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Other names: FBXW7, F-Box And WD Repeat Domain Containing 7, F-Box And WD Repeat Domain Containing 7, E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase, F-Box And WD-40 Domain Protein 7 (Archipelago Homolog, Drosophila), F-Box/WD Repeat-Containing Protein 7, F-Box Protein FBX30, SEL-10, FBX30, SEL10, HCdc4, FBW7, HAgo, F-Box And WD-40 Domain-Containing Protein 7, Archipelago Homolog (Drosophila), Homolog Of C Elegans Sel-10, F-Box Protein SEL-10, Archipelago Homolog, F-Box Protein FBW7, Archipelago, FBXO30, FBXW6, CDC4, FBW6
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Related biomarkers:
Comprehensive characterization of FBXW7 mutational and clinicopathological profiles in human colorectal cancers (AACR 2023)
Comprehensive profiling of FBXW7 in colorectal patients revealed that FBXW7 mutations were associated with better OS, except the FBXW7 R465C mutation was identified as an indicator for worse OS.
Clinical • Tumor mutational burden
TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) • MSI (Microsatellite instability) • CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • IFNG (Interferon, gamma) • FBXW7 (F-Box And WD Repeat Domain Containing 7)
TMB-H • FBXW7 mutation • FBXW7 R505C
Comprehensive Study of Human FBXW7 Deleterious nsSNP's Functional Inference and Susceptibility to Gynaecological Cancer. (PubMed, Appl Biochem Biotechnol)
Computational analysis revealed significant deviation in stability and structural configuration of mutants R505L, R465H, R465P, R505G, R505C, R465C, R505S and R505L structures. Protein-protein interaction network of FBXW7 populated with promising hub proteins NOTCH1, c-Myc, CCNE1, STYX, KLG5, SREB1, NFKB2, SKP1 and CUL1; thus, alteration in the FBXW7 leads to aberration in their signalling pathways as well as their substrate binding ability makes this protein as attractive target for personalized therapeutic intervention.
TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) • NOTCH1 (Notch 1) • CCNE1 (Cyclin E1) • FBXW7 (F-Box And WD Repeat Domain Containing 7) • CUL1 (Cullin 1) • NFKB2 (Nuclear Factor Kappa B Subunit 2)
PTEN mutation • FBXW7 R505C • FBXW7 deletion
[VIRTUAL] Validation of low fraction allelic variants in plasma samples from patients with late stage colorectal cancer using droplet digital PCR: Potential clinical utility for minimal residual disease monitoring (AACR 2021)
We demonstrated that ddPCR offers a highly sensitive and purely quantitative method to measure low MAF with minimal sample input requirements, which highlights the potential use of ddPCR for MRD monitoring. As one possible MRD monitoring approach, NGS panel-based assays may identify all variants at baseline screening, followed by ddPCR as a complementary solution for MRD monitoring of single variants. Currently, there are ongoing efforts in examining longitudinal ctDNA variant changes in CRC patients receiving treatment to further confirm which variants could be used for MRD monitoring in CRC.
Clinical • Minimal residual disease
KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene GTPase) • TP53 (Tumor protein P53) • PIK3CA (Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha) • RB1 (RB Transcriptional Corepressor 1) • PDGFRA (Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha) • FBXW7 (F-Box And WD Repeat Domain Containing 7) • TSC2 (TSC complex subunit 2) • ERBB4 (erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4) • EP300 (E1A binding protein p300) • EPHA7 (EPH Receptor A7)
KRAS G12D • KRAS G12 • FBXW7 R505C • PIK3CA C420R • TP53 R273H
Loss of FBXW7-mediated degradation of BRAF elicits resistance to BET inhibitors in adult T cell leukemia cells. (PubMed, Mol Cancer)
Our results suggest that FBXW7 status may play an important role in drug therapy resistance of cancer cells. Genetic characterization of FBXW7 may be one factor included in future personalized cancer treatment identification.
Clinical • Journal
BRAF (B-raf proto-oncogene) • MYC (V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog) • NOTCH1 (Notch 1) • CCNE1 (Cyclin E1) • MYCN (MYCN Proto-Oncogene BHLH Transcription Factor) • FBXW7 (F-Box And WD Repeat Domain Containing 7)
BRAF mutation • FBXW7 mutation • FBXW7 R505C