This case demonstrates the efficacy of osimertinib for rare EGFR mutations, aligning with literature suggesting its potential for managing such variants. Although large-scale trials are impractical due to the rarity of these mutations, this report adds valuable evidence supporting osimertinib's use, highlighting the need for comprehensive genomic profiling in NSCLC.
In this article, we reported a case of NSCLC patient with a rare gene compound mutation EGFR L833V/H835L, who responded to Afatinib in combination with Anilotinib treatment well after 5 months of treatment, and computed tomography (CT) showed shrinkage of lung lesions. Meanwhile, we also compiled previously reported NSCLC patients with EGFR L833V/H835L rare gene compound mutation and summarized the characteristics of this group of patients and the effect of applying different kinds of EGFR-TKIs treatment..
The patient remain benefitted for osimertinib monotherapy over 22 months with no disease progression. Our case firstly provided clinical evidences of first-line osimertinib therapy in lung cancer patients with rare L833V/H835L EGFR mutation.