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RET Proto-Oncogene Mutational Analysis in 45 Iranian Patients Affected with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Report of a New Variant. (PubMed, J Thyroid Res)
RET mutation detection is a promising/golden screening test and provides an accurate presymptomatic diagnostic test for at-risk carriers (the siblings and offspring of the patients) to consider prophylactic thyroidectomy. Thus, according to the ATA recommendations, the screening of the RET proto-oncogene is indicated for patients with MTC.
Clinical • Journal
RET (Ret Proto-Oncogene)
RET mutation • RET M918T • RET C634R • RET C634Y • RET C618R • RET C634* • RET C634F • RET positive
Elevated basal serum levels of calcitonin and simultaneous surgery of MEN2A-specific tumors. (PubMed, Neoplasma)
Moreover, simultaneous surgery for coexistent PHEO and either MTC or HPTH is an approach of choice to use as an alternative treatment pattern. Recognition of MEN2A-related CLA and subsequently early screening of RET mutation may be favorable for timely management of MEN2A-specific tumors.
RET (Ret Proto-Oncogene) • CEACAM5 (CEA Cell Adhesion Molecule 5)
RET mutation • RET C634R • RET C618R • RET C634*
Total colonic aganglionosis and cleft palate in a newborn with Janus-cysteine 618 mutation of RET proto-oncogene: a case report. (PubMed, Ital J Pediatr)
The occurrence of Hirschsprung disease and carcinoma shows how a single mutation may be responsible for adverse effects: gain and loss of function of the same receptor. Furthermore, it would be interesting to study its dual role in face and retina embryology, and to extend targeted investigations of RET hotspots in these developmental abnormalities to facilitate counselling, follow-up, and tumor prevention. Complex surgical procedures and genetic testing as well as socio-economic impact are a challenge for familiar compliance.
Clinical • Journal
RET (Ret Proto-Oncogene)
RET mutation • RET C618R