Fyn and argonaute 2 participate in maternal-mRNA degradation during mouse oocyte maturation. (PubMed, Cell Cycle)
Our aim was to examine the role of Fyn and AGO2 in degradation of maternal-mRNAs during oocyte maturation by either suppressing their activity with SU6656 - an SFKs inhibitor; or by microinjecting DN-Fyn RNA for suppression of Fyn and BCl-137 for suppression of AGO2...Inhibition of AGO2 prevented the degreadation of at least five maternal-mRNAs, whereas inhibition of Fyn/SFK prevented degradation of at least five Fyn maternal-mRNAs and two SFKs maternal-mRNAs; pointing at their role in promoting the physiological degradation which occurs during in-vivo oocyte maturation. Our findings imply the involvement of Fyn/SFKs in stabilization of maternal-mRNA at the GV stage and the involvement of Fyn, SFKs and AGO2 in degradation of maternal mRNAs during oocyte maturation.