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Histamine release inhibitor

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TBK1 is involved in M-CSF-induced macrophage polarization through mediating the IRF5/IRF4 axis. (PubMed, FEBS J)
Mechanistically, TBK1 deletion or inhibition by amlexanox or GSK8612 reduced the expression of the transcription factor interferon-regulatory factor (IRF)4 and increased the level of IRF5 activation in macrophages stimulated with M-CSF, leading to an M1-like profile with highly proinflammatory factors. IRF5 deletion reversed the effect of TBK1 inhibition on M-CSF-mediated macrophage polarization. Our findings suggest that TBK1 contributes to the regulation of macrophage polarization in response to M-CSF stimulation partly through the IRF5/IRF4 axis.
TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) • CSF1 (Colony stimulating factor 1) • IRF4 (Interferon regulatory factor 4) • ARG1 (Arginase 1) • IL1B (Interleukin 1, beta) • CD86 (CD86 Molecule) • IRF5 (Interferon Regulatory Factor 5) • TBK1 (TANK Binding Kinase 1)
Aphthasol (amlexanox)
Amlexanox targeted inhibition of TBK1 regulates immune cell function to exacerbate DSS-induced inflammatory bowel disease. (PubMed, Clin Exp Immunol)
In conclusion, our study demonstrates that simply inhibiting TBK1 in all immune cells is not effective for the treatment of colitis. Further investigation the anti-inflammatory mechanism of ALX on dendritic cells and macrophages may provide a new strategy for the treatment of IBD.
Journal • Immune cell
IL6 (Interleukin 6) • TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) • IL10 (Interleukin 10) • TGFB1 (Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) • IFNA1 (Interferon Alpha 1) • IL1B (Interleukin 1, beta) • TBK1 (TANK Binding Kinase 1)
Aphthasol (amlexanox)
CU06-1004 alleviates oxidative stress and inflammation on folic acid-induced acute kidney injury in mice. (PubMed, J Pharmacol Sci)
These findings suggest CU06-1004 as a potential therapeutic agent for folic acid-induced AKI.
Preclinical • Journal
TNFA (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) • ICAM1 (Intercellular adhesion molecule 1) • KIM1 (Kidney injury molecule 1) • LCN2 (Lipocalin-2)
Amlexanox for Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity (clinicaltrials.gov)
P2, N=7, Terminated, University of Michigan | N=15 --> 7 | Suspended --> Terminated; Due to limited funding, trial was suspended, intending to restart with additional funds; then preliminary results were obtained, and research moved on to placebo controlled trial. Results for both have been published.
Clinical protocol • Enrollment change • Trial termination
IKBKE Promotes Radioresistance of Glioblastoma through AKT/FOXO3a Pathway. (PubMed, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys)
IKBKE can activate AKT independent of PI3K by directly phosphorylating AKT Ser473 and Thr308, thus increasing the phosphorylation of FOXO3a. Phosphorylated FOXO3a promoted its ubiquitin degradation, and inhibited its transportation into the nucleus, causing radioresistance in glioblastoma. IKBKE inhibitor Amlexanox can pass through the blood-brain barrier and increase the radiosensitivity of intracranial tumor cells.
IKBKE (Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Subunit Epsilon) • H2AX (H2A.X Variant Histone)
Aphthasol (amlexanox) • MG132
CU06-1004 as a promising strategy to improve anti-cancer drug efficacy by preventing vascular leaky syndrome. (PubMed, Front Pharmacol)
Notably, the HDIL-2 and CU06-1004 combination therapy considerably reduced tumor growth in the B16F10 melanoma mouse model. Our data suggest that CU06-1004 acts as a potential anticancer drug candidate, not only by preventing HDIL-2-induced VLS but also by enhancing the anticancer effects of HDIL-2 immunotherapy.
Melphalan 200 mg/m2 was given on day -1. Antibacterial prophylaxis (oral vancomycin and ciprofloxacin) was administered from the onset of neutropenia (days 5-8 in this trial) until neutrophil recovery to 0.5 k/uL or fever. Cefepime and metronidazole were used for neutropenic fever...ALDEx2 was used for differential abundance analysis... HBOT may affect salivary and fecal microbiota composition. HBOT appeared to decrease microbiota diversity loss after autologous HCT. Increased oxygen pressure near the intestinal epithelium after HBOT may make the lumen a more favorable habitat for obligate anaerobic commensals, hence their enhanced fecal detection.
ARPP19 (CAMP Regulated Phosphoprotein 19)
Pharmaceutical targeting Th2-mediated immunity enhances immunotherapy response in breast cancer. (PubMed, J Transl Med)
Our findings demonstrate that pharmaceutical inhibition of Th2 cell function improves ICB response via remodeling immune landscape of TME, which illustrates a promising combinatorial immunotherapy.
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CD4 (CD4 Molecule) • IL4 (Interleukin 4)
IKKε Inhibitor Amlexanox Promotes Olaparib Sensitivity through the C/EBP-β-Mediated Transcription of Rad51 in Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer. (PubMed, Cancers (Basel))
Our mouse model also showed that Amlexanox combined with Olaparib inhibited tumor growth of CRPC xenografts. Our study highlights a new role for IKKε in DNA damage repair through the regulation of Rad51 transcription and provides a rationale for the combination of Amlexanox and Olaparib in the treatment of patients with CRPC.
Journal • PARP Biomarker
RAD51 (RAD51 Homolog A)
Lynparza (olaparib) • Aphthasol (amlexanox)
The role of TBK1 in cancer pathogenesis and anticancer immunity. (PubMed, J Exp Clin Cancer Res)
However, to this point, only momelotinib (MMB)/CYT387 has been evaluated as a cancer therapy in clinical trials, while amlexanox (AMX) has been evaluated clinically for treatment of type II diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and obesity. We also discuss the potential molecular mechanisms of targeting TBK1 for cancer treatment. We hope that our effort can help to stimulate the development of novel strategies for targeting TBK1 signaling in future approaches to cancer therapy.
Review • Journal
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase)
KRAS mutation • NRAS mutation
Ojjaara (momelotinib) • Aphthasol (amlexanox)
The potential value of amlexanox in the treatment of cancer: molecular targets and therapeutic perspectives. (PubMed, Biochem Pharmacol)
The anticancer potency is generally modest but largely enhanced upon combination with cytotoxic (temozolide, docetaxel), targeted (selumetinib) or biotherapeutic agents (anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA4 antibodies). Altogether, the analysis provides a survey of the anticancer action of AMX, with the implicated protein targets. The use of this well-tolerated drug to treat cancer should be further considered and the design of newer analogues encouraged.
Review • Journal
IKBKE (Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Subunit Epsilon) • HSP90AA1 (Heat Shock Protein 90 Alpha Family Class A Member 1Heat Shock Protein 90 Alpha Family Class A Member 1) • S100A4 (S100 calcium binding protein A4)
docetaxel • Koselugo (selumetinib) • Aphthasol (amlexanox)
Targeting IKKε in androgen-independent prostate cancer causes phenotypic senescence and genomic instability. (PubMed, Mol Cancer Ther)
Our study suggests that targeting IKKε with BX795 or Amlexanox in androgen-independent-PC cells induces a senescence phenotype and demonstrates in vivo anti-tumor activity. These results strengthen the potential of exploiting IKKε as a therapeutic target.
CDKN1A (Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A)
Aphthasol (amlexanox)
Assessment of TBK1 as a Novel Therapeutic Target in IDH Wild-Type Gliomas. (PubMed, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys)
In conclusion, our study showed that Amlexanox or GSK8612 was effective in inhibiting TBK1 expression leading to decreased cell proliferation and colony formation in GBM cell lines. A synergistic effect was observed with each of these TBK1 inhibitors plus radiation and/or TMZ. These results suggest that TBK1 may be a potential candidate to pursue as novel therapeutic target in IDH wild-type gliomas. Future work will focus on in vivo studies with Amlexanox or GSK8612 alone and in combination with TMZ and radiation AUTHOR DISCLOSURE: Z. Tong: None.
MAPK1 (Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1)
temozolomide • Aphthasol (amlexanox)
Amlexanox Enhances Temozolomide-Induced Antitumor Effects in Human Glioblastoma Cells by Inhibiting IKBKE and the Akt-mTOR Signaling Pathway. (PubMed, ACS Omega)
These results suggest that amlexanox sensitized the primary glioma cells and U87 MG cells to TMZ at least partially through the suppression of IKBKE activation and the attenuation of TMZ-induced Akt activation. Overall, combined treatment with TMZ and amlexanox may provide a promising possibility for improving the prognosis of glioblastoma patients in clinical practice.
IKBKE (Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Subunit Epsilon)
AMPK expression
temozolomide • Aphthasol (amlexanox)
Identification of the prognostic value of immune gene signature and infiltrating immune cells for esophageal cancer patients. (PubMed, Int Immunopharmacol)
Our study indicated that the immune-related prognostic signature could serve as a novel biomarker for predicting patients' prognosis and providing new immunotherapy targets in ESCA.
Clinical • Journal • Gene Signature
DKK1 (dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1)
Aphthasol (amlexanox)
The Specific IKKε/TBK1 Inhibitor Amlexanox Suppresses Human Melanoma by the Inhibition of Autophagy, NF-κB and MAP Kinase Pathways. (PubMed, Int J Mol Sci)
In an in vivo xenograft model in nude mice, amlexanox treatment significantly reduced tumor growth. In conclusion, amlexanox was able to suppress tumor progression potentially by the inhibition of autophagy as well as NF-кB and MAP kinase pathways and might therefore constitute a promising candidate for melanoma therapy.
IKBKE (Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Subunit Epsilon)
Aphthasol (amlexanox)