A2B adenosine receptor-triggered intracellular calcium mobilization: Cell type-dependent involvement of Gi, Gq, Gs proteins and protein kinase C. (PubMed, Purinergic Signal)
We and others reported that Gαq/11 inhibitor FR900359 (FR) can inhibit both Gαq- and, surprisingly, Giβγ-mediated intracellular Ca2+ mobilization...However, in T24 bladder cancer cells, Gi inhibitor PTX, but not Gαq/11 inhibitors, FR, YM254890 (YM) or Gq/11 siRNA, inhibited Ca2+ increase triggered by native A2BAR activation...Thus, Gαq/11 is vital for Ca2+ increase in some cell types, but Giβγ-mediated Ca2+ signaling can be Gαq/11-dependent or independent based on cell type and receptor activated. Besides G proteins, PKC also modulates cytosolic Ca2+ increase depending on cell type and receptor.