The parameters of [18F]AlF-NOTA-FAPI-04 PET/CT had the excellent performance for predicting pathologic TRG after NCT in LAPDAC. FTV and TLF were independent postoperative prognostic factors for RFS and OS for LAPDAC.
Limitations include heterogeneity in FAP expression cutoffs and definitions. Future research should focus on delineating the precise roles and clinical implications of FAP in GI cancers.
The molar dose of FAPI in [68Ga]Ga/[177Lu]Lu-FAPI had a substantial impact on FAP-targeted imaging and therapy in mouse syngeneic tumor models. To acquire enhanced reliability and reproducibility in preclinical situation, it is critical to carefully consider the molar dose of the radiotracer when applying radiolabeled FAP ligands to FAP-targeted imaging and radiotherapy.
FAPI PET presents promising outcomes in detecting metastases in recurrent MTC patients. Although its diagnostic performance matches SSTR on a per-patient basis, FAPI PET exhibits superior sensitivity and accuracy in lesion-based analyses, notably for liver and bone metastases.
FAPI PET presents promising outcomes in detecting metastases in recurrent MTC patients. Although its diagnostic performance matches SSTR on a per-patient basis, FAPI PET exhibits superior sensitivity and accuracy in lesion-based analyses, notably for liver and bone metastases.
[64Cu]2 and [68Ga]3 exhibited favorable in vivo pharmacokinetics compared to those of [18F]1. Notably, [68Ga]3 showed lower normal organ uptake than did the other two radioligands, and moreover, it exhibited higher, more prolonged tumor uptake than its monomeric counterpart [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 over a 3 h period, suggesting its potential as a promising FAP-specific theranostic radioligand.
The interaction between FAP and FAP-targeted tracers differs between models, indicating the need for appropriate model selection and that comparing results across studies using different models is difficult.
FAP is expressed in the stroma of a high proportion (93%) of primary CCA independent of patient clinical or tumor pathology features. As such, these data provide the tissue basis for systematically evaluating FAP as a theranostic target across a broad range of CCA subtypes.
This study highlights the effects of FAP expression on survival of patients with CRC, its interaction with TILs, and relevant signaling pathways, and underscores potential immunotherapeutic targets for future investigation.
4 months ago
Journal • IO biomarker
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) • CXCL12 (C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 12) • CCL11 (C-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 11) • FAP (Fibroblast activation protein, alpha) • COL1A1 (Collagen Type I Alpha 1 Chain) • COL11A1 (Collagen Type XI Alpha 1 Chain)
Macrophages in HNPGN tissue express metabolic markers MCT1 and MCT4. Further analysis of the fibroblast and macrophage function in HNPGN will improve our understanding of their potential roles in tumour pathogenesis.
4 months ago
CD163 (CD163 Molecule) • CD68 (CD68 Molecule) • FAP (Fibroblast activation protein, alpha) • IR (Insulin receptor) • SLC16A1 (Solute Carrier Family 16 Member 1) • THY1 (Thy-1 membrane glycoprotein)
The recent introduction of fibroblast activation protein inhibitors (FAPI) labeled by positron emitters and thus suitable for PET/CT allows to investigate FAP expression in vivo. This review will focus on the use of FAPI-PET/CT for the diagnosis and evaluation of treatment response in inflammatory joint diseases.
These cases highlight the importance of individual management and surveillance, as genotype alone may not predict clinical outcomes. They also underscore the need for further research into factors that influence FAP expressivity.
This result emphasized the importance of anti-FAP antibody as a targeting ligand. These findings suggest that the fabricated nanosystem of OMF-loaded polymeric NPs with CAFs' high specificity holds a potential NP-based platform for improvement in breast cancer treatment.
Because of the low FAP expression levels in CRPC, the utility of FAPi PET imaging may be limited. Although FAPi PET imaging may be further tested in PSMA-negative CRPC, such as small cell carcinoma, other molecular imaging modalities should be evaluated as alternative choices.
The ex vivo analysis of the FAP expression in the tumors confirmed the in vivo results. These findings highlight and confirm the tracer's potential for diagnostic imaging of cancer and as a theranostic companion.
Changes in SUVmax (AUC, 0.81; P = 0.0116), SUVpeak (AUC, 0.82; P = 0.0097), SUVmean (AUC, 0.81; P = 0.0116), and TBRmean (AUC, 0.74; P = 0.0489) also were significant predictors of the pathologic response to nCC, with sensitivities and specificities in similar ranges. 18F-FAPI PET/CT parameters after treatment and their changes from baseline can predict the pathologic response to nCC in LA-ESCC participants.
FAP expression appears to represent fibrosis activity preceding or underlying fibrotic tissue formation. 68Ga-FAPI46 PET has potential as an effective imaging method for evaluating FAP expression in progressive fibrosis by hypertension.
Clinical translation of click-chemistry-based pre-TRT is warranted on the basis of its ability to alleviate toxicities related to biovectors' intrinsic pharmacokinetic profiles. The absence of representative animal models with extensive stroma and high FAP expression on cancer-associated fibroblasts led to a low mean tumor-absorbed dose even with high injected activity and consequently to modest survival benefit in this PDAC PDX.
[68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 PET outperformed [18F]FDG PET in detecting primary site and most extra-ovarian metastases of GSRCC, but both tracers had limited value in identifying Krukenberg tumors. Pelvis MRI should be applied to compensate the limitation of [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 PET imaging to identify Krukenberg tumours. The [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 PET/MR imaging strategy has the potential to impact treatment decisions for GSRCC patients with KTs.
[68Ga]Ga-FAPI-46 uptake from medical/invasive interventions without FBP appears to be time dependent, nearly always absent beyond 8 months post-intervention, but frequently present for years with FBP.
We also detected increased secretion of CSF1, a cytokine involved in myeloid recruitment and differentiation. Our findings suggest that the mechanism of FAP-targeted therapies are through effects on the immune microenvironment and anti-tumor immune response.
The CUT&RUN results indicated that FAP expression was regulated by STAT3, which could bind to the FAP promoter region and regulate its transcription status. We concluded that IL-17a promoted HCC by increasing FAP expression in HSCs via activation of the STAT3 signaling pathway.
This study successfully demonstrated the reduction in FAP expression and suppression of tumor volume in sarcoma PDX following the combination therapy of 177Lu-FAPI-46 with Pazopanib.
In patients with low-grade and NA sarcomas, 68Ga-FAPI PET demonstrates uptake, detection rates, and accuracy superior to those of 18F-FDG PET. 68Ga-FAPI PET criteria identified eligibility for FAP-RPT in about half of sarcoma patients.
Moreover, a pilot translational investigation demonstrated that [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-FD1 had the capability to identify both primary and metastatic tumors with precision and distinction. In summary, we developed [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-FD1 for same-day PET imaging of FAP dynamics and [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-FD2 and [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-FD3 for effective radioligand therapy of FAP-overexpressing tumors.
In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated 68Ga-iFAP-specific recognition for FAP, rapid renal elimination, and adequate visualization of the glioblastoma, breast tumor, prostate cancer, and myocardial infarction sites. The results of this research justify further dosimetry and clinical trials to establish the specificity and sensitivity of 68Ga-iFAP PET for FAP expression imaging.
The results show that Carboaren-FAPI has low toxicity to normal cells, and selective enrichment in tumor tissues. It is a promising boron drug that has the potential to be used in BNCT.
Immunohistological assessments revealed a substantial reduction in CAFs exclusively within the tumor microenvironment of both models, further supporting the efficacy of our approach. Thus, our study demonstrates the potential of CAF-targeted NIR-PIT employing Sibrotuzumab as a promising therapeutic avenue for clinical treatment of esophageal cancer patients.
In the early stages, a myofibroblast-like phenotype (CAFs αSMA+ FAP+), and in the late stages a protumoral phenotype (CAF αSMA- FAP+). In summary, FAP has a crucial role in the activation of CAFs during cervical cancer progression.
11 months ago
VIM (Vimentin) • FAP (Fibroblast activation protein, alpha) • MMP9 (Matrix metallopeptidase 9) • S100A4 (S100 calcium binding protein A4)
Relative 68Ga-FAPI-46-to-18F-FDG ratios regarding SUVmax and TBR showed the highest sensitivity and specificity for the discrimination of LC from benign pulmonary lesions. 68Ga-FAPI-46 PET is a powerful new tool for the assessment of single 18F-FDG-negative pulmonary lesions and may optimize patient stratification in this clinical setting.
FAP-positive fibroblasts may contribute to tumor stroma formation in early-stage lung adenocarcinoma, and this could influence the development of therapeutic strategies targeting FAP-positive CAFs for disrupting extracellular matrix formation.
We report first data on the use of PET with FAPI-46 for patients with EC, who are scheduled to receive RT. Tumor uptake was high and not depending on FAP expression in TME. Further, FAPI-46/dual-tracer PET had relevant impact on management in this setting. Our data calls for prospective evaluation of FAPI-46/dual-tracer PET to improve clinical outcomes of EC.