circDENND4C, a novel serum marker for epithelial ovarian cancer, acts as a tumor suppressor by downregulating miR-200b/c. (PubMed, Ann Med)
circDENND4C upregulation significantly suppressed EOC cell proliferation and facilitated apoptosis by downregulating miR-200b/c in vitro. Summarily, circDENND4C acts as a tumor inhibitor by downregulating miR-200b/c in EOC and could be a possible tumor marker for EOC diagnosis.KEY MESSAGEScircDENND4C expression was lowest while miR-200b/c was highest in EOC tissues or serums, followed by benign and normal tissues or serums.circDENND4C was involved in malignant progression of EOC, concretely, overexpression of circDENND4C suppressed EOC cell proliferation and stimulated apoptosis via downregulating miR-200b/c, and circDENND4C expression in both tissue and serum was closely related to FIGO and TNM stages and tumor size in EOC.Serum circDENND4C showed a higher specificity and accuracy than serum CA125 or HE4 in EOC diagnosis.HIGHLIGHTScircDENND4C expression was lowest while miR-200b/c was highest in EOC tissues, followed by benign and normal tissues.Serum circDENND4C was lowest while miR-200b/c was highest in EOC patients, followed by benign patients and healthy women.Overexpression of circDENND4C suppresses EOC cell proliferation and stimulates apoptosis via downregulating miR-200b/c.circDENND4C expression in both tissue and serum was closely related to FIGO and TNM stage and tumor size in EOC.Serum circDENND4C showed a higher specificity and accuracy than serum CA125 or HE4 in EOC diagnosis.