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Other names: POLE1, DNA Polymerase Epsilon Catalytic Subunit, DNA Polymerase Epsilon Catalytic Subunit A, Polymerase (DNA) Epsilon Catalytic Subunit, DNA Polymerase II Subunit A, Polymerase (DNA Directed) Epsilon Catalytic Subunit, DNA Polymerase Epsilon Catalytic Subunit Protein, Polymerase (DNA Directed) Epsilon
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Related biomarkers:
Enhanced Risk Stratification in Early-Stage Endometrial Cancer: Integrating POLE through Droplet Digital PCR and L1CAM. (PubMed, Cancers (Basel))
Integrating molecular L1CAM classification can enhance risk stratification in early-stage EC, providing valuable prognostic information to guide treatment decisions and improve patient outcomes. POLE ddPCR might be a cost-effective and easy-to-perform test as an alternative to POLE NGS.
POLE (DNA Polymerase Epsilon) • L1CAM (L1 cell adhesion molecule)
TP53 mutation • POLE mutation • POLE V411L • POLE A456P
Clinical evaluation of a droplet digital PCR assay for detecting POLE mutations and molecular classification of endometrial cancer. (PubMed, J Gynecol Oncol)
Hotspot POLE mutations can be detected using the ddPCR assay. We suggest simultaneously evaluating POLE mutation status using ddPCR and p53/mismatch repair protein expressions using immunohistochemistry, which can rapidly and accurately determine the molecular subtype of EC.
Clinical • Journal
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • POLE (DNA Polymerase Epsilon)
TP53 mutation • MSI-H/dMMR • POLE mutation • TP53 expression • POLE V411L • POLE A456P
[VIRTUAL] Clinicopathological analysis of 41 pole-mutated endometrial carcinomas (ECP 2021)
POLE-mutated ECs are typically high grade EECs in which IH, increased TILs and BN are frequently observed. Abnormal p53 expres- sion and/or loss of MMR protein expression in high grade tumours, does not exclude POLE mutations. Patients with pathogenic POLE mutations have a favourable prognosis, despite presenting advanced stage at diagnosis.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • POLE (DNA Polymerase Epsilon)
POLE mutation • TP53 expression • POLE V411L • POLE A456P
Frequent POLE-driven hypermutation in ovarian endometrioid cancer revealed by mutational signatures in RNA sequencing. (PubMed, BMC Med Genomics)
From the largest cohort of RNA-seq from endometrioid OC to date (n = 53), we identified six hypermutated samples likely driven by POLE (frequency, 11%). Our result suggests the clinical need to screen for POLE driver mutations in endometrioid OC, which can guide enrollment in immunotherapy clinical trials.
Journal • IO biomarker
POLE (DNA Polymerase Epsilon)
[VIRTUAL] Clinicopathological and genomic characteristics of POLE-mutated colorectal cancer in a Chinese population. (ASCO 2021)
Our results realved a remarkable positive correlation between POLE mutation and TMB level in a Chinese colorectal cancer population, which suggests POLE gene will be a promising biomarker of immunotherpy for MSS colorectal tumor.
Clinical • Tumor Mutational Burden
TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • POLE (DNA Polymerase Epsilon)
TMB-H • POLE mutation • POLE V411L • POLE A456P