STAT5 activation enhances adoptive therapy combined with peptide vaccination by preventing PD-1 inhibition. (PubMed, Mol Cancer Ther)
These findings indicate that TCR-transduced CD8 T cells can undergo antigen-dependent expansion when exposed to TriVax. Additionally, the expression of CA-STAT5 enhances T cell proliferation and persistence, partly by promoting resistance to PD-1/PD-L1-mediated inhibition in antitumor T cells.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • STAT5A (Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 5A)
PD-1 expression
Trivax (AV0113)
Melanocyte-specific CD8+ T cells demonstrate tolerance characterized by an impaired ability to differentiate into a highly proliferative population (IMMUNOLOGY 2020)
In pre-immune mice, these cells have a naïve phenotype in both strains, and they respond similarly for the first several days after in vivo stimulation with Trp2 peptide alone or in combination with adjuvants (TriVax)...As a population, WT Trp2-specific CD8+ T cells exhibit covert anergy: despite a naïve appearance at steady state and initial acquisition of activation markers after stimulation, these self-specific cells are unable to expand productively or to efficiently mediate functional anti-melanocyte activity. These findings have implications for recently-described non-deletional CD8+ T cell tolerance in humans.
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8)
Trivax (AV0113)
T-Cells Modified with CD70 as an Alternative Cellular Vaccine for Antitumor Immunity. (PubMed, Cancer Res Treat)
Antigenic peptide-loaded T cells transfected with retrovirus encoding costimulatory ligands CD70, CD80, OX40L, or 4-1BBL were assessed for antigen-specific CD8 T-cell responses and evaluated antitumor effects along with immunization of a mixture of synthetic peptides, poly-IC and anti-CD40 antibodies (TriVax)...Moreover, CD70-T vaccination resulted in higher expansion and migration of adoptively transferred T cells into tumor sites and elicits enhanced therapeutic effects with peptide-based booster immunization. These results imply that T cells endowed with CD70 enable the design of effective vaccination strategies against solid cancer, which may overcome current limitations of DC-based vaccines.
CD70 (CD70 Molecule)
Trivax (AV0113)