Prepartum anti-inflammatory therapies in Holstein dairy cows blocked by parity and body condition score group: Effects on metabolic stress, systemic inflammation, performance, and health. (PubMed, J Dairy Sci)
At 14 d before the expected calving date, cows (PAR; n = 170) and heifers (nulliparous [NUL]; n = 63) were blocked by BCS group (optimal = 3-3.5 [OPT]; over-conditioned cows [OVERC; BCS ≥ 3.75 pts.]) and parity (NUL; PAR) and randomly allocated to one of 3 treatment groups: 1) ASA (n = 78): receive one oral administration of acetylsalicylic acid (4 boluses; 480 grain/bolus); 2) MEL (n = 76): receive one oral administration with meloxicam (1mg/kg of BW), or 3) PLC (n = 77): receive one oral treatment with gelatin capsules filled with water. Although the study was not sized for finding treatment differences in blocking criteria groups, these results suggest that treatment with prepartum anti-inflammatory therapies may have positive effects on milk yield and postpartum health in specific groups of cows, such as NUL and OVERC cows, while it may not be recommended for other animal categories, such as parous cows and cows with optimal BCS. Larger studies are needed to strengthen the associations observed in this study.