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SMARCB1 mutation

Other names: SMARCB1, SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1, Protein Phosphatase 1, Regulatory Subunit 144 , Sucrose Nonfermenting, Yeast, Homolog-Like 1, Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor Suppressor , Integrase Interactor 1 Protein, BRG1-Associated Factor 47, SNF5 Homolog, SNF5L1, BAF47, HSNF5, INI1, SWI/SNF-Related Matrix-Associated Protein, PPP1R144, SWNTS1, MRD15, RTPS1, CSS3, SNF5, Snr1, BAF47, MRD15, RTPS1, Sfh1p, hSNFS
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Related biomarkers:
Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor of the Brain in a Young Adult With Down Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review. (PubMed, J Pediatr Hematol Oncol)
This report represents the first known case of ATRT in a young adult patient with Down syndrome, offering unique mechanistic insight into the tumorigenesis of ATRT. Further studies are needed to define an appropriate risk-adapted and standardized therapeutic approach for this patient population.
Review • Journal
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Desmoplastic myxoid tumor of the pineal region, SMARCB1 mutant: illustrative case. (PubMed, J Neurosurg Case Lessons)
This case showed a patient with DMT, SMARCB1 mutant with a relatively low Ki-67 proliferation index (less than 1%), clinically combined with typical Parinaud's syndrome. At the same time, the follow-up of this case may provide a better understanding of the prognosis of this specific kind of tumor. https://thejns.org/doi/10.3171/CASE24419.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
A novel mutation in SMARCB1 associated with adult Coffin-Siris syndrome and meningioma. (PubMed, Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai))
Mechanistic studies suggest that this missense mutation may abnormally activate the MAPK signaling pathway, which is implicated in the pathogenesis of tumor progression and neurodevelopmental disorders. This is the first reported case of a germline mutation in the SMARCB1 gene associated with both CSS3 and meningioma, thereby expanding the phenotypic spectrum of SMARCB1-related disorders.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
SMARCB1-deficient renal medullary carcinoma with an EML4::ALK fusion gene in a Japanese woman. (PubMed, Pathol Int)
Six cycles of the dose-dense methotrexate, vinblastine, adriamycin, and cisplatin-combined chemotherapy were completed after an ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy of the renal tumor. After chemotherapy, the size of the original tumor in the right kidney had decreased in size, as well as the other metastatic lesions.
ALK (Anaplastic lymphoma kinase) • EML4 (EMAP Like 4) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
ALK fusion • SMARCB1 mutation
cisplatin • doxorubicin hydrochloride • methotrexate • vinblastine
Inhibiting EZH2 targets atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor by triggering viral mimicry via both RNA and DNA sensing pathways. (PubMed, Nat Commun)
EZH2i also upregulates the expression of full-length LINE-1s, leading to genomic instability and cGAS/STING signaling in a process dependent on reverse transcriptase activity. Co-depletion of dsRNA sensing and cytoplasmic DNA sensing completely rescues the viral mimicry response to EZH2i in SMARCB1-deficient tumors.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Constitutional mosaicism of pathogenic variants in SMARCB1 in a subset of patients with sporadic rhabdoid tumors. (PubMed, Neuro Oncol)
Constitutional mosaicism for pathogenic small SMARCB1 variants is recurrent in patients with allegedly sporadic rhabdoid tumors. The clinical implications of such variants need to be determined in larger, prospective cohorts also including detection of structural variants of SMARCB1.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Consensus guidelines for the management of pineal region tumours for low- and middle-income countries. (PubMed, J Pak Med Assoc)
Histologic diagnosis necessitates biopsy, unless in cases of germ cell tumours, particularly germinomas, which can be identified through elevated levels of tumour markers like alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in both cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. While benign tumours might be effectively treated with radical resection alone, malignant tumours demand additional chemotherapy and radiotherapy following surgical removal.
Clinical guideline • Journal
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein)
SMARCB1 mutation
Trial completion date • Combination therapy
MYCN (MYCN Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation • IDH wild-type
temozolomide • Kisqali (ribociclib) • topotecan
Targeting DCAF5 suppresses SMARCB1-mutant cancer by stabilizing SWI/SNF. (PubMed, Nature)
Consequently, cancer results not from the loss of SMARCB1 function per se, but rather from DCAF5-mediated degradation of SWI/SNF complexes. These data indicate that therapeutic targeting of ubiquitin-mediated quality-control factors may effectively reverse the malignant state of some cancers driven by disruption of tumour suppressor complexes.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • DDB1 (Damage Specific DNA Binding Protein 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
An adult with recurrent atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor of the spine. (PubMed, CNS Oncol)
However, after 10 years, a recurrence was detected through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the tumor was reclassified as AT/RT. We discuss the significance of SMARCB1 gene mutations in diagnosing AT/RT and describe our unique treatment approach involving surgery, radiation and anti-PD1 therapy in this patient.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
SMARCB1-deficient sinonasal adenocarcinoma: a rare variant of SWI/SNF-deficient malignancy often misclassified as high-grade non-intestinal-type sinonasal adenocarcinoma or myoepithelial carcinoma. (PubMed, Virchows Arch)
The original diagnosis was usually high-grade non-intestinal-type adenocarcinoma or high-grade myoepithelial carcinoma. A correct diagnosis of these aggressive tumors could lead to improved targeted therapies with potentially better overall disease-specific survival.
ER (Estrogen receptor) • POLE (DNA Polymerase Epsilon) • SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • ARID1B (AT-Rich Interaction Domain 1B) • SMARCA2 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily A, Member 2) • PAX3 (Paired Box 3)
POLE mutation • ER mutation • ESR1 mutation • ARID1B mutation • SMARCB1 deletion • SMARCB1 mutation
Case report of selumetinib as a novel therapy in a neurofibromatosis type 2-associated ependymoma. (PubMed, Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev)
Due to progression of all tumors, he was treated medically with both everolimus (10 mg/day) and selumetinib (25 mg/kg twice a day), but he rapidly transitioned to selumetinib monotherapy due to everolimus toxicity. This PR was quantified by the differences in units of intensity in pre- and post-treatment magnetic resonance image. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case for using selumetinib in NF2-associated tumors or ependymomas.
NF2 (Neurofibromin 2) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • LZTR1 (Leucine Zipper Like Transcription Regulator 1)
SMARCB1 mutation • NF2 negative
everolimus • Koselugo (selumetinib)
SMARCB1 loss activates patient-specific distal oncogenic enhancers in malignant rhabdoid tumors. (PubMed, Nat Commun)
This intertumoral heterogeneity in MYC enhancer utilization is also present in patient MRT tissues as shown by combined single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq. We show that loss of SMARCB1 activates patient-specific epigenetic reprogramming underlying MRT tumorigenesis.
SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Extracranial malignant rhabdoid tumors in children: high mortality even with the help of an aggressive clinical approach. (PubMed, Eur J Pediatr)
What is New: • There is no comprehensive meta-analysis or large-scale case series that reported to systematically introduce the eMRTs clinic outcome and prog-nosis based on largely pooled data. • This study performed a meta-analysis through an extensive literature search and clinical data analysis in order to mainly explore the clinical characteris-tics and prognosis of eMRTs, improving the understanding of eMRTs in children..
Review • Journal
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Malignant Rhabdoids and Related Pediatric Tumors: A Multimodality Imaging Review and Pathologic Correlation (RSNA 2023)
Role of ultrasound and whole-body MRI in surveillance in patients with RTPS 6. Pathologic correlation
Clinical • Review
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
SWI/SNF-deficient tumors of the central nervous system: An update. (PubMed, Clin Neuropathol)
Furthermore, other recently described tumor types such as desmoplastic myxoid tumor, SMARCB1-mutant, and low-grade diffusely infiltrative tumor, SMARCB1-mutant, may even manifest as low-grade lesions. Here, we review recent developments in the definition of the molecular landscape of AT/RT and give an update on other rare high- and low-grade SWI/SNF-deficient central nervous system tumors.
SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Study of Efficacy and Safety of Ribociclib (LEE011) in Combination With Topotecan and Temozolomide (TOTEM) in Pediatric Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Neuroblastoma and Other Solid Tumors (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1/2, N=231, Recruiting, Novartis Pharmaceuticals | Trial completion date: Jan 2028 --> Oct 2028 | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2027 --> Oct 2028
Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date • Combination therapy
MYCN (MYCN Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation • IDH wild-type
temozolomide • Kisqali (ribociclib) • topotecan
Sellar atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor in adults: survival analysis of treatment strategies. Illustrative case. (PubMed, J Neurosurg Case Lessons)
Early initiation of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy following surgery improves survival outcomes in adult patients with ATRT. Because of limited data on standardized treatment protocols for adults with ATRT, further research and larger-scale studies are needed to establish effective treatment guidelines for this population.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
The role of pediatric oncologist in prenatal diagnosis: A 10-year retrospective study at Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille (AP-HM). (PubMed, Pediatr Hematol Oncol)
Various solid tumors and cancer predisposition syndromes can be detected before birth. A multidisciplinary collaboration is strongly recommended for optimal management before and after birth.
Retrospective data • Journal
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Recurrent atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RT) reveal discrete features of progression on histology, epigenetics, copy number profiling, and transcriptomics. (PubMed, Acta Neuropathol)
Many of them are known tumor driving growth factors, involved in embryonal development and tumorigenesis, or are cell-cycle-associated. Overall, our work identifies subtle molecular changes that occur in the course of the disease and that may help define novel therapeutic targets for AT/RT recurrences.
SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCA4 mutation • SMARCB1 mutation
Rhabdoid tumors in patients conceived following ART: is there an association? (PubMed, Hum Reprod)
This cohort of patients with RT_ART demonstrated a marked female predominance, and a rather low median age at diagnosis even for RTs. Other clinical, treatment, outcome, and molecular factors did not differ from those conceived without ART (EU-RHAB control cohort) or reported in other series, and there was no evidence for imprinting defects. Long-term survival is achievable even in cases with pathogenic germline variants, metastatic disease at diagnosis, or relapse. The female preponderance among RT_ART patients is not yet understood and needs to be evaluated, ideally in larger international series.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Constitutional balanced translocations involving SMARCB1: A rare cause of rhabdoid tumor predisposition syndrome. (PubMed, Genes Chromosomes Cancer)
While rare, these cases suggest that structural variants should be considered in the evaluation of children with rhabdoid tumors to provide more accurate genetic counseling on the risks of developing tumors, the need for surveillance, and the risks of passing the disorder on to future children. Further research is needed to understand the prevalence, clinical features, and tumor risks associated with RTPS1-related constitutional balanced translocations.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Adrenal and periadrenal schwannoma: histological, molecular and clinical characterization of an institutional case series. (PubMed, Endocrine)
AS/PAS are rare neoplasms that are most often benign, and the molecular etiology is most likely not related to mutations in established schwannoma-related genes. Since these tumors may be misinterpreted as malignant, knowledge of this entity is essential for radiologists, endocrinologists, surgeons and pathologists.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
NF2 mutation • SMARCB1 mutation
The Histologic and Molecular Spectrum of Highly Differentiated HPV-independent Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia. (PubMed, Am J Surg Pathol)
In conclusion, highly differentiated cervical HPV-negative precursors are characteristic intraepithelial squamous lesions with somatic mutations that resemble those described in vulvar HPV-independent carcinogenesis. For optimal reproducibility, we propose a simplistic classification of these HPV-negative cervical precursors in TP53-mutated d-CIN and p53 wild-type verruciform intraepithelial neoplasia.
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha) • CDKN2A (Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
TP53 mutation • EGFR mutation • PIK3CA mutation • TP53 wild-type • CDKN2A negative • EGFR mutation + PIK3CA mutation • SMARCB1 mutation • TP53 overexpression
Mutational landscape of SWI/SNF complex genes reveal correlation to predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy sensitivity in lung adenocarcinoma patients. (PubMed, ESMO Open)
The research presented in this study shows that mutations in the ARID gene family, including ARID1A, ARID1B, and ARID2, are primarily responsible for the sensitive response to immunotherapy treatment in patients with lung adenocarcinoma.
Journal • Tumor mutational burden • IO biomarker
TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • ARID1A (AT-rich interaction domain 1A) • SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • ARID1B (AT-Rich Interaction Domain 1B) • ARID2 (AT-Rich Interaction Domain 2)
ARID1A mutation • SMARCA4 mutation • SMARCB1 mutation • ARID2 mutation
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor of the sella in an adult patient (AANP 2023)
As in this case, some of the morphologic features can overlap with those of other more common and less aggressive neoplasms. Thus, sellar AT/RTs are a key, albeit rare, part of the differential diagnosis of sellar neoplasia.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • SYP (Synaptophysin)
SMARCB1 mutation
A Carboxy-terminal Smarcb1 Point Mutation Induces Hydrocephalus Formation and Affects AP-1 and Neuronal Signalling Pathways in Mice. (PubMed, Cell Mol Neurobiol)
However, neuronal signalling appeared disturbed in newborn mice, since genes of the AP-1 transcription factor family and neurite outgrowth-related transcripts were downregulated. These findings support the important role of SMARCB1 in neurodevelopment and extend the knowledge of different Smarcb1 mutations and their associated phenotypes.
Preclinical • Journal
SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Here we describe SMARCB1-negative PTCL-NOS as a potential new molecular subtype of PTCL-NOS significantly enriched in young patients. A strong concordance between naturally occurring SMARCB1-deficient PTCL in humans and in the targeted mouse model were found regarding epigenetic features. Our results provide a rationale for further investigation of potential HDACi combination therapies in SMARCB1-negative PTCL-NOS.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • CD4 (CD4 Molecule)
SMARCB1 deletion • SMARCB1 mutation • SMARCB1 negative
Zolinza (vorinostat)
SMARCB1/INI1-Deficient Poorly Differentiated Carcinoma of the Colon With Rhabdoid Features-A Rare Tumor With Serrated Phenotype: Case Report and Review of Literature. (PubMed, Int J Surg Pathol)
INI1-deficient poorly differentiated carcinoma of the colon is a rare, aggressive colonic malignancy showing a serrated phenotype. Routine identification and subtyping are important keeping in mind the distinct tumor phenotype, resistance to conventional chemotherapy, and dismal prognosis.
Review • Journal
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
BRAF V600E • KRAS mutation • NRAS mutation • BRAF V600 • RAS wild-type • NRAS wild-type • KRAS A146 • SMARCB1 mutation • NRAS A146
Clinico-pathological implications of the 2022 WHO Renal Cell Carcinoma classification. (PubMed, Cancer Treat Rev)
The main change is the introduction of a new category of molecularly-defined RCC, which includes TFE3-rearranged RCC, TFEB-rearranged, and TFEB-amplified RCC, FH-deficient RCC, SDH-deficient RCC, ALK-rearranged RCC, ELOC (formerly TCEB1)-mutated RCC, SMARCB1 (INI1)-deficient RCC. In this paper we analyze the current knowledge on emerging entities and molecularly-defined RCC to assess whether the current pathological classification offers the oncologist the possibility of selecting more specific and personalized treatments, from both those currently available, as well as those that will soon be available.
Review • Journal
ALK (Anaplastic lymphoma kinase) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • TFE3 (Transcription Factor Binding To IGHM Enhancer 3) • TFEB (Transcription Factor EB 2)
ALK rearrangement • SMARCB1 mutation
Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors of the Vulva versus Epithelioid Sarcomas: A Clinicopathologic, Immunohistochemical, and Molecular Genetics Study. (PubMed, Hum Pathol)
Based on their different morphology and biologic behavior, we conclude that rhabdoid tumors of the vulva and epithelioid sarcomas are different diseases with distinct clinicopathologic features. Undifferentiated vulvar tumors with rhabdoid morphology should be classified as malignant rhabdoid tumors, rather than "proximal-type" epithelioid sarcomas.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • CD34 (CD34 molecule)
SMARCB1 mutation
Primary proximal epithelioid sarcoma of the lung: A case report and review of the literature. (PubMed, Histol Histopathol)
After 11 months of follow-up, the patient died. We reported in detail the primary proximal epithelioid sarcoma of the lung treated with immunotherapy for the first time, providing ideas for diagnosis and treatment.
Review • Journal • IO biomarker
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
Mutational pattern of SWI/SNF pathway genes in lung adenocarcinoma patients reveal uneven correlation with immunotherapy sensitivity (AACR 2023)
In summary, the mutational landscape of 5 major SWI/SNF pathway genes were classified. The research presented also shows that mutations in the ARID gene family, including ARID1A, ARID1B, and ARID2, are primarily responsible for the sensitive response to immunotherapy treatment in patients with SWI/SNF mutant lung adenocarcinoma.
Clinical • Tumor mutational burden • IO biomarker
TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • ARID1A (AT-rich interaction domain 1A) • SMARCA4 (SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 4) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • ARID1B (AT-Rich Interaction Domain 1B) • ARID2 (AT-Rich Interaction Domain 2)
ARID1A mutation • SMARCA4 mutation • SMARCB1 mutation • ARID2 mutation
Outcomes of Patients Treated for Hepatoblastoma with Low Alpha-Fetoprotein and/or Small Cell Undifferentiated Histology: A Report from the Children's Hepatic Tumors International Collaboration (CHIC). (PubMed, Cancers (Basel))
Patients with HB with SCU component or low AFP should be assessed for SMARCB1 mutations and, if confirmed, treated as rhabdoid tumors. When rhabdoid tumors are excluded, the presence of SCU component and low AFP at diagnosis were not associated with poor prognosis in patients diagnosed with HB.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein)
SMARCB1 mutation
Enrollment open • Combination therapy
MYCN (MYCN Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation • IDH wild-type
temozolomide • Kisqali (ribociclib) • topotecan
p53 pathway inactivation drives SMARCB1-deficient p53-wildtype epithelioid sarcoma onset indicating therapeutic vulnerability through MDM2 inhibition. (PubMed, Mol Cancer Ther)
This could be especially relevant for epithelioid sarcoma patients since doxorubicin represents the current gold standard for their clinical treatment. Our results therefore warrant reactivating p53 protein in SMARCB1-deficient, p53-wildtype epithelioid sarcomas using combined doxorubicin and MDM2 inhibitor therapy.
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
TP53 mutation • TP53 wild-type • SMARCB1 mutation
doxorubicin hydrochloride
Case of a complex neurocutaneous syndrome characterized by extensive peripheral nerve sheath tumors and somatic ERBB2 mutation (EANO 2022)
Treatment is focused on mitigating these symptoms, which includes resection of offending tumors when feasible and anti-angiogenesis therapy with bevacizumab...ERBB2 D769Y has previously been classified as an activating mutation that confers sensitivity to some small molecule receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Patients with ERRB2-mutated peripheral nerve sheath tumors may have broader therapeutic options in the variety of available tyrosine kinase inhibitors studied in other cancers.
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • NF1 (Neurofibromin 1) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1) • LZTR1 (Leucine Zipper Like Transcription Regulator 1)
HER-2 mutation • NF1 mutation • NF2 mutation • SMARCB1 mutation • HER-2 D769Y
Avastin (bevacizumab)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pineal Region Tumors in Adults: A EURACAN Overview. (PubMed, Cancers (Basel))
For pinealoblastoma patients, chemotherapy protocols are based on various alkylating or platinum-based agents, vincristine, etoposide, cyclophosphamide and are used in association with radiotherapy. About GCTs, their chemosensitivity is well known and is based on cisplatin or carboplatin and may include etoposide, cyclophosphamide, or ifosfamide prior to irradiation...However, due to a greater understanding of the biology of the disease's various molecular subtypes, new agents based on targeted therapy are expected in the future. On behalf of the EURACAN domain 10 group, we reviewed the most important and recent developments in histopathological characteristics, neuro-radiological assessments, and treatments for pineal region tumors.
Review • Journal
SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
SMARCB1 mutation
cisplatin • carboplatin • cyclophosphamide • ifosfamide • etoposide IV • vincristine
New P1/2 trial
MYCN (MYCN Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor) • SMARCB1 (SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily B, Member 1)
MYCN amplification • SMARCB1 mutation • IDH wild-type
temozolomide • Kisqali (ribociclib) • topotecan