Identifying the sources of mercury exposure in dental workers. (PubMed, Occup Med (Lond))
No chelation or medication was administered in these cases. The identified primary source was inorganic mercury from unregistered facial creams, with levels measuring 18 302.17 and 6221.53 mcg/g surpassing the Thai regulation's maximum limit of zero.
The Jinling Cohort (clinicaltrials.gov)
P=N/A; N=15000; Recruiting; Sponsor:Nanjing Shihejiyin Technology, Inc.
New trial • Liquid biopsy • Biopsy
Geneseeq receives CE Marks for MRD and MCED tests. (Geneseeq Press Release)
"Geneseeq Technology Inc. announced that Geneseeq’s multi-cancer minimal residual disease detection (MRD) and multi-cancer early detection (MCED) kits were both CE Marked for liquid biopsy use in solid tumor patients...The MRD detection kit (Shielding™) employs ultra-deep sequencing technology ATG-SEQ™ to detect low amounts of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the peripheral blood post-surgical intervention...For early cancer detection, the in vitro diagnostic kit uses highly sensitive next-generation sequencing-based technology MERCURY™ to assess multi-omics features of circulating free DNA (cfDNA) and detect tumorigenesis in health population."
European regulatory