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RAD21 amplification

Other names: RAD21, RAD21 Cohesin Complex Component, HHR21, SCC1, Double-Strand-Break Repair Protein Rad21 Homolog, Sister Chromatid Cohesion 1, Nuclear Matrix Protein 1, SCC1 Homolog, Kleisin, NXP1, Protein Involved In DNA Double-Strand Break Repair, RAD21 (S. Pombe) Homolog, RAD21 Homolog (S. Pombe), RAD21 Homolog, HRAD21, CDLS4, RAD21, MCD1
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RAD21 amplification epigenetically suppresses interferon signaling to promote immune evasion in ovarian cancer. (PubMed, J Clin Invest)
We further demonstrated in murine syngeneic tumor models that RAD21 ablation potentiated anti-PD-1 efficacy with increased intratumoral CD8+ T-cell effector activity. Our study identified a previously unrecognized RAD21-YAP/TEAD4-NuRD co-repressor complex in immune modulation, and thus provided a potential target and biomarker for precision immunotherapy in OV.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • RAD21 (RAD21 Cohesin Complex Component)
RAD21 amplification
Exploratory biomarker analysis from neoadjuvant atezolizumab, pertuzumab, trastuzumab plus docetaxel (NEO-PATH) in HER2+ early breast cancer (ESMO-BC 2022)
In patients with non-pCR, LRP1B (FDR=4.04e-04), ESR1 (FDR=1.07e-4) and RAD21 (FDR=2.05e-03) were highly expressed and ESR1, luminal and MYC related genesets showed higher expression (FDR<0.05).Conclusions Luminal subtype and MYC amplification were associated with non-pCR in patients with HER2-positive EBC who were treated with immunotherapy and anti-HER2 treatment combination. Further evaluation of the predictive role of these mutations are warranted.
Clinical • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • ER (Estrogen receptor) • MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • LRP1B (LDL Receptor Related Protein 1B) • CDK12 (Cyclin dependent kinase 12) • RAD21 (RAD21 Cohesin Complex Component)
HER-2 positive • HER-2 amplification • MYC amplification • CDK12 mutation • MYC expression • CDK12 amplification • RAD21 amplification
FoundationOne® CDx
Herceptin (trastuzumab) • Tecentriq (atezolizumab) • docetaxel • Perjeta (pertuzumab)