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University of Naples Federico II
Drug class:
EphA2 receptor antagonist
Neuronal guanine nucleotide exchange factor promotes the axonal growth and cancer cell proliferation via Ephrin-A3/EphA2 axis in lung adenocarcinoma. (PubMed, J Transl Med)
NGEF facilitates the infiltration of nerve and the growth of cancer cells in lung adenocarcinoma through the Ephrin-A3/EphA2 pathway, suggesting that NGEF is a promising target for disrupting interactions between nerves and tumors. Biomaterials that focus on NGEF are anticipated to be a potential treatment option for lung cancer.
EFNA3 (Ephrin A3) • KIF4A (Kinesin Family Member 4A) • NGEF (Neuronal Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor) • PABPC1 (Poly(A) Binding Protein Cytoplasmic 1)
Comprehensive analysis of EphA2 in pan-cancer: A prognostic biomarker associated with cancer immunity. (PubMed, Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol)
Our first pan-cancer study of EphA2 provides insight into the prognostic and immunological roles of EphA2 in different tumours, suggesting that EphA2 might be a potential biomarker for poor prognosis and immune infiltration in cancer.
Journal • Tumor mutational burden • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • Pan tumor
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • MSI (Microsatellite instability) • CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2)
EphA2 as a phase separation protein associated with ferroptosis and immune cell infiltration in colorectal cancer. (PubMed, Aging (Albany NY))
We also found that EphA2 can form liquid-liquid phase separation condensates on cell membrane, which can be disrupted by ALW-II-41-27, an inhibitor of EphA2. In addition, we found that EphA2 expression in colorectal cancer was positively correlated with the expression of ferroptosis-related genes and the infiltration of multiple immune cells. These findings suggest that EphA2 is a novel membrane protein with phase separation ability and is associated with ferroptosis and immune cell infiltration, which further suggests that malignant progression of colorectal cancer may be inhibited by suppressing the phase separation ability of EphA2.
Journal • Immune cell
EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2)
Targeting the KLF5-EphA2 axis can restrain cancer stemness and overcome chemoresistance in basal-like breast cancer. (PubMed, Int J Biol Sci)
Furthermore, the EphA2 inhibitor ALW-II-41-27 could effectively reduce EphA2 pS897 and tumor cell stemness in vitro and significantly enhance the sensitivity of xenografts to the chemotherapeutic drugs PTX and DDP in vivo. Clinically, tumor samples from breast patients with less response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy showed a high level of EphA2 pS897 expression. In conclusion, KLF5-EphA2 promotes stemness and drug resistance in BLBC and could be a potential target for the treatment of BLBC.
TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha)
ALW-II-41-27, an EphA2 inhibitor, inhibits proliferation, migration and invasion of cervical cancer cells via inhibition of the RhoA/ROCK pathway. (PubMed, Oncol Lett)
Taken together, the present findings revealed that ALW-II-41-27 inhibited CC cell proliferation, migration and invasion by blocking the RhoA/ROCK pathway. These findings provide further insight into the mechanism of CC progression and significant information for the development of potential therapeutic targets for CC.
RHOA (Ras homolog family member A) • EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2)
RHOA mutation
EphA2 Expression in Bone Sarcomas: Bioinformatic Analyses and Preclinical Characterization in Patient-Derived Models of Osteosarcoma, Ewing's Sarcoma and Chondrosarcoma. (PubMed, Cells)
Indeed, we observed a significant dose-dependent antitumor effect of the EphA2-inhibitor ALW-II-41-27 in patient-derived in vitro models. In conclusion, EphA2 targeting represents a promising novel therapeutic strategy against bone sarcomas.
Preclinical • Journal • IO biomarker
EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2)
Blocking of EphA2 on Endometrial Tumor Cells Reduces Susceptibility to Vδ1 Gamma-Delta T-Cell-Mediated Killing. (PubMed, Front Immunol)
The EphA2 blocking studies were performed using antibody, small-molecule inhibitor ALW-II-41-27, and the CRISPR/Cas9...Specifically, we found that blocking of EphA2 expression resulted in significant inhibition of endometrial tumor killing mediated by Vδ1 γδ T cells. These results suggest that EphA2 is involved in tumor cell lysis and contributes to susceptibility to Vδ1 γδ T cells cytotoxic reactivity.
EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2)
Quantitative Tyrosine Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Resistance to Radiotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells. (PubMed, Cancer Manag Res)
Furthermore, an ATP-competitive EPHA2 RTK inhibitor (ALW-II-41-27, ALW) reduced EPHA2 Y772 phosphorylation and increased the expression of E-cadherin in CNE2-IR cells...In conclusion, phosphoproteomic approach allowed us to link tyrosine kinases signaling with radioresistance in NPC. Further studies are necessary to delineate the molecular function of EPHA2/E-cadherin signaling in radioresistant NPC and to explore rational combination therapy and its underlying mechanism.
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • ABL1 (ABL proto-oncogene 1) • CDH1 (Cadherin 1) • IGF1R (Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor) • EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2)
CDH1 expression
Enhanced YB1/EphA2 axis signaling promotes acquired resistance to sunitinib and metastatic potential in renal cell carcinoma. (PubMed, Oncogene)
Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of EphA2 through the small molecule inhibitor ALW-II-41-27 reduced the proliferation of sunitinib-resistant tumor cells, suppressed tumor growth in vivo, and restored the sensitivity of sunitinib-resistant tumor cells to sunitinib in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, YB1 increases the protein levels of EphA2 by maintaining the protein stability of EphA2 through inhibition of the proteasomal degradation pathway. Collectively, our findings provide the theoretical rationale that ccRCC metastasis and RTK-directed therapeutic resistance could be prospectively and purposefully targeted.
Preclinical • Journal
VHL (von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor) • EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2) • YBX1 (Y-Box Binding Protein 1)
VHL mutation
sunitinib • ALW-II-41-27
Y772 phosphorylation of EphA2 is responsible for EphA2-dependent NPC nasopharyngeal carcinoma growth by Shp2/Erk-1/2 signaling pathway. (PubMed, Cell Death Dis)
Moreover, we observed that EphA2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor ALW-II-41-27 inhibited pY772-EphA2 and EphA2-Y772A decreased the inhibitory effect of ALW-II-41-27 on NPC cell proliferation. Collectively, our results demonstrate that pY772-EphA2 is responsible for EphA2-dependent NPC cell growth in vitro and in vivo by activating Shp2/Erk-1/2 signaling pathway, and is a pharmacologic target of ALW-II-41-27, suggesting that pY772-EphA2 can serve as a therapeutic target in NPC and perhaps in other cancers.
EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2)
[VIRTUAL] Investigations of drug synergy reveal promising efficacy of EphA2 inhibition combined with CDK inhibition in triple-negative breast cancer (AACR-II 2020)
Furthermore, genetic knockdown or inhibition of EphA2 with the small molecule ALW-II-41-27 (ALW) reduces cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo...To this end, TNBC lines MDA-MB-231, BT-549, HCC1395, and HCC1187 were seeded in 96-well plates and exposed to ALW alone or in combination with chemotherapeutic agents doxorubicin and paclitaxel, CDK inhibitor SCH-727965, and MCL-1 inhibitor S63845 and cell viability assessed by MTT assay at 48 hours...Furthermore, TUNEL assays show that addition of SCH-727965 to ALW significantly increases the induction of apoptosis by HCC1395 and HCC1187 cells. These preclinical studies demonstrate that combination of ALW and SCH-727965 potently reduces TNBC cell growth and promotes cell death, representing promising early data on the effects of EphA2 inhibition as part of a combination targeted therapeutic approach for triple-negative breast cancer.
EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2)
paclitaxel • doxorubicin hydrochloride • S63845 • dinaciclib (MK-7965) • ALW-II-41-27 • Mcl-1 inhibitors