Potential Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Modulating Protein Homeostasis in Oligodendrocytes to Improve White Matter Injury in Preterm Infants. (PubMed, Mol Neurobiol)
2) PERK pathway facilitated the protein secretion, amino acid metabolism, and stress response to promote cell survival via phosphorylating eIF2α level and strengthening ATF4 expression; Nevertheless, the prolonged activating of the PERK pathway could up-regulate CHOP, GADD34, and other pro-apoptotic factors to further aggravates cell injury. 3) IRE1 and ATF6 pathways enhanced various gene transcription associated with protein folding, secreting, EARD, and ERQC to prompt cell protein homeostasis micro-environment; However, sustained IRE1 and/or ATF6 activity could prompt cell survival toward apoptosis via the pro-apoptotic pathway, inflammation, and other patterns.