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FLCN mutation

Other names: FLCN, Folliculin, BHD Skin Lesion Fibrofolliculoma Protein, Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome Protein, BHD, DENND8B, FLCL
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Related biomarkers:
GATA3 Expression in Solid Vimentin-Negative Eosinophilic Renal Epithelial Tumors-A Comprehensive Study of 48 Tumors. (PubMed, Int J Surg Pathol)
Therefore, GATA3 could be useful as a panel of immunohistochemical stains that are used in diagnostic algorithm of vimentin-negative solid eosinophilic renal tumors. However, one should not solely rely on GATA3 as vimentin-negative solid eosinophilic renal tumors can have overlapping GATA3 expression.
VIM (Vimentin) • FLCN (Folliculin) • GATA3 (GATA binding protein 3)
VIM expression • FLCN mutation
Genetic examination, performed at the request of the second daughter, confirmed that she carried the same genetic variant as her mother. This diagnosis prompted the second daughter to begin managing her health via periodic imaging tests.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Genetically driven predisposition leads to an unusually genomic unstable renal cell carcinoma. (PubMed, Discov Oncol)
While BRCA1 and RAD51 germline mutations are well-characterised in breast and ovarian cancer, their role in renal cell carcinoma is still largely unexplored. The genomic instability detected in this case of renal cell carcinoma, along with the presence of unusual mutations, might offer support to clinicians for the development of patient-tailored therapies.
Journal • Tumor mutational burden • BRCA Biomarker
TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • MET (MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • BRCA1 (Breast cancer 1, early onset) • VHL (von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor) • RAD51 (RAD51 Homolog A) • FH (Fumarate Hydratase) • FLCN (Folliculin)
BRCA1 mutation • TMB-H • VHL mutation • MET mutation • FLCN mutation • RAD51 mutation
The Prevalence and Radiologic Features of Renal Cancers Associated with FLCN, BAP1, SDH, and MET Germline Mutations. (PubMed, Radiol Imaging Cancer)
Within the study sample size limits, imaging findings for hereditary RCC overlapped with those of nonhereditary RCC, and the prevalence of other associated benign solid renal lesions (other than complex cysts) was up to 11%. Keywords: Familial Renal Cell Carcinoma, Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome, Carcinoma, Renal Cell, Paragangliomas, Urinary, Kidney
MET (MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • BAP1 (BRCA1 Associated Protein 1) • FLCN (Folliculin)
BAP1 mutation • MET mutation • FLCN mutation
Folliculin (FLCN) Alterations in Thyroid Carcinoma: Incidence, Significance and Extraordinary Role as a Driver Gene in an Aggressive Mixed Papillary and Oncocytic Thyroid Carcinoma (USCAP 2024)
FLCN alterations are exceedingly rare in TCa with an incidence of pathogenic changes below 1%. However, FLCN may exceptionally serve as a key driver mutation in TCa, based on our index patient. Identification of FLCN mutations may be clinically important due to possible presence of a germline mutation predisposing to renal tumors and potential responsiveness to immune checkpoint inhibitors.
PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • RB1 (RB Transcriptional Corepressor 1) • TTF1 (Transcription Termination Factor 1) • NKX2-1 (NK2 Homeobox 1) • FLCN (Folliculin) • PAX8 (Paired box 8)
TP53 mutation • TMB-L • RB1 mutation • TTF1 expression + PD-L1 expression • FLCN mutation • NKX2-1 expression • RB1 mutation + TP53 mutation • TTF1 expression
Primary Sarcomas of the Bladder (Bsarc) and Prostate (Psarc): A Genomic Landscape Study (USCAP 2024)
GA in TP53, ATRX and RB1 were the most common GA identified in Bsarc and Psarc. Bsarc have more than 2-fold more GA compared to Psarc. Further study of both Bsarc and Psarc designed to further subclassify and design novel treatment for these rare tumors appears warranted.
Tumor mutational burden • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha) • TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • RB1 (RB Transcriptional Corepressor 1) • NF1 (Neurofibromin 1) • ATRX (ATRX Chromatin Remodeler) • TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • BCOR (BCL6 Corepressor) • ERG (ETS Transcription Factor ERG) • TMPRSS2 (Transmembrane serine protease 2) • FLCN (Folliculin) • STAT6 (Signal transducer and activator of transcription 6) • NAB2 (NGFI-A Binding Protein 2)
PD-L1 expression • PTEN mutation • TMPRSS2-ERG fusion • FLCN mutation
PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx
Assessment of Safety of Air Travel in Patients With Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome (clinicaltrials.gov)
P=N/A, N=104, Completed, University of Cincinnati | Unknown status --> Completed
Trial completion
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome in an overall view: Focus on the clinicopathological prospects in renal tumors. (PubMed, Semin Diagn Pathol)
Emphasis is placed on clinicopathological features, specifically focusing on BHD-associated renal tumors. Collectively, this review aims to present the latest insights into BHD which benefits in the early detection, therapeutic decision-making, and prognosis prediction in BHD cases, and deepen the understanding of sporadic renal tumors.
Review • Journal
KIT (KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Pathogenic Germline Mutational Landscape in Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma and Associated Clinicopathologic Features. (PubMed, JCO Precis Oncol)
Among patients with RCC, unselected for a known familial predisposition, 13.4% had P/LP variants. Almost half of patients with P/LP variants had a potentially targetable mutation. Targeted gene panel testing is a feasible option for patients, particularly if syndromic features are present. Age and family history were not associated with P/LP variants. Future studies are needed to optimize current genetic evaluation criteria to expand the detection of patients with RCC who may have germline mutations.
MLH1 (MutL homolog 1) • CHEK2 (Checkpoint kinase 2) • SDHB (Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Iron Sulfur Subunit B) • FLCN (Folliculin)
CHEK2 mutation • SDHB mutation • FLCN mutation
Primary sarcoma of prostate: A genomic landscape study. (ASCO-GU 2024)
Prostate sarcoma is an exceedingly rare primary cancer of the prostate with limited opportunities for targeted therapy or immunotherapy strategies. These tumors do not appear to be driven by “targetable� gene fusions and individual “targetable� mutations are uncommon.
PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • RB1 (RB Transcriptional Corepressor 1) • ATRX (ATRX Chromatin Remodeler) • TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • BCOR (BCL6 Corepressor) • ERG (ETS Transcription Factor ERG) • TMPRSS2 (Transmembrane serine protease 2) • FLCN (Folliculin) • STAT6 (Signal transducer and activator of transcription 6) • NAB2 (NGFI-A Binding Protein 2)
PD-L1 expression • TMPRSS2-ERG fusion • FLCN mutation
PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx
Kidney cancer: Links between hereditary syndromes and sporadic tumorigenesis. (PubMed, Semin Diagn Pathol)
In contrast, mutations in FLCN, the causative gene for Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, are rarely found in sporadic RCC. Here, we focus on the genes and pathways that link hereditary and sporadic RCC.
Review • Journal
BAP1 (BRCA1 Associated Protein 1) • VHL (von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor) • FH (Fumarate Hydratase) • FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Genetic diffuse cystic lung disease in adults (PubMed, Rev Mal Respir)
Future challenges in these often under-recognized diseases include the need to reduce the delay to diagnosis, and to develop potentially curative treatments. In France, physicians can seek help from the network of reference centers for the diagnosis and management of rare pulmonary diseases.
Review • Journal
TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1) • FLCN (Folliculin)
TSC1 mutation • TSC2 mutation • FLCN mutation
Molecular and immunological landscape of sex-based differences in breast cancer: a distinct disease in men. (SABCS 2023)
These data indicate that MaBC has a differential mutational frequency, copy number alteration, immune gene expression and immune cell infiltration and overall survival compared to their FeBC counterparts. A better understanding of these sex-based differences with additional research may help inform disease outcomes, provide a rationale for tailored therapeutic approaches and design future treatments. Table 1.
Tumor mutational burden • BRCA Biomarker • MSi-H Biomarker
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • PD-L1 (Programmed death ligand 1) • ER (Estrogen receptor) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • BRCA1 (Breast cancer 1, early onset) • BRCA2 (Breast cancer 2, early onset) • MSI (Microsatellite instability) • STK11 (Serine/threonine kinase 11) • CDKN2A (Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) • AKT1 (V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1) • ASXL1 (ASXL Transcriptional Regulator 1) • BCL6 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6) • KMT2D (Lysine Methyltransferase 2D) • RARA (Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha) • WT1 (WT1 Transcription Factor) • FGF3 (Fibroblast growth factor 3) • CHEK2 (Checkpoint kinase 2) • CREBBP (CREB binding protein) • RAD51B (RAD51 Paralog B) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1) • HLA-DQB1 (Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class II, DQ Beta 1) • FOXA1 (Forkhead Box A1) • MRE11A (MRE11 homolog, double strand break repair nuclease) • CHD1 (Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein 1) • PPM1D (Protein Phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+ Dependent 1D) • FLCN (Folliculin) • IL1A (Interleukin 1, alpha) • AMER1 (APC Membrane Recruitment Protein 1) • DAXX (Death-domain associated protein) • HLA-DQB2 (Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class II, DQ Beta 2)
TP53 mutation • MSI-H/dMMR • HER-2 negative • HER-2 mutation • STK11 mutation • ASXL1 mutation • ESR1 mutation • CREBBP mutation • AKT1 mutation • TSC1 mutation • MHC-II expression • FLCN mutation • RAD51 mutation
Renal Oncocytosis: Multi-institutional Experience in the Setting of Updated Renal Tumor Classification (CAP 2023)
RO is a distinct entity from BHD syndrome. Occurrence of LOT and EVT was not identified in the RO setting. Summary of Clinicopathologic Findings of Cases of Renal Oncocytosis
KIT (KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • FLCN (Folliculin) • CTSK (Cathepsin K)
FLCN mutation
Clinical phenotype and genetic function analysis of a rare family with hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma complicated with Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. (PubMed, J Med Genet)
The FH WT was uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm, whereas FH protein expression was reduced after the p.Gly397Arg mutation and scattered sporadically with altered cell localisation. Patients with two variants may have a significantly increased penetrance of RCC.
FH (Fumarate Hydratase) • FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Outstanding Characteristics of Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome in Korea. (PubMed, Diagnostics (Basel))
In conclusion, South Korean patients with BHD display characteristics that are different from those observed in patients of other nationalities. Detailed characterization of lung cysts is needed to define BHD, especially in South Korea, even if patients do not present with skin or renal lesions.
TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • TSC1 (TSC complex subunit 1) • FLCN (Folliculin) • SERPINA1 (Serpin Family A Member 1)
TSC1 mutation • TSC2 mutation • FLCN mutation
Comparative analyses define differences between BHD-associated renal tumour and sporadic chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. (PubMed, EBioMedicine)
These data further our understanding of renal tumourigenesis of these two different types of renal tumours with similar histology.
FLCN (Folliculin) • L1CAM (L1 cell adhesion molecule)
FLCN mutation
Metastatic Oncocytic (formerly Hürthle Cell) Thyroid Carcinoma in a Patient With Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome (ENDO 2023)
Thyroid tumors have been occasionally reported in BHD. While most of them are papillary or follicular tumors, only one case of OTC in BHD has been previously reported in the literature [1]. This report underscores the importance of screening for thyroid neoplasms in patients with BHD.
Clinical • Metastases
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • FLCN (Folliculin) • DAXX (Death-domain associated protein) • TG (Thyroglobulin)
TP53 R248Q • FLCN mutation
A Rare Case of Birt Hogg Dube Syndrome (ATS 2023)
BDH is a rare cystic lung disease with multiple manifestations including skin, lung, and renal. A thorough history, imaging, and genetic testing should be done for the diagnosis. Routine screening for adults every 2-3 years is recommended for diagnosing renal malignancies.
NF1 (Neurofibromin 1) • FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Correlation of Clinical Features, Pulmonary Function, Cyst Scores and Genetic Mutations in Patients With Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome (ATS 2023)
Cysts score did not corelate with lung function however patients with history of pneumothorax had a trend towards higher cyst burden. Further data is needed to validate the utility of cyst burden scores in BHDS.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Outstanding Characteristics of Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome in Korea: Including Systematic Review (ATS 2023)
We found that Korean BHD has outstanding characteristics different from worldwide, they are rarely accompanying skin manifestation and renal tumor. Detailed characterization of lung cysts is needed to define BHD, even if skin or renal lesions are not accompanied, especially in Korea. Further studies are needed to confirm clinical association of gene mutation with other lung diseases.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Different treatment response in several head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines reflecting underlying genomic and molecular signatures (AACR 2023)
PI3K/mTOR dual inhibition, PI3Kalpha inhibitor, AKT inhibitor, FGFR inhibitor, ALK/IGF1R inhibitor, CDK4/6 inhibitor, BCl2 inhibitor, WEE1 inhibitor, ATR inhibitor, DNA-PK inhibitor, AT2AR inhibitor, Mcl-1 inhibitor, MEK1/2 inhibitor, EZH2 inhibitor, HDAC inhibitor, CDK9 inhibitor, DNMT3 inhibitor, BRD4/BET inhibitor, JAK2 inhibitor, CXCR4 inhibitor, FAK inhibitor, BTK inhibitor, eribulin, & VEGFR2/ PDGFR/FGFR or VEGFR2/c-MET/Axl triple blockage might be effective on TW2.6 and reverse treatment refractoriness, maybe through the inhibition of mesenchymal transformation, pRB, & PI3K/AKT /mTOR signaling and the modulation of stemness & PD1/PDL1 pathway...All cell lines will be tried to be categorized as TCGA subtypes for the reference of future drug combinations.Cell linesSCC25KBSASCAL27FaDuSCC15SCC9SCC4TW2.6Differ- entiationWellPoorPoorPoorPoorWellWellWellWell, but rapidly replicated, with high hyper-diploidy & complex rearrangementsHPV statusHPV 16/18HPV18--HPV 16/18--HPV 6/11-EGFR statusMediumLowHighHighMediumHighLowMedium to highUnknownDocetaxel sensitivity+++++++++++++ to +++++-+Cisplatin sensitivity+++++++++++++- to +-- to +5-FU sensitivity+++++++++++-+ to ++-- to +Afatinib sensitivity+++- to +-+++++ to +++++++++-Polo-like kinase Inhibitor sensitivity+++++++++++++ to +++- to +-- to +VEGFR2 Inhibitor sensitivity----+++++--++PI3K/ mTOR inhibitorAll cell lines sensitiveCDK4/6 Inhibitor response+++- to ++++++ to +++++++++++++ to +++Western blotsWeak p-AKT & VEGF-A, mild PDL1 and BMI-1, Gli-1(+)Weak p-AKT, mild PDL1 and strong VEGF-A & BMI-1, p16(+)Moderate p-AKT & BMI-1, high PDL1, mild VEGF-AHigh p-AKT & VEGF-A, mild PDL1 & BMI-1High VEGF-A, moderate p-AKT & PDL1, weak BMI-1, Gli-1(+)Weak p-AKT & VEGF-A, mild PDL1 & BMI-1Weak p-AKT, VEGF-A, & BMI-1, moderate PDL1Moderate p-AKT & VEGF-A, strong BMI-1, mild PDL1, Gli-1(+)High p-AKT, PDL1, & VEGF-A and moderate BMI-1NGSCCND1 gain, CDKN2A deletion, FRG1 mutation, HGF mutation, p53 mutation, ATR mutation, SMO mutation, RUNX1T1 mutationSTK11 mutation, PDGFRA mutation, IGF1 mutation, BCOR mutation, EGFR mutation, NOTCH1 mutation, MET mutation, IKZF1 mutation, NFKB1 mutation, DPYD mutation, FGFR4 mutation, BRCA1 mutation, MSH2 mutation, DNMT3A mutationKRAS mutation, MDM2 mutation, TMB-H, AXIN1 loss, RAD51D mutation, NOTCH1/2 mutation, ERBB4 mutation, PALB2 mutation, p53 mutation, POLE mutation, CASP8 mutation, BRCA2 mutation, RNF43 mutation, LRP1B mutation, MET mutationCDKN2A deletion, EGFR amplification, SMAD4 mutation, TMB-H, LRP1B mutation, APC mutation, CASP8 mutation, CREBBP mutation, PIK3CG mutation, NRAS mutation, ABL1 mutation, FGF23 mutation, HGF mutation, ATRX mutation, p53 mutation, ERBB2 mutation, ROS1 mutation, EP300 mutation, NRAS mutation, CDKN1A mutation, KDM6A mutation, FLT4 mutationCCND1 gain, CDKN2A deletion, FLCN mutation, TMB-H, LRP1B mutation, SMAD4 loss, SF3B1 mutation, FAT1 mutation, VHL mutation, NOTCH3 mutation, EPHA5 mutation, p53 mutation, ERCC2 mutationCCND1 gain, EGFR amplification, SMO mutation, ATR mutation, FAT1 loss, NTRK1 mutation, KMT2D mutation, p53 mutation, NOTCH3 mutationCDKN2A deletion, AXIN2 amplification, SMAD3 loss, HRAS mutation, ATR mutation, NF1 mutation. IGF1R mutation, FLCN mutation, KEAP1 mutation, ASXL1 mutation, PMS2 mutationCCND1 gain, NF1 loss, LRP1B mutation, NSD1 mutation, KMT2D mutation, p53 mutation, EPHA2 mutationFAT1 loss, CCND3/FGF10 amplification, PIK3CA H1047R mutation, STK11 mutation, RICTOR/FLCN amplification, VEGF-A amplification , TSC2 mutation, EPHB1 mutation, MAP2K4 mutation, KDM5A mutation, PDGFRB mutation, SETD2 mutation, RPTOR mutation, APC mutation, DDR2 mutation, ATM mutation, MDM2 mutation, p53 mutation, CDK12 mutation, HRAS mutation, MYC mutation, CDK8 mutation, ARID1B lossOutcomesBest; like TCGA CL (HPV+) subtypeLike TCGA basal subtype, but responded to particular treatments eachBasalBasalLike TCGA mesen-chymal subtype (HPV+)Like TCGA CL(HPV-) subtype, different characters between these 3 cell linesCL(HPV-) subtypeCL(HPV-) subtypeWorse; like TCGA EMT subtype (HPV-)Potential treatmentsAll sensitive maybe; Hedgehog inhibitor , HGF/c-MET inhibitor, and I/O could be tried(1) Taxane, cisplatin, PLKi (2) mTORi (3) IGF1Ri, METi, PDGFRi, FGFRi (4) Epigenetics (5) I/O(1) Taxane, cisplatin, 5-FU, PLKi (2) CDK4/6i (3) I/O (4) DDRi (5) KRASi, METi, HERi (6) p53 reactivator and MDM2/Mcl-1 inhibitor(1) Taxane, cisplatin, 5-FU, PLKi (2) CDK4/6i (3) Mild EGFRi response (4) I/O (5) NRASi, FGFRi, HGF/c-METi/ROS1i/HERi (6) p53 reactivator/DDRi/Epigenetics(1) Cisplatin, 5-FU (2) EGFRi and VEGFR2i (3) Weak to PLKi & CDK4/6i (4) I/O (5) mTORi (6) Ephi (7) DDR/Epigenetics (8) p53 reactivator (9) HIFi(1) Taxane and PLKi (2) EGFRi, VEGFR2i, CDK4/6i (3) NTRKi (4) Hedgehog inhibitor (5) DDRi, epigenetics,& p53 reactivator(1) Taxane &5-FU (2) EGFRi (3) HRASi (4) DDRi/Epigenetics (5) I/O (6) IGF1Ri (7) mTORi(1) EGFRi (2) CDK4/6i (3) I/O (4) Epigenetics (5) Ephi (6) p53 reactivator(1) CDK4/6 inhibitor (2) Multi-targeted VEGFR TKI (3) PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitor (4) ICIs combination (5) p53 reactivator/ DDR interventions/Epigenetics (6) Dasatinib, HRASi, EphB1/B4 interventions Further NGS analysis may translate these HNSCC cell lines to represent TCGA subtypes for the reference of future drug combinations, esp... Further NGS analysis may translate these HNSCC cell lines to represent TCGA subtypes for the reference of future drug combinations, esp. immunotherapy, basic/translational research, and animal models. LRP1B will be a potential ICIs efficacy biomarker in HNSCC.
Preclinical • Tumor mutational burden • BRCA Biomarker • PD(L)-1 Biomarker • IO biomarker
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha) • TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • ABL1 (ABL proto-oncogene 1) • NRAS (Neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog) • BRCA1 (Breast cancer 1, early onset) • BRCA2 (Breast cancer 2, early onset) • MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • ROS1 (Proto-Oncogene Tyrosine-Protein Kinase ROS) • NTRK1 (Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 1) • ATM (ATM serine/threonine kinase) • STK11 (Serine/threonine kinase 11) • HRAS (Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog) • CDKN2A (Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) • DNMT3A (DNA methyltransferase 1) • PDGFRA (Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha) • NOTCH1 (Notch 1) • NF1 (Neurofibromin 1) • KEAP1 (Kelch Like ECH Associated Protein 1) • POLE (DNA Polymerase Epsilon) • AXL (AXL Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) • SF3B1 (Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 1) • ASXL1 (ASXL Transcriptional Regulator 1) • CCND1 (Cyclin D1) • MDM2 (E3 ubiquitin protein ligase) • PALB2 (Partner and localizer of BRCA2) • CXCR4 (Chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4) • PDGFRB (Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta) • KMT2D (Lysine Methyltransferase 2D) • LRP1B (LDL Receptor Related Protein 1B) • FGFR4 (Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4) • MSH2 (MutS Homolog 2) • RNF43 (Ring Finger Protein 43) • CDK12 (Cyclin dependent kinase 12) • SMAD4 (SMAD family member 4) • IKZF1 (IKAROS Family Zinc Finger 1) • ERCC2 (Excision repair cross-complementation group 2) • PMS2 (PMS1 protein homolog 2) • VHL (von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor) • APC (APC Regulator Of WNT Signaling Pathway) • ATRX (ATRX Chromatin Remodeler) • TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • IGF1R (Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor) • NOTCH2 (Notch 2) • CREBBP (CREB binding protein) • RUNX1T1 (RUNX1 Partner Transcriptional Co-Repressor 1) • SMO (Smoothened Frizzled Class Receptor) • BCOR (BCL6 Corepressor) • ERBB4 (erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4) • FAT1 (FAT atypical cadherin 1) • KDM6A (Lysine Demethylase 6A) • SETD2 (SET Domain Containing 2, Histone Lysine Methyltransferase) • PIK3CG (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-Bisphosphate 3-Kinase Catalytic Subunit Gamma) • NOTCH3 (Notch Receptor 3) • ARID1B (AT-Rich Interaction Domain 1B) • EP300 (E1A binding protein p300) • FLT4 (Fms-related tyrosine kinase 4) • IGF1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1) • NSD1 (Nuclear Receptor Binding SET Domain Protein 1) • RAD51D (RAD51 paralog D) • RICTOR (RPTOR Independent Companion Of MTOR Complex 2) • EPHA2 (EPH receptor A2) • BMI1 (BMI1 proto-oncogene, polycomb ring finger) • CASP8 (Caspase 8) • CCND3 (Cyclin D3) • BRD4 (Bromodomain Containing 4) • DDR2 (Discoidin domain receptor 2) • FLCN (Folliculin) • KDM5A (Lysine Demethylase 5A) • CDKN1A (Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A) • DPYD (Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase) • EPHA5 (EPH Receptor A5) • EPHB1 (EPH Receptor B1) • FGF10 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 10) • FGF23 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) • MAP2K4 (Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 4) • SMAD3 (SMAD Family Member 3)
TP53 mutation • KRAS mutation • BRCA2 mutation • BRCA1 mutation • EGFR mutation • TMB-H • NRAS mutation • PIK3CA mutation • EGFR amplification • ATM mutation • PIK3CA H1047R • STK11 mutation • DNMT3A mutation • PALB2 mutation • POLE mutation • NF1 mutation • NOTCH1 mutation • ASXL1 mutation • CDKN2A deletion • BCL2 overexpression • KEAP1 mutation • SF3B1 mutation • CDKN2A mutation • KMT2D mutation • CDK12 mutation • LRP1B mutation • VHL mutation • PIK3CA amplification • HRAS mutation • APC mutation • ATR mutation • ATRX mutation • CCND1 amplification • PDGFRA mutation • CREBBP mutation • MSH2 mutation • RNF43 mutation • ROS1 mutation • SMAD4 mutation • BCOR mutation • FGFR4 mutation • KDM6A mutation • RAD51D mutation • TSC2 mutation • FAT1 mutation • MYC mutation • ARID1B mutation • NOTCH3 mutation • PMS2 mutation • SMO mutation • IKZF1 mutation • MDM2 mutation • NTRK1 mutation • EP300 mutation • ERBB4 mutation • NSD1 mutation • PIK3CA H1047R + PIK3C2B amplification • PIK3CG mutation • SETD2 mutation • EPHA5 mutation • EPHB1 mutation • ERCC2 mutation • FGF10 amplification • FGF23 mutation • FLCN mutation • HGF mutation • PDGFRB mutation • RAD51 mutation
cisplatin • Gilotrif (afatinib) • dasatinib • 5-fluorouracil • Halaven (eribulin mesylate)
Colon adenocarcinoma and Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome in a young patient: case report and exploration of pathologic implications. (PubMed, Cancer Biol Ther)
While larger cohort studies are needed to further clarify this association, we present the first patient with CRC to our knowledge with an FLCN c.1177-5_1177-3del mutation and loss of heterozygosity implicating it as an initiating factor in tumorigenesis. We further explore the studies supporting and refuting the connection between BHD and CRC and highlight the molecular signaling pathways that may play a role in pathogenesis.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
A diagnosis of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome in individuals with Smith-Magenis syndrome: Recommendation for cancer screening. (PubMed, Am J Med Genet A)
Molecular analysis documented second-hit FLCN mutations in two of the three cases with confirmed BHD renal pathology. These cases suggest the need to expand management recommendations for SMS to include kidney cancer surveillance starting at 20 years of age, as per the screening recommendations for BHD syndrome.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Renal tumors were found to affect 12.3% of BHD patients in this clinical cohort, consistent with prior reports of 12-34% of BHD patients developing renal tumors. These BHD-associated tumors were mostly small and indolent with a static growth rate. chRCC was the most common pathologic type although clear cell RCC and papillary RCC were also seen.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Heterozygous germline FLCN mutation in Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome with bilateral renal hybrid oncocytic/chromophobe tumor and unilateral renal chromophobe cell carcinoma: a case report. (PubMed, J Cancer Res Clin Oncol)
This is a case of BHD syndrome presented with bilateral renal tumor, renal cysts, and multiple lung cysts, and confirmed by gene testing. Patients with any combination of one or more of the manifestations should remain alert to the BHD syndrome. Our report will help to deepen the understanding of the clinicopathological features and molecular changes of BHD syndrome.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Renal mass manifestations of the Birt-Hoge-Dube syndrome in a large clinical cohort (KCRS 2022)
Overall, these results support the current understanding of BHD-associated renal tumors as most often small, indolent lesions for which a conservative approach may be appropriate. Additionally, we report genetic mutation status to bring a precision medicine approach to this cohort of patients.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Pulmonary and cutaneous manifestations of Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome in a large clinical cohort (KCRS 2022)
These results reinforce contemporary understanding of presenting phenotypes for BHD syndrome and potentially suggest that screening for BHD in patients with fibrofolliculomas or spontaneous pneumothorax may elucidate a higher incidence of BHD in the population. This study also provides helpful correlations between non-renal BHD phenotypes and renal mass development to help guide urologists in management and risk counseling for BHD patients.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Phosphoproteomic analysis of FLCN inactivation highlights differential kinase pathways and regulatory TFEB phosphoserines. (PubMed, Mol Cell Proteomics)
The clinically available MAPK inhibitor Ulixertinib showed enhanced toxicity in FLCN cells...Also, we identified that FLCN inactivation resulted in dephosphorylation of TFEB Ser109, Ser114, and Ser122, which may be linked to increased oxidative stress levels in FLCN cells. Together, our study highlights differential phosphorylation of specific kinases and substrates in FLCN renal cells. This provides insight into BHD-associated renal tumorigenesis and may point to several novel candidates for targeted therapies.
EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) • AKT1 (V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1) • PIK3CD (Phosphatidylinositol-4 5-Bisphosphate 3-Kinase Catalytic Subunit Delta) • MAPK1 (Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1) • AKT2 (V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2) • EIF4EBP1 (Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 1) • FLCN (Folliculin) • EPHB1 (EPH Receptor B1) • TFEB (Transcription Factor EB 2)
FLCN mutation
ulixertinib (BVD-523)
Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma With Sarcomatoid Differentiation: Clinicopathologic Correlation and Molecular Findings of 5 Cases (CAP 2022)
ChRCC with sarcomatoid differentiation is a rare entity with aggressive behavior. Percentages of sarcomatoid component and necrosis appear to correlate with prognosis, as well as occurrence of metastasis.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • KIT (KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • TERT (Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase) • VIM (Vimentin) • MME (Membrane Metalloendopeptidase) • FLCN (Folliculin) • PAX8 (Paired box 8)
TP53 mutation • FLCN mutation
Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma With Sarcomatoid Differentiation: Clinicopathologic Correlation and Molecular Findings of 5 Cases (CAP 2022)
ChRCC with sarcomatoid differentiation is a rare entity with aggressive behavior. Percentages of sarcomatoid component and necrosis appear to correlate with prognosis, as well as occurrence of metastasis.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • KIT (KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase) • TERT (Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase) • VIM (Vimentin) • MME (Membrane Metalloendopeptidase) • FLCN (Folliculin) • PAX8 (Paired box 8)
TP53 mutation • FLCN mutation
A novel missense mutation in the folliculin gene associated with the renal tumor-only phenotype of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. (PubMed, Cancer Genet)
Whole-genome sequencing of one of the tumors identified another frameshift mutation in exon 4, suggesting a "second hit" leading to tumorigenesis. We recommend that gene sequencing should be considered in patients with multiple renal tumors to identify their genetic predisposition to renal tumors.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome: Another mTOR Phenomenon. (PubMed, Clin Dermatol)
Like tuberous sclerosis, BHDS's clinical features may subside with the use of oral rapamycin for mTOR inhibition, a theoretical concept meriting exploration. Although its prevalence in the general population has been estimated at only 2 cases per million, BHDS has been detected in a few patients from the nearby Portuguese-lineage quarter of the city of Newark, a disproportionate prevalence possibly explained by the founder effect.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Delayed diagnosis of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome might be aggravated by gender bias. (PubMed, EClinicalMedicine)
It is therefore important to create more awareness of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome and resolve gender biases in diagnostic work-up. None declared.
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation
Clinical and Genetic Comparison of Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome (Hornstein-Knickenberg Syndrome) in Chinese: A Systemic Review of Reported Cases. (PubMed, Int J Gen Med)
We also attempted to establish potential pheno-genotype correlations in Chinese BHD patients, but the results were negative. To improve the prognosis of BHD patients, physicians need to increase their awareness of BHD by focusing on the family history of pneumothorax as well as skin lesions in patients with lung cysts and promptly advising patients on genetic sequencing.
Review • Journal
FLCN (Folliculin)
FLCN mutation