Characteristics, outcomes and treatment patterns in acute myeloid leukemia patients 60 years or older in Colombia: a RENEHOC-PETHEMA study. (PubMed, Ann Hematol)
Treatment included intensive chemotherapy (IC) (36.8%), Low-Intensity Regimen Based on Low-Dose Cytarabine (LDAC-based) (12.6%), hypomethylating agents (HMAs, with/without venetoclax) (35.3%), and supportive care (15.2%). The overall survival (OS) rate was 35.2% at 1 year and 5.6% at 5 years (13.7% for IC, 9.4% for LDAC-based, and 0% for other treatments); with median OS of 8.2 months (10.6 months after IC, 8.8 months after non-IC, 8.9 months after azacitidine/decitabine, 8.2 months after azacitidine-venetoclax, and 1.9 months with supportive care)...The Leukemia-free survival (LFS) rate was 45.8% at 1-year and 13.7% at 5-years (22.4% for IC, 9.4% and 0% for other treatments); with median LFS of 9.5 months (17.3 months after IC, 7.4 months after LDAC-based, and 10.8 months after HMA). This study provides new insights into the management of patients in Colombia, highlighting the need for a highly individualized approach in treating AML in elderly patients.