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Other names: NRAS1, HRAS1, N-Ras Protein Part 4, Neuroblastoma RAS Viral (V-Ras) Oncogene Homolog, NRAS, Neuroblastoma RAS Viral Oncogene Homolog, NRAS Proto-Oncogene, GTPase
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Computational Exploration of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Human hRAS Gene: Implications and Insights. (PubMed, Cureus)
Therefore, the seven SNPs were identified as high-risk SNPs. Conclusions Given that SNPs have the potential to be candidates for cellular alterations brought on by mutations that are associated with cancer, this study provides vital information about how SNPs might be utilized as a diagnostic marker for cancer.
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • NRAS (Neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog) • HRAS (Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog)
NRAS Q61K • NRAS Q61 • KRAS Q61H • NRAS G13 • NRAS Q61H • KRAS A146V • NRAS A146 • KRAS Q61K