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DOT1L overexpression

Other names: DOT1L, DOT1 Like Histone Lysine Methyltransferase, KMT4, Histone-Lysine N-Methyltransferase, H3 Lysine-79 Specific, Histone H3-K79 Methyltransferase, Histone Methyltransferase DOT1L, Lysine N-Methyltransferase 4, DOT1-Like Protein, H3-K79-HMTase, DOT1-Like, Histone H3 Methyltransferase (S. Cerevisiae), DOT1 Like Histone H3K79 Methyltransferase, DOT1-Like, Histone H3 Methyltransferase, DOT1-Like Histone Methyltransferase
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DOT1L Regulates Ovarian Cancer Stem Cells by Activating β-catenin Signaling. (PubMed, Mol Cancer Res)
Inhibition of DOT1L's methyltransferase activity by the small molecule inhibitor (DOT1Li) EPZ-5676 also effectively targeted ovarian CSCs...Targeting DOT1L in OC could be a new strategy to eliminate CSCs. Implications: This study found that the histone methyltransferase DOT1L regulates the self-renewal and tumor initiation capacity of ovarian CSCs and suggests DOT1L as a new cancer target.
DOT1L (DOT1 Like Histone Lysine Methyltransferase)
DOT1L overexpression
pinometostat (EPZ-5676)