Treatment of MDS/AML patients with an impending hematological relapse with azacitidine alone or in combination with pevonedistat Behandlung von MDS/AML Patienten mit drohendem hämatologischem Rezidiv mit Azacytidin alleine oder Azacytidin in Kombination mit Pevonedistat
...- AML or MDS- continuing first CR after conventional intensive chemotherapy OR continuing CR after alloSCT- MRD positivity (assessed by local lab) as defined by:o NPM1mut status >1% in peripheral blood or bone marrow in NPM1 mutated patients at diagnosis oro Patients after allogeneic transplantation, who were NPM1 unmutated at diagnosis and have a blood or marrow CD34/CD117 chimerism <80%...
Impact of clinical features, cytogenetics, genetic mutations, and methylation dynamics of CDKN2B and DLC-1 promoters on treatment response to azacitidine
Patients with SF3B1 mutations showed a better response to AZA (68% vs. 35% responders, P = 0.008). In contrast, subjects with mutations in transcription factors (RUNX1, SETBP1, NPM1) showed a worse response (20% vs. 47% responders, P = 0.014).