Sarcoidosis-Like Reaction in Melanoma Patients Receiving Immunotherapy or Targeted Therapy. (PubMed, Case Rep Oncol Med)
A 55-year-old woman with Stage IIIb cutaneous melanoma, receiving adjuvant therapy with anti-PD-1, after seven cycles of pembrolizumab, developed mediastinal node enlargement and skin hypodermic nodes...A 48-year-old woman with Stage IIIb BRAF wild-type melanoma, receiving nivolumab every 4 weeks, developed systemic sarcoidosis after seven cycles, primarily affecting extrapulmonary sites...A 65-year-old man with Stage IIIb BRAF-mutant melanoma, receiving dabrafenib and trametinib, developed lung and cutaneous sarcoidosis, presenting with symptoms that led to emergency department admission. In all cases, the MDT played a crucial role in determining the course of treatment and balancing the risks of continuing or suspending cancer therapies while managing SLRs. National and international guidelines were consulted, but tailored decisions by the MDT were essential for optimizing patient care.