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TeloViewSMM test

Laboratory Developed Test


TeloViewSMM test is for smoldering multiple myeloma, a precursor to multiple myeloma, a deadly blood cancer. The test stratifies patients flagged with the elevated M-protein biomarker, between patients that are high-risk to progress to the full stage of the myeloma disease, and those that are low-risk patients, and confirms the stability of disease in these patients. To date, this was a critical unmet need in the management of SMM patients. High risk SMM patients may benefit from immediate treatment intervention, with a possibility to achieve cure based on the most recent advanced treatment regimens. Alternatively, low risk patients can be monitored over time using TeloViewSMM, without exposing these patients to unnecessary and debilitating treatment. Critically, TeloViewSMM can be used as a non-invasive liquid biopsy and can be performed using a simple blood draw. According to recent demographic studies, SMM prevalence is estimated to be 0.5% of the population over 40 years old, suggesting TeloViewSMM total addressable market of approximately over 500,000 tests per year.
Multiple Myeloma
Liquid biopsy