Implementation of the 2018 American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists Guidelines on HER2/neu Assessment by FISH in breast cancers: predicted impact in a single institutional cohort. (PubMed, Mod Pathol)
The newly HER2-negative cases were mostly estrogen receptor positive (90%), progesterone receptor positive (80%), stage 1 (60.9%), and grade 1-2 (59.4%) cancers; 70% of them had been designated as HER2 positive only after the use of an alternative chromosome 17 FISH probe after an intially equivocal result from the standard CEP17 probe. Overall, implementing the revised 2018 HER2 guidelines is predicted to change the HER2 results of 10.7% of breast cancers, mainly by reclassifying previously equivocal to negative results.
Clinical • Journal
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • ER (Estrogen receptor)
HER-2 positive • ER positive • HER-2 negative • PGR positive • ER positive + HER-2 negative • ER positive + HER-2 positive • ER positive + PGR positive + HER-2 positive
Features Associated With Long-Term Survival in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer. (PubMed, Clin Breast Cancer)
Diagnosis of de novo MBC, premenopausal status, ER-positive status, and HER2-positive status were positively associated whereas triple-negative status, brain metastases, and visceral with bone metastases were inversely associated with long-term survival. These findings can be applied to better prognosticate survival for MBC patients.
Clinical • Journal
HER-2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) • ER (Estrogen receptor)
HER-2 positive • ER positive • PGR positive • ER positive + HER-2 positive • ER positive + PGR positive + HER-2 positive