This phenotype/genotype investigation suggests that the FGFR4 p.G388R variant may serve as a new marker for identifying patients who are responsive to TAS-102. A mechanistic hypothesis is proposed to interpret these findings.
The most frequent pathway alterations affected MAPK (n = 89, 24% of pathological samples), HRR (n = 75, 25%), Notch1 (n = 69, 23%), Histone/Chromatin remodeling (n = 57, 24%), and PI3K (n = 64, 20%). These findings help to further elucidate the genomic landscape of ES with a novel investigation of the FGFR4G388R SNV revealing frequent aberration.
Secondary GAs affecting major pathways were observed in high frequency, often co-occurring with the FGFR4 G388R SNP . Secondary alteration of known oncogenic pathways may contribute to sarcoma formation in ES potentially informing further therapeutic strategies in the future.
We demonstrated that inhibition of signal transduction pathways through the ERK, AKT, and STAT3 pathways by BLU9931 inhibited PDAC cell proliferation and invasion, in part by downregulating MT1-MMP expression in autocrine/paracrine FGF19/FGFR4 signaling-positive PDAC cells. Furthermore, downregulation of SIRT1 and SIRT6 by BLU9931 may have contributed to senolysis in these cells. Thus, we propose that BLU9931 may be a promising drug for the treatment of FGFR4-positive PDAC.