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RlapsRisk™ BC

CE Marked
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Owkin and Cerba Path collaborate to transform breast and colorectal cancer diagnosis through integration of artificial intelligence-powered tests into standard clinical practice (Owkin Press Release)
"Owkin...and Cerba Path...announced a new partnership. The two companies will work together to integrate Owkin’s cutting-edge AI-driven diagnostics into Cerba Path’s routine digital workflows and further validate AI-based tools for precision medicine...This partnership between Owkin and Cerba Path will have Cerba Path deploy Owkin’s technology to enhance pathologists’ and clinicians’ ability to accelerate precision medicine and deliver better patient care. Owkin’s AI diagnostics will benefit from Cerba Path’s fully digitized workflow and be able to reach a broader audience of pathologists who can access the Cerba Path platform remotely from any location in France."
Licensing / partnership
MSIntuit™ CRC • RlapsRisk™ BC
Owkin showcases five AI abstracts at ESMO, including how deep learning can predict KRAS from H&E slides with Amgen and Bergonie (Owkin Press Release)
"Five ground-breaking artificial intelligence biology research abstracts led by AI biotech Owkin have been published by ESMO ahead of its 2022 Congress...The obtained results showed the ability of RlapsRisk to generalize on independent data and thus endorse the soundness of the method. Furthermore, additional analysis brings to light the clinical value of RlapsRisk and that it could be used for therapeutic de-escalation purposes."
Clinical data
MSIntuit™ CRC • RlapsRisk™ BC
Two first-in-class AI diagnostic solutions for breast cancer and colorectal cancer developed by Owkin are approved for use in Europe (Owkin Press Release)
"Artificial intelligence (AI) biotech company Owkin...announced that two first-in-class rapid, affordable AI-based diagnostic solutions designed to improve outcomes for patients with breast cancer and colorectal cancer have been approved for use in Europe...Owkin Dx RlapsRisk™ BC and Owkin Dx MSIntuit™ CRC have received CE-IVD approval for diagnostic use in the European Union. By using AI to analyze digital pathology images, they are designed to help clinicians make precision medicine – diagnostic and treatment based on a patient's individual characteristics – more accessible to more patients at an earlier stage of their disease."
European regulatory
MSIntuit™ CRC • RlapsRisk™ BC