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SDC1 elevation

Other names: SDC1, Syndecan 1, Syndecan Proteoglycan 1, CD138 Antigen, Syndecan-1, SYND1, SDC, Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor, Syndecan, CD138
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This profile suggested elevated CD38 expression without elevated CD138 expression, which previously has been associated with dedifferentiated plasma cells and plasmablasts, although further analyses are ongoing. In future studies, we will enrich for B-lymphoid spectrum cells prior to single-cell analytics.
Clinical • IO biomarker • Next-generation sequencing
CD19 (CD19 Molecule) • BCL6 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6) • PAX5 (Paired Box 5) • SDC1 (Syndecan 1) • CD27 (CD27 Molecule) • HMGB2 (High Mobility Group Box 2) • STMN1 (Stathmin 1)
CD38 expression • SDC1 elevation
Serum Syndecan-1: A Novel Biomarker for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. (PubMed, Clin Transl Gastroenterol)
These findings suggest serum SDC1 as a promising novel biomarker for early blood-based diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
SDC1 (Syndecan 1)
SDC1 elevation