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RAD21 mutation

Other names: RAD21, RAD21 Cohesin Complex Component, HHR21, SCC1, Double-Strand-Break Repair Protein Rad21 Homolog, Sister Chromatid Cohesion 1, Nuclear Matrix Protein 1, SCC1 Homolog, Kleisin, NXP1, Protein Involved In DNA Double-Strand Break Repair, RAD21 (S. Pombe) Homolog, RAD21 Homolog (S. Pombe), RAD21 Homolog, HRAD21, CDLS4, RAD21, MCD1
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Cohesin rad21 mutation dysregulates erythropoiesis and granulopoiesis output within the whole kidney marrow of adult zebrafish. (PubMed, Am J Physiol Cell Physiol)
Granulocytes from rad21+/- showed upregulation of stress hematopoiesis factor, cebpb. These findings show that normal rad21 is required to maintain steady erythropoiesis and granulopoiesis in the adult zebrafish marrow.
RAD21 (RAD21 Cohesin Complex Component)
RAD21 mutation
RAD21 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia. (PubMed, Leuk Lymphoma)
This study showed that RAD21-mutated AML often associates with monocytic differentiation, CD7 expression, co-existing mutations in epigenetic regulators, a normal karyotype, and poor prognosis. Our findings provide additional insights into the morphologic, immunophenotypic, and genomic profile of RAD21 mutation-positive AML and suggest that RAD21 mutations should be evaluated for independent prognostic significance in AML.
STAG2 (Stromal Antigen 2) • RAD21 (RAD21 Cohesin Complex Component) • CD7 (CD7 Molecule)
STAG2 mutation • RAD21 mutation • CD7 expression