Functionally, IGF2BP1 emerged as an oncogenic factor that accelerated HCC aerobic glycolysis (glucose uptake, lactate, ATP generation and ECAR) and oxaliplatin resistance...In addition, transcription factor c-Myc targeted the programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) promoter region to strengthen its transcription. Taken together, this study illustrates IGF2BP1 as a potential therapeutic target in HCC, aiming to disrupt the interplay between aberrant metabolism and immune escape.
4 months ago
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • IFNG (Interferon, gamma) • GZMB (Granzyme B) • IGF2BP1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 1)
Furthermore, genetic ablation of IGF2 or targeted inhibition of the IGF2/IGF1R axis with the inhibitor linsitinib markedly boosted the response to immune checkpoint blockade. Clinically, elevated levels of IGF2 in tumors or plasma correlated with an adverse prognosis and reduced efficacy of anti-programmed death 1 treatment. Together, these results highlight the pivotal role of IGF2 in promoting CAF-mediated immunoevasion, indicating its potential as a biomarker and therapeutic target in immunotherapy.
A 63-year-old female with a past medical history of metastatic salivary MECA, type 2 diabetes mellitus previously on metformin, hypertension, and hypothyroidism presented to her oncologist for chemotherapy and was found to have a serum glucose of 30 mg/dL (reference: 65-99)...This case demonstrates that NICTH can be associated with metastatic salivary MECA. The hypoglycemia in this scenario is challenging to manage and is associated with poor prognosis.
Inhibition of their expression rendered DLBCL cells more sensitive to ouabain treatment, resulting in significant suppression of cell proliferation, G1/S phase cell cycle arrest, and increased apoptosis. In summary, our results clarify that the demethylase ALKBH5 and the m6A-binding protein IGF2BP2 are involved in the malignant progression of DLBCL, and that the cardiotonic drug ouabain can inhibit the proliferation of DLBCL cells by inhibiting the expression of ALKBH5 and IGF2BP2, which provides new insights into the targeted treatment of DLBCL.
6 months ago
ALKBH5 (AlkB Homolog 5, RNA Demethylase) • IGF2BP2 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 2)
Excitingly, our study suggests that targeting PA28γ+ CAFs or secreted IGF2 could increase the efficacy of PD-L1 therapy. Thus, our findings reveal the pivotal role of PA28γ in cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment and propose novel strategies for augmenting the effectiveness of immune checkpoint blockade in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
These discoveries underscored the critical involvement of IGF2BP3 in the elevation and stability of GLS1 mRNA in the context of glutamine metabolism by interacting with UCA1 in EMs. The implications of our study extended to the identification of possible therapeutic targets for individuals with EMs.
Additionally, our analysis suggested a link between IGF2BP2 expression and drug-resistant markers in TCGA-LGG samples, and Cell Counting Kit-8 cell viability assay revealed that knockdown of IGF2BP2 sensitized cells to temozolomide treatment. This comprehensive exploration unveils the role of IGF2BP2 in glioma progression, shedding light on autophagy modulation and chemosensitization strategies for glioma therapy.
11 months ago
IGF2 (Insulin-like growth factor 2) • IGF2BP2 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 2)
Our present study sheds light on the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms governing IGF2BP3 expression, underscoring the critical involvement of the IGF2BP3-HMGB1 axis in driving bladder cancer progression. Additionally, it advocates for the investigation of inhibiting IGF2BP3-HMGB1 as a viable therapeutic approach for treating bladder cancer.
12 months ago
HMGB1 (High Mobility Group Box 1) • MIR320A (MicroRNA 320a) • IGF2BP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 3)
Tumor cells characterized by elevated IGF2BP3 expression demonstrated a higher percentage of cells in the G2/M transition phase. This study presents new findings indicating that the molecular target IGF2BP3 can serve as a prognostic indicator for tumors and has an impact on the development and progression of OSCC by influencing the regulation of the cell cycle.
1 year ago
IGF2BP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 3)
Our study has yielded a novel prognostic model of chemokine-related genes based on comprehensive transcriptional atlas of ccRCC patients, shedding light on the significant impact of the tumor microenvironment on biology and immunotherapy response of ccRCC. We identified IGF2BP3 as a pivotal regulator in regulating ccRCC resistance to sunitinib.
1 year ago
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • AURKB (Aurora Kinase B) • IGF2BP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 3) • ITPKA (Inositol-Trisphosphate 3-Kinase A) • ZIC2 (Zic Family Member 2)
Furthermore, overexpression of AKT2 reversed the inhibitory roles of IGF2BP1 silence on Taxol resistance and metastasis. Our results indicated that IGF2BP1 knockdown enhanced the sensitivity of NPC cells to Taxol by decreasing the expression of AKT2, implying that IGF2BP1 might be promising candidate target for NPC treatment.
1 year ago
AKT2 (V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2) • IGF2BP1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 1)
Elevated IGF2BP3 promotes in vivo and in vitro GC progression via regulation of NFAT1/IRF1 pathways. Targeted inhibition of IGF2BP3 might be a potential therapeutic approach for GC treatment.
1 year ago
IRF1 (Interferon Regulatory Factor 1) • NFATC1 (Nuclear Factor Of Activated T Cells 1) • IGF2BP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 3)
Surgical resection of the associated tumour is curative in most NICTH cases. When the tumour is unresectable, moderate-dose glucocorticoids, low-dose glucocorticoids in combination with recombinant growth hormone, and pasireotide are medical therapies with promising results in controlling NICTH.
Lastly, it is noteworthy that a discernible inverse relationship trend was observed in the levels of adipocytokines and IGFs 6 months post-surgery. This indicates that treatment for endometrial cancer may have a differential impact on adipocytokines and IGFs, potentially holding clinical significance that merits further investigation.
Collectively, this study revealed the proteomic features of CRC and highlighted elevated mRNA translation as a hallmark of CRC. The identification of the IGF2BP3-COPS7B axis underlying the increased protein synthesis rate in CRC provided a promising therapeutic target to treat this aggressive disease.
over 1 year ago
IGF2BP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 3)
It has been determined that the IGF2BPs gene family plays a crucial part in the onset and progression of HNSCC, and its association with tumor immunity has been established. The IGF2BPs gene family holds promising potential as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for HNSCC.
over 1 year ago
IGF2BP2 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 2)
Furthermore, inhibition of IGF2BP3 combined with anti-CD47 antibody treatment significantly suppressed the growth of hepatoma in Hepa1-6 xenograft tumor mice. IGF2BP3 promoted the infiltration and M2-polarization of macrophages and suppressed CD8 T activation by enhancing CCL5 and TGF-β1 expression, which facilitated the progression of Hepa1-6 xenograft tumor.
over 1 year ago
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CCL5 (Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5) • TGFB1 (Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) • IGF2BP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 3)
Overexpression of CKAP2L rescued the tumor-suppressive effect of IGF2BP2 knockdown in OC cells. In conclusion, this study revealed the potential role of IGF2BP2 in tumor progression, at least partially via promoting the translation of CKAP2L in an m A-dependent manner.
over 1 year ago
IGF2BP2 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 2)
Taken together, our results demonstrated that IGF2BP3 was a functional and clinical oncogene of CRC. Targeting IGF2BP3 and mA modification may therefore offer rational therapeutic targets for patients with CRC.
over 1 year ago
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • IGF2BP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 3) • METTL14 (Methyltransferase 14)
We manifested IGF2BP3 promotes the aggressive phenotype of gallbladder cancer by stabilizing CLDN4 mRNA in an m6A-dependent manner and induces macrophage immunosuppressive polarization, which might offer a new theoretical basis for against gallbladder cancer.
over 1 year ago
STAT3 (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3) • IGF2BP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 3)
Elevated expression of IGF2BP1 is a frequent event in ESCC tissues and might be a candidate biomarker for the disease. IGF2BP1 overexpression promotes the invasion and migration of ESCC cells by activating the INHBA-Smad2/3 pathway, providing a potential therapeutic target for ESCC patients with high expression of IGF2BP1.
over 1 year ago
IGF2BP1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 1) • G3BP1 (G3BP Stress Granule Assembly Factor 1)
Case description: A 66-year-old man with a history of stage IV colon cancer presented to the hospital due to breathlessness while receiving chemotherapy (Bevacizumab plus FOLFOX4)...Dexamethasone 10 mg daily was started, and BG were maintained > 70mg/dl without dextrose infusion...Neoadjuvant therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy may reduce occurrences of hypoglycemia, but only temporarily. Glucocorticoids may be used when the underlying malignancy cannot be treated.
A subsequent CT adrenals demonstrated a 12.8 x 13.2 x 10.6cm left adrenal mass and she failed a 1mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test. This is a rare case of ACC secreting multiple hormones, resulting in post-menopausal bleeding and IGF-2 mediated hypoglycaemia.
Abstracts presented at a news conference are embargoed until the date and time of the news conference. The Endocrine Society reserves the right to lift the embargo on specific abstracts that are selected for promotion prior to or during ENDO.*
He was started on prednisone 20 mg daily with subsequent normalization of glucose levels...This case highlights an atypical presentation of IGF-2 mediated hypoglycemia in the setting of two large spindle cell neoplasms, with resolution of hypoglycemia after resection of the larger liver mass. This case calls attention to despite there being multiple spindle cell tumors, removal of the larger sized tumor might assist in resolution of hypoglycemia.
It is worth mentioning that hydroxychloroquine, used for scleroderma management, was stopped for the presumed hypoglycemia. This case highlights the importance of confirming POC testing and evaluating for potential causes of discordant results.
almost 2 years ago
IGF2 (Insulin-like growth factor 2) • CHGA (Chromogranin A)
The paradox in this case is that the benign solitary fibrous tumour accounted for patient morbidity through secretion of IGF2 and without treatment, posed a mortality risk. This is despite the synchronous presence of a highly malignant fallopian tube neoplasm. This case reinforces the need for thorough clinical evaluation of hypoglycemia to allow prompt and definitive management.
These results suggest that NICTH development in dogs with HCC and LMS is mechanistically associated with IGF-2 overexpression and elevated serum IGF-2 levels.
Moreover, multivariate cox proportional hazard models revealed that cytoplasmic IGF2BP2 expression, T status, and lymph node metastasis were independent prognostic factors for survival. In conclusion, IGF2BP2 protein was found to be a helpful predictive marker for OSCC patients, as well as a possible therapeutic target for OSCC treatment.
over 2 years ago
IGF2 (Insulin-like growth factor 2) • IGF2BP2 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 2)
The TUG1 or miR-195-5p overexpression model was engineered in CRC cells, followed by treatment with DDP or the autophagy inhibitor (Chloroquine, CQ). Overexpression of miR-195-5p abated the cancer-promoting function of TUG1 and curbed the profile of the HDGF/DDX5/β-catenin axis. TUG1 stabilized by IGF2BP2 boosted CRC cell proliferation, migration, migration, and autophagy via the miR-195-5p/HDGF/DDX5/β-catenin axis, hence enhancing CRC cell's resistance to DDP.
Additionally, mA modifications were negatively related to the immune response of monocytes. In conclusion, our results revealed that mA RNA of peripheral blood immune cells was a prospective non-invasive diagnostic biomarker for CRC patients and might provide a valuable therapeutic target.
over 3 years ago
CEACAM5 (CEA Cell Adhesion Molecule 5) • CA 19-9 (Cancer antigen 19-9) • IGF2BP2 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 MRNA Binding Protein 2)
The signaling system of insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1 and IGF-2) plays an important role in the occurrence and progression of malignant tumors. It is especially true for papillary thyroid cancer, so its components can be considered as potential diagnostic and prognostic markers of the disease and targets for anticancer therapy.
Our results reveal the function of circIGF2BP3 in causing immune escape from CD8 T cell-mediated killing through a decrease in PD-L1 ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation by stabilizing OTUB1 mRNA in a PKP3-dependent manner. This work sheds light on a novel mechanism of PD-L1 regulation in NSCLC and provides a rationale to enhance the efficacy of anti-PD-1 treatment in NSCLC.
over 3 years ago
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • MIR328 (MicroRNA 328) • METTL3 (Methyltransferase Like 3)
Eventually, LEF1 overexpression rescued cell progression impaired by MSC-AS1 knockdown. In summary, our research identified the MSC-AS1/miR-302a-3p/IGF2BP2/LEF1 axis in melanoma development, which indicated that MSC-AS1 is a potential biomarker in the treatment of melanoma.
To discontinue the dextrose infusion, he was started on prednisone 20 mg daily titrated up to 60 mg daily, intermittent tube feeds and palliative chemotherapy...For oral presentations, the abstracts are embargoed until the session begins. The Endocrine Society reserves the right to lift the embargo on specific abstracts that are selected for promotion prior to or during ENDO 2021.
EMT was the main mechanism through which circIGHG/IGF2BP3 promotes metastasis of OSCC. Overall, these results demonstrate that circIGHG plays pivotal role in OSCC development and metastasis and has potential to serve as a biomarker and therapeutic target for early-stage diagnosis and treatment of OSCC.
over 4 years ago
IGH (Immunoglobulin Heavy Locus) • IGFBP3 (Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3)
IGF2-AS promotes cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in GC via the miR-937/EZH2 axis, indicating that IGF2-AS works as an oncogene and may be a promising therapeutic and prognostic biomarker for GC.