohort (AMP 2023)
The performance of UriFind has been extensively validated in this cohort of 2445 cases. With similar specificity and significantly higher sensitivity than urine cytology and FISH, UriFind is a rapid, high-throughput, noninvasive, and promising approach for early diagnosis, minimal residual tumor detection, and surveillance in the whole course management of UC. Its implementation could reduce the burden of cystoscopy and unnecessary second transurethral resection of bladder tumor.
ONECUT2 (One Cut Homeobox 2)
UriFind® Methylation Test
UriFind assay and association with whole course management of urothelial carcinoma in a large multicentric, prospective China cohort. (ASCO 2023)
The performance of UriFind is well validated with significantly higher sensitivity and accuracy than urine cytology and FISH in UC detection in this cohort with 2003 cases. This assay facilitates whole course management of urothelial carcinoma, which may reduce the burden of cystoscopy and unnecessary second TURBT. Clinical trial information: NCT04314245.
ONECUT2 (One Cut Homeobox 2)
UriFind® Methylation Test
UriFind assay facilitates whole course management of urothelial carcinoma in a large multicentric, prospective China cohort (AUA 2023)
The performance of UriFind® is well validated with significantly higher sensitivity and accuracy than urine cytology and FISH in UC detection in this cohort with 2003 cases. This assay facilitates whole course management of urothelial carcinoma, which may reduce the burden of cystoscopy and unnecessary second TURBT.
ONECUT2 (One Cut Homeobox 2)
UriFind® Methylation Test
AnchorDx Enrolls the First Patient For Its UriFind® bladder cancer assay clinical trial in the U.S. (BioSpace)
"AnchorDx...announced the first patient enrollment for the UriFind® bladder cancer assay clinical trial in the U.S., an over 1,000-patient multi-center, prospective testing of the assay in the targeted patients. This prospective, registrational study is aimed to evaluate the performance of the non-invasive, quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assay designed to detect two DNA methylation biomarkers in urine specimens from patients suspected of having bladder cancer."
Enrollment status
UriFind® Methylation Test
[VIRTUAL] Urine tumor DNA methylation assay enables early diagnosis, residual detection and recurrence monitoring for bladder cancer (ESMO 2020)
Legal entity responsible for the study: Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University. Funding: AnchorDx Medical Co., Ltd.
UriFind® Methylation Test