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TSC1 deletion

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Cerebral vascular and blood brain-barrier abnormalities in a mouse model of epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis complex. (PubMed, Epilepsia)
Increased brain VEGF expression is dependent on mTOR pathway activation and promotes cerebral vascular abnormalities and increased BBB permeability in a mouse model of TSC. BBB modulation may affect epileptogenesis and represent a rationale treatment for epilepsy in TSC.
Preclinical • Journal
CLDN5 (Claudin 5) • OCLN (Occludin)
VEGFA expression • TSC1 deletion
AiTan (rivoceranib) • sirolimus
Characterization of Epilepsy in the TSC1 Stochastic Mouse Model (AES 2023)
Treatment groups received mTOR inhibitor everolimus (0.3 or 0.03 mg/kg, IP 3x per week) beginning at postnatal day 28 through day 54... This data is consistent with other TSC epilepsy models, supporting the utility of the TSC1 stochastic mouse model for assessment of seizures.
TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1) • GFAP (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein)
TSC1 deletion • TSC1 deletion
Isolated subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) in the absence of clinical tuberous sclerosis: two case reports and literature review. (PubMed, Childs Nerv Syst)
Cases of SEGA outside of the context of TSC are exceedingly rare, with only 48 cases previously described. The genetic mechanisms and treatment response of these lesions are poorly understood. To date, these lesions appear to respond well to mTOR inhibitors and may behave similarly to SEGAs associated with TSC. However, given that experience is extremely limited, these cases should be followed long term to better understand their natural history and treatment response.
Review • Journal
TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1)
TSC1 mutation • TSC1 deletion • TSC1 deletion
TREM2 acts as a receptor for IL-34 to suppress acute myeloid leukemia in mice. (PubMed, Blood)
Furthermore, TREM2 was downregulated in AML patients and associated with a poor prognosis. This study identified TREM2 as a novel receptor for IL-34, indicating a promising strategy for overcoming AML differentiation blockade in AML patients.
Preclinical • Journal
TREM2 (Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 2)
TSC1 deletion • TSC1 deletion
AKT-mTORC1 reactivation is the dominant resistance driver for PI3Kβ/AKT inhibitors in PTEN-null breast cancer and can be overcome by combining with Mcl-1 inhibitors. (PubMed, Oncogene)
Parallel CRISPR screens in 3 PTEN-null breast cancer cell lines identified genes mediating resistance to capivasertib (AKT inhibitor) and AZD8186 (PI3Kβ inhibitor). The Mcl-1i + PI3Kβ/AKTi combination was effective across a panel of breast cancer cell lines with PIK3CA and PTEN mutations, and delivered increased anti-tumor benefit in vivo. This study demonstrates that different resistance drivers to PI3Kβi and AKTi converge to reactivate PI3K-AKT or mTOR signalling and combined inhibition of Mcl-1 and PI3K-AKT has potential as a treatment strategy for PI3Kβi/AKTi sensitive and resistant breast tumours.
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • ERBB3 (V-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1) • PIK3CB (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta) • LAMTOR4 (Late Endosomal/Lysosomal Adaptor) • PIK3R2 (Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Regulatory Subunit 2 )
PIK3CA mutation • PTEN mutation • TSC1 deletion • TSC1 deletion
Truqap (capivasertib) • AZD8186
Loss of TSC1/TSC2 sensitizes immune checkpoint blockade in non-small cell lung cancer. (PubMed, Sci Adv)
Patients with TSC1/TSC2-mutant NSCLC receiving immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) had increased durable clinical benefit and survival. Collectively, TSC1/TSC2 loss defines a distinct subtype of NSCLC characterized as inflamed tumor microenvironment and superior sensitivity to ICB.
Journal • Checkpoint inhibition • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1)
PD-L1 expression • TSC1 mutation • TSC2 mutation • TSC1 deletion
Genetic context of oncogenic drivers dictates vascular sarcoma development in aP2-Cre mice. (PubMed, J Pathol)
Genetic dissection of the spectrum of vascular tumors identified genes specifically regulated in the aggressive murine angiosarcomas that are also enriched in human angiosarcoma. The genetic dissection driving the transition across the malignant spectrum of endothelial sarcomas provides an opportunity to identify key determinants of the malignant phenotype, novel therapies for angiosarcoma, and novel in vivo models to further explore angiosarcoma pathogenesis.
Preclinical • Journal
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • CDKN2A (Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) • DICER1 (Dicer 1 Ribonuclease III)
TSC1 deletion • KRAS deletion • TSC1 deletion
Landscape of TSC1 and TSC2 mutations in patients with advanced solid cancers (AACR 2022)
Finally, we show that the combined annual US incidence of patients with TSC1 and TSC2 mutations is on average (n = 3 clinical genomic cohorts) higher than 17 of 23 other common targetable mutations. Our approach is now being used to estimate the population size of other medically relevant mutations and identify associated genomic targets for improved clinical trial design.
Clinical • Tumor Mutational Burden • IO biomarker
TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • FGFR3 (Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3) • TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1)
TSC1 mutation • TSC2 mutation • TSC1 deletion • TSC1 deletion
Oncocytic renal neoplasms with diffuse keratin 7 immunohistochemistry harbor frequent alterations in the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. (PubMed, Mod Pathol)
At a median follow-up of 68 months (2-147 months) for 15 patients, all were alive without disease. Oncocytic renal tumors with diffuse keratin 7 labeling show frequent alterations in the TSC/MTOR pathway, despite more oncocytoma-like morphology than initially described in LOT, likely expanding the morphologic spectrum of the latter.
MET (MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • FGFR3 (Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3) • STK11 (Serine/threonine kinase 11) • CDH1 (Cadherin 1) • TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1) • EPCAM (Epithelial cell adhesion molecule) • KRT7 (Keratin-7) • FOXP1 (Forkhead Box P1) • MME (Membrane Metalloendopeptidase) • PAX8 (Paired box 8)
MET amplification • STK11 mutation • TSC1 mutation • TSC2 mutation • MTOR mutation • FGFR3 amplification • TSC1 deletion • PAX8 positive • TSC1 deletion
mTOR activation initiates renal cell carcinoma development by coordinating ERK and p38MAPK. (PubMed, Cancer Res)
Thus, mTOR activation in combination with inactivation of the p38MAPK-p53/p16 pathway drives RCC development from renal proximal tubules. Moreover, this study uncovers previously unidentified mechanisms by which mTOR controls cell proliferation and suggests the MEK-ERK axis to be a potential target for treatment of RCC.
CDKN2A (Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) • MAP2K1 (Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1)
CDKN2A deletion • TSC1 deletion • TSC1 deletion
Clinical • Enrollment open • Combination therapy • PD(L)-1 Biomarker
SDHB (Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Iron Sulfur Subunit B) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1)
TSC1 deletion
Keytruda (pembrolizumab) • Lenvima (lenvatinib)