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POU2F3 expression

Other names: POU2F3, POU Class 2 Homeobox 3, Skn-1a, Epoc-1, OCT11, PLA-1, POU Domain, Class 2, Transcription Factor 3, Octamer-Binding Transcription Factor 11, Octamer-Binding Protein 11, Transcription Factor PLA-1, Transcription Factor Skn-1, OTF-11, PLA1, POU Domain Class 2, Transcription Factor 3, POU Domain Transcription Factor OCT11a, OCT-11, Oct-11, OTF11
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The molecular subtypes of small cell lung cancer defined by key transcription factors and their clinical significance. (PubMed, Lung Cancer)
This study confirmed the SCLC subtyping based on key transcription factors. While no significant differences in OS and PFS among subtypes were found, the SCLC-I subtype showed potential benefit from platinum-based chemotherapy combined with immune checkpoint inhibitors. M stage and bone metastasis at diagnosis were identified as independent risk factors for SCLC.
Journal • IO biomarker
POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
POU2F3 expression
Unveiling the Molecular Features of SCLC With a Clinical RNA Expression Panel. (PubMed, JTO Clin Res Rep)
SCLCs were found to have relatively colder immune profiles than lung adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, characterized by lower expression of HLA genes, immune cell, and immune checkpoint genes, except the LAG3 gene. Clinical-grade SCLC RNA expression profiling has value for SCLC subtyping, design of clinical trials, and identification of patients for trials and potential targeted therapy.
Journal • IO biomarker
EZH2 (Enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit) • LAG3 (Lymphocyte Activating 3) • DLL3 (Delta Like Canonical Notch Ligand 3) • YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
POU2F3 expression
Expression of POU2F3 Transcription Factor and POU2AF2, POU2F3 Coactivator, in Tuft Cell-like Carcinoma and Other Tumors. (PubMed, Am J Surg Pathol)
POU2F3 expression is a highly sensitive but nonspecific indicator of tuft cell differentiation. Co-expression of POU2F3 and POU2AF2 appears to be a more specific marker, although it may not pinpoint tumors driven by the POU2F3-POU2AF3 complex.
POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3)
POU2F3 expression
POU2F3-positive small cell carcinoma of the bladder: A clinicopathologic analysis of 4 cases and literature review. (PubMed, Pathol Res Pract)
POU2F3-positive SCBC showed higher expression levels of POU2F3, HMGA2 and PLCG2 genes by RNA-Seq. Our data showed the specific clinicopathologic features of 4 rare POU2F3-positive SCBC cases, and the distinct molecular feature was observed between POU2F3-positive and negative SCBC in the limited number of cases.
Review • Journal
PLCG2 (Phospholipase C Gamma 2) • NCAM1 (Neural cell adhesion molecule 1) • HMGA2 (High mobility group AT-hook 2) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3)
POU2F3 expression
POU2F3-expressing intraepithelial small-cell carcinoma with mixed small-cell carcinoma and conventional-type urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder. (PubMed, Virchows Arch)
The presence of POU2F3-expressing cells in normal urothelium, cystitis cystica glandularis and IM of the urinary bladder is demonstrated in separate cases of cystitis cystica glandularis with IM. Also, POU2F3 expression is identified in a subset of bladder SmCC.
POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
POU2F3 expression
Expression of FOXI1 and POU2F3 varies among different salivary gland neoplasms and is higher in Warthin tumor. (PubMed, Discov Oncol)
The expression patterns of the characteristic transcription factors found in ionocytes and tuft cells vary among salivary gland tumor types and are higher in WT, which might be relevant for understanding and diagnosing salivary gland neoplasms.
POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3)
POU2F3 expression
Does subtyping of high-grade pulmonary neuroendocrine carcinomas have an impact on therapy selection? (PubMed, Transl Lung Cancer Res)
AURKA and FGFR2 are both possible targets for inhibition in SCLC and LCNEC, but patients' selection should be based on expression of the enzyme. Combined chemo- and immunotherapy might be decided by PD-L1 staining of stroma cells.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
FGFR2 (Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2) • MYCN (MYCN Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor) • YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • AURKA (Aurora kinase A) • HES1 (Hes Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1) • TAFAZZIN (Tafazzin)
MYC expression • POU2F3 expression • AURKA expression
POU2F3-Expressing Small Cell Lung Carcinoma and Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Show Morphologic and Phenotypic Overlap. (PubMed, Am J Surg Pathol)
Recognition of this unique subtype may provide clues for solving the long-standing issues of NEC and appropriate therapeutic stratification. It is important to accurately identify POU2F3-expressing carcinomas by immunohistochemistry and to analyze their clinicopathological features.
Journal • IO biomarker
MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • KIT (KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • TTF1 (Transcription Termination Factor 1) • NKX2-1 (NK2 Homeobox 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3)
BCL2 overexpression • BCL2 expression • MYC expression • NKX2-1 expression • POU2F3 expression
YAP1 expression is associated with survival and immunosuppression in small cell lung cancer. (PubMed, Cell Death Dis)
YAP1 upregulated PD-L1 expression and suppressed T cell activation, thus leading to immune evasion. In in vitro experiments, blockade of YAP1 promoted cancer cell apoptosis, immune cell proliferation, T-cell activation, and cytotoxic T-cell infiltration, thus further potentiating the efficacy of immunotherapy in patients with the SCLC-Y subtype.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
PD-L1 expression • PD-L1 overexpression • POU2F3 expression • POU2F3 overexpression
Subtype of SCLC Is an Intrinsic and Persistent Feature Through Systemic Treatment. (PubMed, JTO Clin Res Rep)
Plasticity was observed with rare cases switching from NEUROD1-predominant to ASC1-predominant SCLC. Resubtyping is unnecessary for the consideration of novel subtype-specific targeted agents, except cases with NEUROD1-predominant subtype.
POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
POU2F3 expression
POU2F3: A Sensitive and Specific Diagnostic Marker for Neuroendocrine-low/negative Small Cell Lung Cancer. (PubMed, Am J Surg Pathol)
One case of esophageal NE tumor was nuclear-positive, while the normal proliferating squamous epithelium was strongly membrane-stained. This is the largest cohort of clinical samples to confirm that POU2F3 is a highly sensitive and specific diagnostic marker for NE-low/negative SCLC.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • RB1 (RB Transcriptional Corepressor 1) • NKX2-1 (NK2 Homeobox 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3)
TP53 mutation • RB1 mutation • POU2F3 expression • RB1 mutation + TP53 mutation
Spotlight on Small-Cell Lung Cancer and Other Lung Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (ASCO 2023)
We further highlight the promising immunotherapy strategies in SCLC that are currently under investigation. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Recent biological findings push toward a future morphomolecular classification, although they have not yet fully translated into novel therapeutic options for all subtypes.The optimal systemic treatment for patients with stage IV large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma is yet to be defined, with both small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and non–small-cell lung carcinoma systemic therapy regimens commonly used in practice.Biologic subtypes are classified by differential expression of transcription regulators, such as ASCL1 (achaete-scute homolog 1), NEUROD1 (neurogenic differentiation factor 1), and POU2F3 (POU class 2 homeobox 3), or low expression of all three transcription factor signatures accompanied by an inflamed gene signature and may have therapeutic implications.Combined PD-L1 inhibitors and platinum-doublet chemotherapy improve overall survival in all patients with extensive-stage SCLC and may preferentially benefit patients with the SCLC-I subtype.Bispecific T-cell engagers and chimeric antigen receptor T cells designed against unique SCLC tumor antigens, such as DLL3, are novel immunotherapeutic strategies to overcome deficiencies in antigen presentation, which are common in SCLC.
PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
DLL3 (Delta Like Canonical Notch Ligand 3) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
POU2F3 expression
An exploratory study for tuft cells in the breast and their relevance in triple-negative breast cancer: the possible relationship of SOX9. (PubMed, BMC Cancer)
POU2F3 expression defines small subsets in various breast cancer subtypes, which can be accompanied by DCIS. The mechanistic relationship between POU2F3 and SOX9 in the breast warrants further analysis to enhance our understanding of normal breast physiology and to clarify the significance of the tuft cell-like phenotype for TNBCs.
Journal • BRCA Biomarker
BRCA1 (Breast cancer 1, early onset) • SOX9 (SRY-Box Transcription Factor 9) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3)
BRCA1 mutation • POU2F3 expression
Comparison of ASCL1, NEUROD1, and POU2F3 expression in surgically resected specimens, paired tissue microarrays, and lymph node metastases in small cell lung carcinoma. (PubMed, Histopathology)
The positivity for these markers in TMAs and LN metastatic sites was significantly correlated with that of corresponding surgical specimens, indicating that biopsy specimens could be used to identify molecular subtypes of SCLC in patients.
POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
POU2F3 expression
Lurbinectedin shows potent activity in all four molecular subtypes of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and POU2F3 and SLFN11 are biomarkers for a better response (AACR 2023)
The aim of this study was to analyze the activity of lurbinectedin in the different SCLC molecular subtypes and to investigate new biomarkers of response.Methods and Results - We have characterized a panel of 20 SCLC human cell lines based on the expression of ASCL1, NEUROD1, YAP1 and POU2F3, where lurbinectedin yielded a mean IC50 value of 6.52 nM, which is considerable greater than the activity exerted by topotecan, irinotecan, carboplatin, etoposide, olaparib, alisertib and navitoclax (IC50 100 µM-100 nM). Finally, SLFN11 expression was evaluated by IHC in FFPE tumor samples from SCLC patients participating in a multicenter phase II clinical trial in advanced solid tumors (NCT02454972), which allowed lurbinectedin accelerated approval in this indication by FDA. Patients with higher expression of SLFN11 had a slightly better overall survival (OS at 6 months: 68.4% (<15%, N=20) vs. 98.7% (≥15%, N=20) p=0.0261)), especially in the refractory/resistant subgroup (OS at 6 months: 33.3% (<15%, N=9) vs. 100.0% (≥15%, N=6) p<0.0001).Conclusions - Lurbinectedin is highly effective in all molecular subtypes of SCLC in vitro and in vivo, with IC50 values at least two logs more potent than for other antitumoral agents and its activity is even greater in tumors with high POU2F3 expression and/or high SLFN11 expression.
PARP Biomarker
SLFN11 (Schlafen Family Member 11) • YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
SLFN11 expression • SLFN11 overexpression • POU2F3 expression • POU2F3 overexpression
Lynparza (olaparib) • carboplatin • etoposide IV • irinotecan • navitoclax (ABT 263) • topotecan • Zepzelca (lurbinectedin) • alisertib (MLN8237)
The critical roles and therapeutic implications of tuft cells in cancer. (PubMed, Front Pharmacol)
However, the interaction between the tuft cells and cancer remains to be further elucidated. Here, based on an introduction of biological functions and specific markers of the tuft cells, we have summarized the functional roles and potential therapeutic implications of tuft cells in cancers, including pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, and liver cancer, which is in the hope of inspiring the future research in validating tuft cells as novel strategies for cancer therapies.
Review • Journal
POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3)
POU2F3 expression
Pulmonary cancers across different histotypes share hybrid tuft cell/ionocyte-like molecular features and potentially druggable vulnerabilities. (PubMed, Cell Death Dis)
Taken together, pulmonary tuft cell-like cancers maintain histotype-related clinicopathologic characteristics despite overlapping unique molecular features. From a therapeutic perspective, identification of tuft cell-like LCNECs might be crucial given their close kinship with tuft cell-like SCLC.
Journal • PARP Biomarker • IO biomarker
MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • NCAM1 (Neural cell adhesion molecule 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • KRT5 (Keratin 5)
BCL2 expression • MYC expression • NCAM1 expression • POU2F3 expression
Molecular Classification of Extrapulmonary Neuroendocrine Carcinomas With Emphasis on POU2F3-positive Tuft Cell Carcinoma. (PubMed, Am J Surg Pathol)
We found rare extrapulmonary POU2F3-positive tumors arising from previously unappreciated cells of origin. Our data show novel molecular pathologic features of EP-NEC/PDCs including potential therapeutic vulnerabilities, thereby emphasizing the need for focusing on unique features of EP-NEC/PDCs.
Journal • IO biomarker
BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • PLCG2 (Phospholipase C Gamma 2) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
BCL2 expression • POU2F3 expression • YAP1 positive
POU2AF2/C11orf53 functions as a coactivator of POU2F3 by maintaining chromatin accessibility and enhancer activity. (PubMed, Sci Adv)
On the basis of the molecular function of C11orf53, we renamed it as "POU Class 2 Homeobox Associating Factor 2" (POU2AF2). In summary, our study has identified a new coactivator of POU2F3 and sheds light on the therapeutic potential of targeting POU2AF2/POU2F3 heterodimer in human SCLC.
POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3)
POU2F3 expression
POU2F3 in SCLC: Clinicopathologic and genomic analysis with a focus on its diagnostic utility in neuroendocrine-low SCLC. (PubMed, J Thorac Oncol)
This is the largest cohort of SCLC-P clinical samples to date, where we describe the diagnostic utility of POU2F3 in a challenging subset of SCLC with low or absent expression of standard neuroendocrine markers. The distinct genomic alterations in SCLC-P may offer a novel avenue for therapeutic targeting. The role of POU2F3 in a narrow subset of other lung cancer types warrants further study.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • RB1 (RB Transcriptional Corepressor 1) • NCAM1 (Neural cell adhesion molecule 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • SYP (Synaptophysin)
MYC amplification • POU2F3 expression
Clinical and pathological impact of neuroendocrine lineage-specific transcription factors in adenocarcinoma of the colon. (EACR 2022)
None of the genes was correlated with any specific genotype. Conclusion Our data show that: i) ADC-NED are associated with specific profiles of transcriptional regulation; ii) the expression of these genes is influenced by the tumor genotype; iii) the association of some of these genes with clinical and pathological features support their potential role as novel biomarkers.
BRAF (B-raf proto-oncogene) • NOTCH1 (Notch 1) • DLL3 (Delta Like Canonical Notch Ligand 3) • YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • MYCL (MYCL Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • SYP (Synaptophysin) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
BRAF mutation • NOTCH1 expression • YAP1 underexpression • POU2F3 expression • NOTCH1 overexpression
Expression patterns and prognostic relevance of subtype-specific transcription factors in surgically resected small cell lung cancer: an international multicenter study. (PubMed, J Pathol)
High POU2F3 expression is associated with improved survival in a univariate analysis, whereas elevated ASCL1 expression is an independent negative prognosticator. Proteomic and cell viability assays of human SCLC cell lines reveal distinct vulnerability profiles defined by transcription regulators.
Clinical • Journal
RB1 (RB Transcriptional Corepressor 1) • YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
POU2F3 expression
High mRNA expression of POU2F3 in small cell lung cancer cell lines predicts the effect of lurbinectedin. (PubMed, Thorac Cancer)
In our experiments, high mRNA expression of POU2F3 in SCLC cell lines correlated with the effect of lurbinectedin.
Preclinical • Journal
YAP1 (Yes associated protein 1) • POU2F3 (POU Class 2 Homeobox 3) • ASCL1 (Achaete-Scute Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) • NEUROD1 (Neuronal Differentiation 1)
POU2F3 expression
cisplatin • etoposide IV • Zepzelca (lurbinectedin)