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SLC34A2-ROS1 fusion

Other names: SLC34A2, Solute carrier family 34 member 2, Type II sodium-dependent phosphate transporter 3b, Sodium-phosphate transport protein 2B, NAPI-3B, NaPi-2b, ROS1, ROS Proto-Oncogene 1 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase, V-Ros Avian UR2 Sarcoma Virus Oncogene Homolog 1, C-Ros Oncogene 1 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase, Proto-Oncogene Tyrosine-Protein Kinase ROS, Proto-Oncogene C-Ros-1, MCF3, ROS, V-Ros UR2 Sarcoma Virus Oncogene Homolog 1 (Avian), ROS Proto-Oncogene 1 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase, Transmembrane Tyros
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CD74/SLC34A2-ROS1 fusion variants involving the transmembrane region predict poor response to crizotinib in non-small cell lung cancer independent of TP53 mutations. (PubMed, J Thorac Oncol)
Long CD74/SLC34A2-ROS1 fusions, which retain transmembrane regions in ROS1 and fusion partners, are associated with poor response to crizotinib independent of TP53 mutations.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • ROS1 (Proto-Oncogene Tyrosine-Protein Kinase ROS) • CD74 (CD74 Molecule) • SLC34A2 (Solute carrier family 34 member 2) • TPM3 (Tropomyosin 3) • SDC4 (Syndecan 4)
TP53 mutation • ROS1 fusion • ROS1 rearrangement • SDC4-ROS1 fusion • BCL2L11 deletion • SLC34A2-ROS1 fusion
Xalkori (crizotinib)