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SF3B1 K666N

Other names: SF3B1, Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1, Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1 155kDa, Spliceosome-Associated Protein 155, Splicing Factor 3B Subunit 1, SF3b155, SAP155, Pre-MRNA Splicing Factor SF3b 155 KDa Subunit, Pre-MRNA-Splicing Factor SF3b 155 KDa Subunit, Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1 155kD, Pre-MRNA Processing 10, SAP 155, Hsh155, PRPF10, PRP10, MDS
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Related biomarkers:
SF3B1 Gene Mutations and Their Significance for Patients with Myelodysplastic Neoplasms (MDS) (ASH 2024)
Three are still alive and are undergoing azacitidine treatment at 6.5, 8.5, and 21 months after their diagnosis.Identification of splicing factor gene mutations is an important diagnostic tool for the stratification of MDS patients...Other biological factors such as the mutation variant, association with complex karyotypes, and mutations in other genes, may also affect the prognosis of patients with mutated SF3B1. Therefore, a comprehensive view that includes all cytogenomic, molecular, and clinical data is important for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment of MDS patients.Supported by MH CZ-DRO 0064165
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • NRAS (Neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog) • DNMT3A (DNA methyltransferase 1) • JAK2 (Janus kinase 2) • RUNX1 (RUNX Family Transcription Factor 1) • SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1) • ASXL1 (ASXL Transcriptional Regulator 1) • TET2 (Tet Methylcytosine Dioxygenase 2) • SRSF2 (Serine and arginine rich splicing factor 2) • BCOR (BCL6 Corepressor) • U2AF1 (U2 Small Nuclear RNA Auxiliary Factor 1) • STAG2 (Stromal Antigen 2) • ZRSR2 (Zinc Finger CCCH-Type, RNA Binding Motif And Serine/Arginine Rich 2) • BCORL1 (BCL6 Corepressor Like 1)
TP53 mutation • NRAS mutation • TET2 mutation • SF3B1 mutation • SRSF2 mutation • U2AF1 mutation • Chr del(5q) • SF3B1 K666N • SF3B1 K700E
Archer® VariantPlex® Myeloid panel
Altered RNA Export in SF3B1 Mutants Increases Sensitivity to Nuclear Export Inhibition (ASH 2023)
Previous findings from a phase 2 clinical trial of the XPO1 inhibitor selinexor in patients with high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) relapsed or refractory to hypomethylating agents (HMA) revealed increased activity in patients with SF3B1 mutations...Using the Bliss independence model to calculate synergy, we identifed two drugs that greatly synergized with eltanexor specifically in the SF3B1 mutant cell lines: venetoclax (a BCL2 inhibitor), and navitoclax (a BCL2/BCL-XL inhibitor)...Our findings may also contribute to the development of potentially synergistic therapeutic combinations. In this regard, recent human data have shown that venetoclax can overcome the poor prognosis of spliceosomal mutant AML patients (Senapati et al, Blood 2023); therefore, combining eltanexor with venetoclax could represent a promising SF3B1-specific therapy.
IO biomarker
SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1) • BCL2L1 (BCL2-like 1) • XPO1 (Exportin 1) • SIK1 (Salt Inducible Kinase 1)
SF3B1 mutation • SF3B1 K666N • SF3B1 K700E • XPO1 mutation
Venclexta (venetoclax) • Xpovio (selinexor) • navitoclax (ABT 263) • eltanexor (KPT-8602)
We identified mutation-specific splicing profiles and intricate patterns of tumor suppressor gene expression as potential compound factors to the varied clonal fitness of SF3B1 mutations. This unique patient enabled the identification and tracking of mechanisms underlying long-term clonal expansion and competition, which we aim to verify in further work. Hematopoiesis, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Myelodysplasia, RNA-seq
SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1) • CD34 (CD34 molecule)
SF3B1 mutation • SF3B1 K666N
Long-Term Clonal Inversion in an MDS-RS Case with Dual SF3B1 Mutations (ASH 2022)
In conclusion, this case study comprises a unique long-term follow-up of the clonal dynamics underlying two co-existing, distinct and competing SF3B1mt clones which identifies subtle molecular changes and differences underlying the expansion and progression of SF3B1mt clones. *Moura PL, Hofman IJF, Nannya Y and Aliouat A contributed equally to this work.
SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1) • CD34 (CD34 molecule) • SEPTIN6 (Septin 6) • MAP3K7 (Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 7)
SF3B1 mutation • SF3B1 K666N
[VIRTUAL] Inhibiting the nuclear exporter XPO1 and the antiapoptotic factor BCL2 is synergistic in XPO1 and SF3B1 mutant hematologic malignancies (AACR 2021)
We therefore hypothesized that combining selinexor and venetoclax would have potential synergy and could be used to target hematologic malignancies bearing XPO1 and SF3B1 mutations.We first determined whether XPO1 and SF3B1 mutant cell lines showed differential response to either selinexor or venetoclax monotherapy. This combination is highly promising as an all oral regimen for hematologic malignancies bearing these mutations. Further, preclinical testing in in vivo using XPO1 and SF3B1 mutant and wildtype mice is ongoing.
IO biomarker
BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1) • MCL1 (Myeloid cell leukemia 1) • XPO1 (Exportin 1) • RELA (RELA Proto-Oncogene)
SF3B1 mutation • SF3B1 K666N • XPO1 E571K • XPO1 mutation
Venclexta (venetoclax) • Xpovio (selinexor)
[VIRTUAL] Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Inv(3)(q21q26)/t(3;3)(q21;q26) Carrying Spliceosomal Mutations (ASH 2020)
1. In sum, we describe that SF3B1 mutations occur in combination with inv(3)/t(3;3) in AML and might represent a subclass of this entity in which lesions in SF3B1 gene could potentially hide a cryptic association between splicing abnormalities and disease phenotypes.
NRAS (Neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog) • DNMT3A (DNA methyltransferase 1) • RUNX1 (RUNX Family Transcription Factor 1) • SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1) • ASXL1 (ASXL Transcriptional Regulator 1) • PTPN11 (Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non-Receptor Type 11) • SRSF2 (Serine and arginine rich splicing factor 2) • CBL (Cbl proto-oncogene) • U2AF1 (U2 Small Nuclear RNA Auxiliary Factor 1) • GATA2 (GATA Binding Protein 2)
NRAS mutation • DNMT3A mutation • NF1 mutation • ASXL1 mutation • SF3B1 mutation • CBL mutation • U2AF1 mutation • Chr del(5q) • SF3B1 K666N • SF3B1 K700E • GATA2 mutation