In Colombian patients with acromegaly, biochemical control at 12 months is lower than that reported in the literature, suggesting that pharmacological management could be associated with greater biochemical control.
2 months ago
IGF1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1) • PRL (Prolactin)
Intriguingly, membranous IR expression was associated with worse tumor specific survival (p = 0.017) in the subgroup of patients undergoing sorafenib therapy. IGF1R expression was not associated with survival. In conclusion, our results suggest that membranous IR expression plays a role in HCC prognosis and treatment resistance, inspiring future validation as a potential companion diagnostic in HCC.
Careful monitoring without additional medications is recommended at first in acromegaly patients with normal IGF-1 and high GH levels considering the possibility of recurrence in the future.
Moreover, silencing of IGF-1R by small interfering ribonucleic acid increased the sensitivity of CML cell lines to imatinib, indicating that IGF-1R could be a strategic target for overcoming resistance. These findings highlight the therapeutic potential of linsitinib and that IGF-1R inhibition may improve the treatment outcomes of patients with imatinib-resistant CML.
This study highlights genetic links among EC, ENDO, and OBY, emphasizing high IGF-1 expression as a potential prognostic marker in EC and recurrent alterations in hub genes as promising therapeutic targets. These findings provide insights into the shared genetic underpinnings of these conditions and present new avenues for targeted therapies.
3 months ago
CREBBP (CREB binding protein) • EP300 (E1A binding protein p300) • IGF1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1) • PIAS4 (Protein Inhibitor Of Activated STAT 4)
Our findings suggest that Gpr54 deletion may accelerate the hair cycle and promote hair regeneration in mice by regulating the NAFTc3-SFRP1-Wnt signaling pathway. These findings suggest that Gpr54 could be a possible target for future hair loss treatments.
4 months ago
CD34 (CD34 molecule) • IGF1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1) • SFRP1 (Secreted frizzled related protein 1) • NFATC3 (Nuclear Factor Of Activated T Cells 3)
Age > 70 years, smoking history, diabetes history, prolonged use of perioperative antibiotics, and elevated CRP, IL-6, and IGF-1 levels on the 1st day after surgery have an impact on postoperative lung infection in elderly patients with LC. Early postoperative monitoring of changes in CRP, IL-6, and IGF-1 levels can provide an important reference for predicting the occurrence of postoperative lung infections.
Histopathology was suggestive of a neuroendocrine tumor, with immunohistochemistry positive for GHRH and negative for prolactin. Her final diagnosis was ectopic acromegaly due to GHRH secreting a lung NET with pituitary somatotroph and lactotroph pituitary hyperplasia and apoplexy in the hyperplastic pituitary.
Additionally, TAMs/CXCL1 silence improved paclitaxel chemosensitivity by suppressing autophagy in breast cancer mice xenografts, and clinical studies further linked CXCL1 to IGF1R/HMGB1 signaling, as well as shorter free survival of recurrence. Taken together, these results not only uncover the crucial role of TAMs/CXCL1 signaling in mediating breast cancer chemoresistance through enhancing autophagy, but also shed novel light on the molecular mechanism of IGF1R/STAT3/HMGB1 pathway in regulating autophagy and its impact on cancer prognosis.
A 63-year-old female with a past medical history of metastatic salivary MECA, type 2 diabetes mellitus previously on metformin, hypertension, and hypothyroidism presented to her oncologist for chemotherapy and was found to have a serum glucose of 30 mg/dL (reference: 65-99)...This case demonstrates that NICTH can be associated with metastatic salivary MECA. The hypoglycemia in this scenario is challenging to manage and is associated with poor prognosis.
We provide evidence that liver-derived IGF-1 has a direct effect on skeletal and pubertal development, blood pressure, visceral adiposity and dyslipidemia independent of insulin resistance and obesity in the circumstance of undernutrition. Though rare, we propose the need to look into HCA cases for the existence of IGF-1 deficiency and its impact on metabolic derangement.
This study shows the complex management of acromegaly. Disease control is a necessary condition in order to avoid complications, but is often difficult to obtain.
Our findings demonstrate the presence and activity of the IGF system in the local tumor ecosystem, which is likely a characteristic feature of malignant disease and plays a role in its peritoneal dissemination. The potential clinical implications are supported by our finding that serum levels of the proteins are associated with patient prognosis.
This article reviews the latest research progress on the relationship between thyroid cancer and diabetes, including the association between diabetes and the risk of developing thyroid cancer, its underlying mechanisms, and potential anti-thyroid cancer effects of hypoglycemic drugs. It providing novel strategies for the prevention, treatment, and improving the prognosis of thyroid cancer.
The prolonged elevation of GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels caused by acromegaly may lead to abnormalities in the SD rat's PI3K-Akt-GSK3β signaling pathway, subsequently resulting in hyperphosphorylation of hippocampal tau protein and cognitive impairment.
The intricate interplay among IGF-1R, IGF-1, and GM-CSF highlights potential therapeutic targets for precise control of NPC bone metastasis, providing valuable insights for developing targeted interventions.
Lastly, it is noteworthy that a discernible inverse relationship trend was observed in the levels of adipocytokines and IGFs 6 months post-surgery. This indicates that treatment for endometrial cancer may have a differential impact on adipocytokines and IGFs, potentially holding clinical significance that merits further investigation.
Available data suggests that a diet emphasizing fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, while restricting milk and dairy intake-similar to the Mediterranean dietary pattern-might mitigate cancer incidence. However, further research is crucial to elucidate the precise role of dairy products in overall cancer risk.
Measurement of both GH and IGF-I remains an essential component of diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment in acromegaly; however, treatment goals based only on previously identified absolute thresholds are not appropriate without taking into account the assay and reference ranges being employed. Treatment goals should be individualized considering biochemical improvement from an untreated baseline, symptoms of disease, risks, burdens and costs of complex treatment regimens, comorbidities, and quality of life.
Elevated serum levels of sCD163, FoxP3 and IGF-1 are associated with the diagnosis of LSCC. IGF-1 appears to be the most promising indicator for the LSCC progression.
Early recognition and diagnosis of NICTH are crucial in patients with recurrent hypoglycemia and large tumors. Surgical resection is the preferred treatment option, but supportive care and pharmacological interventions, such as glucocorticoids and growth hormone, can help manage refractory hypoglycemia. Further research is needed to explore novel treatment options, including anti-IGF-I and -IGF-II neutralizing antibodies.
The risk of malignancies, especially thyroid cancer, was increased in patients with acromegaly in our center. More cancer screening should be considered when managing acromegaly, especially in patients with higher posttreatment GH and IGF-1.
We also examined which kinase signaling pathways might be mediating these effects and found that while AKT inhibition did not alter the pattern of IEG expression, both ERK and JAK2 inhibition significantly decreased IEG expression. These results begin to define the molecular effects of combining CEPO and IGF-1 and indicate the potential for these trophic factors to produce positive, synergistic effects.
Additionally, elevated IGF1R expression promotes NK cell expansion and enhances its functional activation, thereby inhibiting AML cell proliferation. Collectively, these findings highlight the clinical potential of IGF1R in the effective treatment of AML through the activation of NK cell proliferation and function and suggest that it may represent a potential predictive marker of AML prognosis.
Conformal or stereotactic radiotherapy may be discussed on a case-by-case basis, especially in case of drug inefficacy or poor tolerance. Acromegaly should be managed by a multidisciplinary team, preferably within an expert center such as a reference or skill center for rare pituitary diseases.
Case description: A 66-year-old man with a history of stage IV colon cancer presented to the hospital due to breathlessness while receiving chemotherapy (Bevacizumab plus FOLFOX4)...Dexamethasone 10 mg daily was started, and BG were maintained > 70mg/dl without dextrose infusion...Neoadjuvant therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy may reduce occurrences of hypoglycemia, but only temporarily. Glucocorticoids may be used when the underlying malignancy cannot be treated.
A subsequent CT adrenals demonstrated a 12.8 x 13.2 x 10.6cm left adrenal mass and she failed a 1mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test. This is a rare case of ACC secreting multiple hormones, resulting in post-menopausal bleeding and IGF-2 mediated hypoglycaemia.
Descriptions of this rare tumor are limited to case reports; its pathogenesis is not well understood, though it has been posited they represent a stem cell tumor with multilineage differentiation. The purpose of this report is to raise awareness of this subtype and encourage a comprehensive immunohistochemical workup for accurate classification of PitNETs.
Conclusions. This review highlights the potential of IGF-1 and IGF-1R inhibitors in pain management, but further research is needed to fully understand their efficacy and potential side effects.
Furthermore, metformin was observed to enhance adriamycin's effects in a murine xenograft model. Metformin enhanced OS cell sensitivity to cytotoxic agents via the IGF-1R/miR-610/FEN1 signalling axis, highlighting its potential as an adjuvant during chemotherapy.
Repeat 24h urine cortisol and midnight salivary cortisol levels were elevated; dexamethasone suppression test was positive... This case highlights the rare coexistence of acromegaly and adrenal Cushing's disease in a 50 year old woman. Though the relationship between acromegaly and cancer has been historically controversial, more recent studies have shown an increased risk of both benign and malignant tumors with acromegaly. Untreated Cushing's Disease has been associated with mildly elevated IGF1 which then decreases after remission; it is unclear if the same pathological process is involved in other etiologies of hypercortisolemia like adrenal Cushing's syndrome, but re-evaluation of IGF1 after treatment of Cushing's should be considered.
Discharge medications were hydrocortisone 10 mg AM and, 5 mg early afternoon and levothyroxine 50 mcg daily. This case demonstrates the potential for PitNETs to secrete multiple biologically active pituitary hormones, including prolactin, TSH and GH, highlighting the importance of maintaining an index of suspicion for pituitary causes in the evaluation of thyrotoxicosis and of considering the plurihormonal potential of PitNETs in patients presenting with multiple endocrinopathies.*Unless otherwise noted, all abstracts presented at ENDO must not be released to the press or the public until the date and time of presentation. For oral presentations, the abstracts are embargoed until the session begins. Abstracts presented at a news conference are embargoed until the date and time of the news conference.
Patient was started on low dose cabergoline in caution of prevention of possibility of rapid response-related significant volume contraction of the tumor with possibility of reactive edema...Abstracts presented at a news conference are embargoed until the date and time of the news conference. The Endocrine Society reserves the right to lift the embargo on specific abstracts that are selected for promotion prior to or during ENDO.*
He commenced on low dose cabergoline (0.5mg/week) and two months later clinical improvement was noted, accompanied by a marked reduction of prolactin (830ng/mL) and tumor shrinkage... The differential diagnosis of large skull base tumors, particularly those affecting sellar/clival regions, must always include prolactinoma, hence serum prolactin should be measured keeping in mind the possible occurrence of hook effect. Most giant prolactinomas respond to dopamine agonists, which should be considered as a first-line therapy, with marked reductions in both prolactin and tumor size often seen within the first weeks of treatment. GH-cosecretion may also ameliorate/normalize with dopamine agonists.
almost 2 years ago
IGF1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1) • PRL (Prolactin)
Patient is waiting for a second surgery via craniotomy and, given the SG finding on histology, pasireotide therapy will be offered...Abstracts presented at a news conference are embargoed until the date and time of the news conference. The Endocrine Society reserves the right to lift the embargo on specific abstracts that are selected for promotion prior to or during ENDO.*
We present a case of a testicular Leydig cell tumor that presented as peripheral precocious puberty marked by low gonadotropins and elevated testosterone with ultrasound findings of a vascular mass with testicular artery feeding branch in the periphery. Early detection of a Leydig cell tumor is crucial as it can be treated by enucleation thus salvaging the testes.*Unless otherwise noted, all abstracts presented at ENDO must not be released to the press or the public until the date and time of presentation. For oral presentations, the abstracts are embargoed until the session begins.