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NKG2DL-targeted CAR-T immunotherapy

Allogeneic NKG2DL-targeting CAR γδ T Cells (CTM-N2D) in Advanced Cancers (ANGELICA) (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1, N=12, Recruiting, CytoMed Therapeutics Pte Ltd | Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Trial completion date: Dec 2023 --> Dec 2026 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2023 --> Nov 2025
Enrollment open • Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date • Metastases
NKG2D (killer cell lectin like receptor K1)
New P1/2 trial
New P1 trial • CAR T-Cell Therapy • Metastases
IL2 (Interleukin 2)
cyclophosphamide • CNK-UT
NKG2D CAR-NK & r/rAML (clinicaltrials.gov)
P=N/A, N=9, Recruiting, Zhejiang University
New trial
NKG2D (killer cell lectin like receptor K1)
NKG2D CAR-NK cell therapy
NKG2D CAR-NK Cell Therapy in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia (clinicaltrials.gov)
P=N/A, N=9, Terminated, Hangzhou Cheetah Cell Therapeutics Co., Ltd | Phase classification: P1 --> P=N/A | Recruiting --> Terminated; end
Phase classification • Trial termination
NKG2D (killer cell lectin like receptor K1)
NKG2D CAR-NK cell therapy
New P1 trial
NKG2D (killer cell lectin like receptor K1)
KEYNOTE-B79: Study of Pembrolizumab Treatment After CYAD-101 With FOLFOX Preconditioning in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov)
P1, N=34, Recruiting, Celyad Oncology SA | Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Phase classification: P1b --> P1
Enrollment open • Phase classification
MSI (Microsatellite instability)
Keytruda (pembrolizumab) • 5-fluorouracil • oxaliplatin • leucovorin calcium • CYAD-101
New P1 trial
NKG2D (killer cell lectin like receptor K1)
NKG2D CAR-NK cell therapy
Co-Expression of an shRNA Targeting MICA/Micb Improves the Clinical Activity of a NKG2D-Based CAR T in Patients with Relapsed / Refractory AML/MDS (ASH 2021)
In clinical trials, CYAD-01 showed a good tolerability profile but with a disappointing level of clinical activity when combined with cyclophosphamide / fludarabine preconditioning (DEPLETHINK trial, NCT03466320)...The knockdown of MICA/MICB appears to have a positive contribution to the initial clinical activity of CYAD-02 as compared to that achieved with the first generation CYAD-01 CAR T, together with good safety and tolerability...One approach to further drive the potency of NKG2D-based CAR T cells would likely be armoring the CAR T through using the T cell as a vehicle to secrete cytokines alongside the CAR. Overall, shRNA knockdown technology provides a means to modify CAR T function and here shows that single shRNA can target two independent genes to enhance the phenotype of the CAR Ts.
NKG2D (killer cell lectin like receptor K1)
cyclophosphamide • fludarabine IV • CYAD-01 • CYAD-02
New P1 trial
MSI (Microsatellite instability)
Keytruda (pembrolizumab) • 5-fluorouracil • oxaliplatin • leucovorin calcium • CYAD-101
[VIRTUAL] First Results from the Dose Escalation Segment of the Phase I Clinical Study Evaluating Cyad-02, an Optimized Non Gene-Edited Engineered NKG2D CAR T-Cell Product, in Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome Patients (ASH 2020)
Results As compared to CYAD-01, CYAD-02 cell expansion in vitro was 3-fold increased...The study evaluates three dose-levels of CYAD-02 (1x108, 3x108 and 1x109 cells/infusion), administered as a single infusion after non-myeloablative preconditioning chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide 300 mg/m²/day and fludarabine 30 mg/m²/day, daily for 3 days, CyFlu) according to a classical Fibonacci 3+3 design...This next generation NKG2D CAR T-cell product is currently investigated in the CYCLE-1 Phase I study in r/r AML/MDS patient population, a difficult to target disease due in part to the absence of truly AML-specific surface antigens, its rapid clinical progression and the absence of disease control by the CyFlu preconditioning. Both the anti-MICA and MICB shRNA hairpin and the OptimAb manufacturing process for CYAD-02 aim to improve CAR T-cell persistence and clinical responses.
Clinical • P1 data • CAR T-Cell Therapy
NKG2D (killer cell lectin like receptor K1)
fludarabine IV • CYAD-01 • CYAD-02 • cyclophosphamide intravenous
[VIRTUAL] CYAD-101: An innovative non-gene edited allogeneic CAR-T for solid tumor cancer therapy. (ASCO 2020)
Fifteen refractory metastatic CRC patients who had previously failed at least one line of oxaliplatin—containing therapy were treated with three doses of CYAD-101 cells given on Day 3 of three successive FOLFOX chemotherapy cycles. These early clinical results demonstrate the safety and tolerability of a non-gene edited predominantly CD4+ CAR-T therapeutic approach. The initial observations of clinical activity in metastatic CRC patients warrants the continued development of this therapy. Research Funding: Celyad SA
PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-1 (Programmed cell death 1) • IFNG (Interferon, gamma) • LAG3 (Lymphocyte Activating 3) • IL2RA (Interleukin 2 receptor, alpha) • IL2 (Interleukin 2) • CD27 (CD27 Molecule) • NKG2D (killer cell lectin like receptor K1)
LAG3 expression
oxaliplatin • CYAD-101