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ABM Therap
Drug class:
MEK1 inhibitor, MEK2 inhibitor
Safety and Effectiveness of ABM-168 in Adults with Advanced Solid Tumors. (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1, N=12, Terminated, ABM Therapeutics Corporation | N=112 --> 12 | Trial completion date: Oct 2025 --> Jun 2024 | Recruiting --> Terminated | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2025 --> Jun 2024; Due to development strategy change.
Enrollment change • Trial completion date • Trial termination • Trial primary completion date • Metastases
CD4 (CD4 Molecule)
New P1 trial • Metastases
CD4 (CD4 Molecule)
Preclinical development of ABM-168, a novel MEK Inhibitor to treat cancer with brain tumors (AACR 2023)
In-vitro data showed the similar on-target enzyme activity of ABM-168 to marketed MEK inhibitors, as well as high anti-proliferation activities (IC50 <30nM) in multiple cancer cell lines with BRAF or RAS or NF1 mutation like A375, Colo-829, HT-29, MiaPaca-2, LN-229 etc. In vivo pharmacology studies demonstrated that ABM-168 had good potencies of tumor growth inhibitions with oral dose alone or combo with other drugs or compounds in multiple xenograft cancer models: In an A375-luc intracardiac melanoma metastatic model, ABM-168 at 2 mg/kg PO BID demonstrated an antitumor activity comparable to ABM-1310 (A highly BBB-permeable BRAF inhibitor developed by ABM Therapeutics) at different dose levels and frequencies. Single-dose, seven-day repeat dose non-GLP studies and four-week GLP toxicity studies in SD rats and beagle dogs were all completed. Based on these supportive preclinical study results, the IND of ABM-168 was submitted in 2022 Q3 to investigate its safety in human, which will be followed by further clinic development as a single agent, or in combination with other molecules to treat advanced cancers resulted from the abnormal MAPK signal pathway, particularly with brain tumors.
NF1 (Neurofibromin 1)
BRAF mutation • NF1 mutation • RAS mutation • MAP2K1 mutation
ABM-1310 • ABM-168