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KRT7 expression

Other names: KRT7, Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 7, CK-7, Keratin-7, Sarcolectin, Type-II keratin Kb7, K2C7, Keratin,55K type II cytoskeletal
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Related biomarkers:
Renal Solitary Fibrous Tumor With Müllerian Cysts: A Novel Differential Diagnosis for Biphasic Renal Neoplasms. (PubMed, Int J Surg Pathol)
This morphologic variant has a striking similarity with biphasic renal neoplasms, especially with mixed epithelial and stromal tumors and angiomyolipoma with epithelial cysts. This report describes a novel renal solitary fibrous tumor subtype within this differential and underscores clinical and pathological distinctions of biphasic renal neoplasms.
Journal • IO biomarker
ER (Estrogen receptor) • PGR (Progesterone receptor) • BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) • CD34 (CD34 molecule) • KRT7 (Keratin-7) • STAT6 (Signal transducer and activator of transcription 6) • PAX8 (Paired box 8) • NAB2 (NGFI-A Binding Protein 2)
BCL2 expression • KRT7 expression
MicroRNA-485-5p targets keratin17 to regulate pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and invasion via the FAK / SRC / ERK pathway. (PubMed, J Cancer)
The silenced KRT17 remarkably downregulated the expression of cyclinD1, Cyclin Dependent Kinase 1 (CDK1), CDK2, Phospho-Focal Adhesion Kinase (p-FAK), p-Src, and p-ERK proteins in the PC cells. Generally, an essential signaling cascade of miRNA-485-5p/KRT17/FAK/Src/ERK influences the biological functions of PC cells.
CCND1 (Cyclin D1) • KRT7 (Keratin-7) • CDK2 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 2) • KRT17 (Keratin 17) • CDK1 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 1) • MIR485 (MicroRNA 485)
CCND1 expression • KRT17 overexpression • KRT7 expression • CDK2 expression
High KRT17 expression in tumour budding indicates immunologically 'hot' tumour budding and predicts good survival in patients with colorectal cancer. (PubMed, Clin Transl Immunology)
Notably, low KRT17TB can specifically identify those patients with a poor prognosis among colorectal cancer patients with low TB and high T-lymphocyte infiltration. KRT17 can be employed as a new indicator for distinguishing different immunological TBs.
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • KRT17 (Keratin 17)
KRT17 overexpression • KRT7 expression
Clinical significance of KRT7 in bladder cancer prognosis. (PubMed, Int J Biol Markers)
KRT7 as a biomarker potentiated the prediction of bladder cancer prognosis and the immune microenvironment.
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • KRT7 (Keratin-7)
KRT7 expression
Adenocarcinomas of the Gynecologic Tract Involving the Urinary Bladder: A Series of 16 Cases Potentially Mimicking Urothelial Malignancy. (PubMed, Arch Pathol Lab Med)
Potential pitfalls seen in a subset of cases included misleading radiologic and cystoscopic findings, replacement of the overlying urothelial mucosa by tumor mimicking precursor lesions, focal GATA3 and/or p63 positivity, and areas of squamous differentiation in tumors of endometrioid histology. A combination of clinical history, certain morphologic features, and proper selection of immunohistochemical stains is key for the correct diagnosis of secondary gynecologic adenocarcinomas involving the urinary bladder.
ER (Estrogen receptor) • PGR (Progesterone receptor) • KRT7 (Keratin-7) • TP63 (Tumor protein 63) • GATA3 (GATA binding protein 3) • KRT20 (Keratin 20) • PAX8 (Paired box 8)
KRT7 expression
KRT17 promotes T-lymphocyte infiltration through the YTHDF2-CXCL10 axis in colorectal cancer. (PubMed, Cancer Immunol Res)
In a cohort of patients with colorectal cancer receiving pembrolizumab, high KRT17 expression was found within the tumors of responders. Collectively, we elucidated a critical role of KRT17 in CRC to prevent immune escape. These findings present new insights into potential therapeutic strategies and effective markers of immunotherapy reactivity against pMMR tumors.
Journal • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
CXCL10 (Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10) • KRT17 (Keratin 17) • YTHDF2 (YTH N6-Methyladenosine RNA Binding Protein 2)
MSI-H/dMMR • KRT17 overexpression • KRT7 expression
Keytruda (pembrolizumab)
Role of the KRT7 Biomarker in Immune Infiltration and Paclitaxel Resistance in Ovarian. (PubMed, Altern Ther Health Med)
KRT7 is correlated with immune infiltration and paclitaxel resistance in OC patients. Therefore, clinicians could use KRT7 as a prognostic marker and a target in the development of new drugs.
Journal • IO biomarker
KRT7 (Keratin-7)
KRT7 expression
The long non-coding RNA keratin-7 antisense acts as a new tumor suppressor to inhibit tumorigenesis and enhance apoptosis in lung and breast cancers. (PubMed, Cell Death Dis)
Additionally, KRT7-AS sensitized cancer cells to the anti-cancer drug cisplatin, consequently enhancing cancer cell apoptosis...Collectively, KRT7-AS functions as a new tumor suppressor and an apoptosis enhancer in lung and breast cancers, and we unraveled that the RXRα-KRT7-AS-PTEN signaling axis controls carcinogenesis and apoptosis. Our findings highlight a tumor suppressive role of endogenous KRT7-AS in cancers and an important effect the RXRα-KRT7-AS-PTEN axis on control of cancer cell tumorigenesis and apoptosis, and offer a new platform for developing novel therapeutics against cancers.
KRT7 (Keratin-7)
KRT7 expression
A case of aggressive NET with extensive bone marrow metastasis presenting with Hypercalcemia (ENDO 2023)
This case demonstrates a rare presentation of a well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor (NET) of an unclear primary site with extensive metastasis to the bone that initially presented with hypercalcemia of unclear cause.CaseWe report a case of a 76-year-old-female with a history of depression and hypertension who was initially admitted for evaluation of hypercalcemia with a corrected calcium of 11.9, low normal PTH of 14.2, and PTHrP of 18, treated with zoledronic acid who presented again 3 months later with a 30lb weight loss for 2 months and bright red blood per rectum for one day...Abstracts presented at a news conference are embargoed until the date and time of the news conference. The Endocrine Society reserves the right to lift the embargo on specific abstracts that are selected for promotion prior to or during ENDO.*
KRT7 (Keratin-7) • SYP (Synaptophysin) • INSM1 (INSM Transcriptional Repressor 1)
KRT7 expression
zoledronic acid
Transcription factors TP63 facilitates malignant progression of thyroid cancer by upregulating KRT17 expression and inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition. (PubMed, Growth Factors)
Furthermore, the rescue assay verified that TP63 could facilitate KRT17 expression to activate the AKT signaling pathway, which in turn stimulated TC cell invasion and migration, and induced EMT. All these results verified that TP63 facilitates TC malignant progression by promoting KRT17 expression and inducing EMT.
KRT17 (Keratin 17) • TP63 (Tumor protein 63)
KRT7 expression
LncRNA NR120519 Blocks KRT17 to Promote Cell Proliferation and Migration in Hypopharyngeal Squamous Carcinoma. (PubMed, Cancers (Basel))
NR120519 activated the AKT/mTOR pathway and EMT by blocking KRT17 to promote cell proliferation and the migration of hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
KRT17 (Keratin 17)
KRT7 expression
KRT17 Accelerates Cell Proliferative and Invasive Potential of Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LSCC) through Regulating AKT/mTOR and Wnt/β-Catenin Pathways. (PubMed, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med)
We preliminarily investigated the role of KRT17 on the AKT/mTOR and Wnt/β-catenin signaling axes and found that these signaling pathways were largely blocked by KRT17 deletion. Collectively, we uncovered that exhaustion of KRT17 suppresses LSCC progression through coordinating AKT/mTOR and Wnt/β-catenin signaling axes, illustrating KRT17 as a promising biomarker for making strides in LSCC treatment.
KRT17 (Keratin 17)
KRT7 expression
Reduced Expression of KRT17 Predicts Poor Prognosis in HER2 Breast Cancer. (PubMed, Biomolecules)
In conclusion, high expression of KRT17 predicted favorable prognosis in BC patients with higher HER2 expression. This result may indicate that KRT17 plays a different role depending on the level of HER2 expression and could serve as a promising and sensitive biomarker for the diagnosis and prognostication of HER2 BC.
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • CD4 (CD4 Molecule) • KRT17 (Keratin 17) • IL17A (Interleukin 17A)
HER-2 expression • KRT7 expression
Expression Level of Keratin 7 in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer and Malignant Metastasis of Benign Epithelial Ovarian Tumors. (PubMed, Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand))
The expression level of KRT7 in benign epithelial ovarian tumors was lower than that in borderline tumors. The expression of KRT7 was related to the occurrence, development, and deterioration of ovarian cancer, which provided a basis for targeted therapy of tumors.
KRT7 (Keratin-7)
KRT7 expression
High Keratin-7 Expression in Benign Peri-Tumoral Prostatic Glands Is Predictive of Bone Metastasis Onset and Prostate Cancer-Specific Mortality. (PubMed, Cancers (Basel))
High KRT7 expression in benign glands is an independent biomarker of MFS and CSS, and its expression is lost in tumoral cells. These results require further validation on larger cohorts.
KRT7 (Keratin-7)
KRT7 expression
A pan-cancer analysis of the oncogenic role of Keratin 17 (KRT17) in human tumors. (PubMed, Transl Cancer Res)
Intermediate filament cytoskeleton and keratinization may be simultaneously acting with KRT17 on tumor pathogenesis. Our pan-cancer analysis provides relatively complete information on the oncogenic functions of KRT17 in various cancers.
Journal • Pan tumor
KRT17 (Keratin 17)
KRT7 expression
[VIRTUAL] Divergent Role of Intermediate Filaments in Clinical Outcomes of HPV-Positive and HPV-Negative Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. (ASTRO 2021)
Pending further validation, IF expression represents a promising biomarker to predict the clinical trajectory of HNSCC patients.
Clinical • Clinical data
KRT17 (Keratin 17) • KRT14 (Keratin 14) • KRT20 (Keratin 20)
KRT7 expression • VIM expression
Divergent Role of Intermediate Filaments in Clinical Outcomes of HPV-Positive and HPV-Negative Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. (PubMed, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys)
Pending further validation, IF expression represents a promising biomarker to predict the clinical trajectory of HNSCC patients.
Clinical • Clinical data • Journal
KRT17 (Keratin 17) • KRT14 (Keratin 14) • KRT20 (Keratin 20)
KRT7 expression • VIM expression
KRT7 Overexpression is Associated with Poor Prognosis and Immune Cell Infiltration in Patients with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. (PubMed, Int J Gen Med)
Functional enrichment analyses and GSEA indicated that KRT7 might be involved in the regulation of the p53 pathway in PAAD. Overexpressed KRT7 could be a promising prognostic and therapeutic target biomarker for PAAD by bioinformatics analysis.
Clinical • Journal
KRT7 (Keratin-7)
TP53 mutation • KRT7 expression
Ureteric Bud-derivatives in Wilms Tumor and Nephrogenic Rest. (PubMed, In Vivo)
Not only the metanephric blastema but also the UB is involved in the histogenesis of nephrogenic rest and WT.
KRT17 (Keratin 17)
KRT7 expression